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  1. Caloundra - Again
  2. Pin Flatties - 12 Aug '06 (finally a bigger one!)
  3. redcliffe night fish
  4. Mud Island-very quiet
  5. Winter Whitting
  6. Mud Island  Another "stink boy" converted 2 s
  7. Pine River Sunday Morning
  8. Green Island to the Port
  9. coupla hours with the kids off Redcliffe
  10. sad day in the bay 13/8
  11. mud tailor and bream
  12. squire-n-crocs sunday
  13. Mud Island
  14. Mud Arvo SP Session 13 Aug
  15. Summer whiting
  16. Good night & bad fishin.....! :'(
  17. Whiting, Grunter Bream and toms.
  18. Quiet Times - BRISSIE RVR 14/08
  19. Grinner Soup at Mud
  20. Great day on the Bay 13th
  21. Goldcoast Mixed Bag
  22. 80cm Flathead caught in the Logan in a Kayak
  23. new PB squire at Mud
  24. Mud Island Monday evening 14 August 2006
  25. Mud Again... Sat 12th
  26. Quiet at Moreton..
  27. Quality Lizards In Nundah Creek
  28. Fingermark in Townsville
  29. Wello piont
  30. Moreton land based?
  31. Magic tuesday on the GC / Lizards-A-plenty!!
  32. Beaten again
  33. wello piont (part2)
  34. Wello Point Jetty
  36. Pine River Ekka Wednesday Morn
  37. pelegic no show
  38. Tipplers ekka M&G
  39. Flathead City At The Pin
  40. Big wednesday 3 pbs
  41. Bribie Ekka Holiday
  42. The Pin fishing well 11/8/06
  43. When It all Comes Togeather
  45. Where was everyone?
  46. The Wifes day out,  done well, your opinion.
  47. whats this Pinko called?
  48. Woody point sp success
  49. my first fishing report
  50. Moreton Island 11th to 16th
  51. PB Flathead
  52. Peel Thurs 17th
  53. Mud Island Thursday evening 17 August 2006
  54. Mud Squire Pbs all round
  55. Mud Island Virgin - Heading out in the morning
  56. Redcliffe 18-08-06
  57. Any reports from the Hervey Bay M & G?
  58. Fraser 12/8 - 18/8
  59. arvos
  60. Redcliffe 18Aug06 PM
  61. A few NQ barra
  62. love hard bodies
  63. Shorebased Bribie - Buckleys Hole - Friday AM
  64. Margate Squire For Breky
  65. Mud Island Virgin - Bags Out!
  66. Wello...Averageto say the least
  67. Squiriffic - Part 2
  68. shoalhaven river/ sunken wall
  69. Red Hot Hayes
  70. to nice a day.
  71. I'm Tired! (And today's trip)
  72. A wello PB and Premier Pete
  73. First Trip to MUD on Friday
  74. Boat Canopies
  75. A day at the Pin
  76. More Pin Flathead 19/8/06
  77. Shorncliffe 20/8/06
  78. Kimberley Dreaming
  79. South Stradbroke 14-18 August
  80. brissie river flatties
  81. Fraser or bust (off)
  82. Nth Stradbroke
  83. Green to Wello - Sunday 20th
  84. Why would you want to be anywhere else
  85. Macks and Golden trevally
  86. Another good beach session
  87. Moreton weekend
  88. FYI
  89. quiet morning at mud
  91. Mud Island Tuesday morning 22 August 2006
  92. Redcliffe Reefs
  93. Shark ID needed