- Caloundra - Again
- Pin Flatties - 12 Aug '06 (finally a bigger one!)
- redcliffe night fish
- Mud Island-very quiet
- Winter Whitting
- Mud Island Another "stink boy" converted 2 s
- Pine River Sunday Morning
- Green Island to the Port
- coupla hours with the kids off Redcliffe
- sad day in the bay 13/8
- mud tailor and bream
- squire-n-crocs sunday
- Mud Island
- Mud Arvo SP Session 13 Aug
- Summer whiting
- Good night & bad fishin.....! :'(
- Whiting, Grunter Bream and toms.
- Quiet Times - BRISSIE RVR 14/08
- Grinner Soup at Mud
- Great day on the Bay 13th
- Goldcoast Mixed Bag
- 80cm Flathead caught in the Logan in a Kayak
- new PB squire at Mud
- Mud Island Monday evening 14 August 2006
- Mud Again... Sat 12th
- Quiet at Moreton..
- Quality Lizards In Nundah Creek
- Fingermark in Townsville
- Wello piont
- Moreton land based?
- Magic tuesday on the GC / Lizards-A-plenty!!
- Beaten again
- wello piont (part2)
- Wello Point Jetty
- Pine River Ekka Wednesday Morn
- pelegic no show
- Tipplers ekka M&G
- Flathead City At The Pin
- Big wednesday 3 pbs
- Bribie Ekka Holiday
- The Pin fishing well 11/8/06
- When It all Comes Togeather
- Where was everyone?
- The Wifes day out, done well, your opinion.
- whats this Pinko called?
- Woody point sp success
- my first fishing report
- Moreton Island 11th to 16th
- PB Flathead
- Peel Thurs 17th
- Mud Island Thursday evening 17 August 2006
- Mud Squire Pbs all round
- Mud Island Virgin - Heading out in the morning
- Redcliffe 18-08-06
- Any reports from the Hervey Bay M & G?
- Fraser 12/8 - 18/8
- arvos
- Redcliffe 18Aug06 PM
- A few NQ barra
- love hard bodies
- Shorebased Bribie - Buckleys Hole - Friday AM
- Margate Squire For Breky
- Mud Island Virgin - Bags Out!
- Wello...Averageto say the least
- Squiriffic - Part 2
- shoalhaven river/ sunken wall
- Red Hot Hayes
- to nice a day.
- I'm Tired! (And today's trip)
- A wello PB and Premier Pete
- First Trip to MUD on Friday
- Boat Canopies
- A day at the Pin
- More Pin Flathead 19/8/06
- Shorncliffe 20/8/06
- Kimberley Dreaming
- South Stradbroke 14-18 August
- brissie river flatties
- Fraser or bust (off)
- Nth Stradbroke
- Green to Wello - Sunday 20th
- Why would you want to be anywhere else
- Macks and Golden trevally
- Another good beach session
- Moreton weekend
- quiet morning at mud
- Mud Island Tuesday morning 22 August 2006
- Redcliffe Reefs
- Shark ID needed
- [m]: Reef Fish rise in Green Zones
- T'ville 18th and the 22nd
- Pumistone Lizards
- Fraser Fun - Tailor Aplenty
- Curtain Kings
- Bay run 22/8
- Fishing Wello Today 23/8 with T1
- Double Island. Fri 18th- Mon 21st (Late report)
- Your preference / Silver or Black Bream.
- Nerang Rvr 24/08/06
- Day out at Peel, New friend made
- sole food
- Townsville Rocks 24/8
- Broad water Bream 25/8/06
- fishing with the devil
- Tailor in the bay ??????
- Mud Island / Brisbane River 22 => 23 / 8/06
- Quick Flick
- Burrum Bruisers
- 5.5kg (?) Tailor - Teewah (photos)
- Captain Dazza's Amazing Beast
- Late Report on the bay
- Bribie Flathead 73 cm
- Donnybrook Softies
- Pine River Cod
- Southport Bream Hunt
- Pin Flatties
- Mud Island 90cm Squire PB 26/08/2006
- St helena / Green Sat Morning
- Beach Caught Spaniard
- Jacks galore
- mud today
- Hayes Flatties
- Ningi creek sp arvo
- Jim's PB Mud Snapper 27th Aug
- The Sunday Pine
- luggage point landbased 27/08
- Coomera Bream & Queenie
- The Pin
- 40ft Dunk island
- small Jew fish off Townsville rocks???
- A Fisherman's Lament or Ode to the Handbrake
- "Millionaires Row" - Whiting haven !!!
- Play with New Toys
- Mud Island - Monday evening 28 August 2006
- Big Flatties and Taylor
- Ballina Biteys.
- Reddy Reefs and the Pine Tuesday morn.
- Redcliffe Shallows
- Pin Wet Wednesday
- Bait vs soft plastics on the Pine
- S/Straights Smorgasbord 10 Varietys
- ballina river
- Very wet Thursday at the Pin.
- great bay trip with a theif
- overnighter
- No fishing Saturady morning in Moreton bay
- Gold coast show day pin trip
- Jack trolling by-catch
- Northside Sand Crabs
- [m]: No-fishing Zones in Moreton Bay
- Cleveland point this arvo
- Mud Island. I'm excited!
- Bayside Landbased
- peel island
- Quality Fish - Land Based - Bribie - Friday 1st
- Pin -sat night.
- how good to wake up 2
- only catch
- Pine river with family. 3/9/06
- Noosa whiting
- 2hours at cabbage tree creek
- Pin Flatties - New PB 03-09-06
- got one at last
- Ballina fishing park Fathers day
- Grunter at Russell River 03/09
- Weipa Fishing Report, July, 2006.
- sunday fishing
- Bay Sat....had the place to myself!!
- Family got me booked into Adder Rock Nth Straddie
- Pine River 4 Sept
- Morning at Redcliffe Reefs
- Flathead Classic will be Hot this year
- Bream haul in Townsville
- [m]: Land based fishing in/near Brisbane for beginner
- Pin PB and a 1st 06/09/06
- First Jack on SP's
- pine river
- Stonefish
- noosa first lake
- gentlemans hours at Mud 7sept
- Windy Up The Passage
- dragging some plastic through the pine.
- Great plakky session
- Pioneer River
- crab on sp?
- Crabbing Trip Turned Fishing Trip
- Fraser Report
- mullet sp
- 12 Squire off Coochie and .... what fish are these
- beaten by wind
- Brisbane River - Boggy Creek - Jew - Thurs A
- estuary cod ?? sp
- Interesting Mud Trip
- Flathead and Lightning
- Tuna Bust Up at Bribie - Off the Beach
- Pleased to meet you- New member
- what are you grinnin at
- Burrum Heads - Sept 2-8
- Father's day Jack
- good tailor
- Calliope River Salmon
- Bluewater/Toolakea Townsville
- Fraser Again
- Sunday On the Reefs, Rain Lightning and Shine
- LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06
- poppering jacks
- 92cm FLATHEAD PB!!!
- Eyre Peninsula S.A
- How to fish around Mud with sp
- Pin Today 14/09/06
- The snag where a jack lives.......
- Pine River Bream
- Sandy Strait
- Flatties on plastics
- Peel trip Thurs Night
- KALAMARI KARMA: Flatty Classic team-bonding day
- I GOT ONE!!!!!
- noosa bar
- Straddie - Pt Lookout 9th -10th Sept
- Windy & Rainy Up the Passage
- Brissy River Mixed Bag
- Shorncliffe pier Sun 17 Sept
- Cleveland Point to Wello 17th Sep
- Tailor PB at Fraser
- Frustrating Pin Flathead - 17 Sep 2006
- Mary River fishing well.
- Mud Sunday arvo/evening
- PB Flattie Today
- Gladstone Area M & G 16th & 17th
- Caloundra 4 hour session
- pine river 18/9/04
- Fraser Is - 1st 2 weeks in Sept
- Fishing Donnybrook
- lota sp sessions
- Fitting Lures to Jigheads
- 3 Mondays at Wello
- Pine River Tues Morning
- Monday Night BNE River Rock Wall / Mud Island
- Mud Today what did I do wrong!!!!!
- Pin today 20/09/06
- Pin Flatties on Grubs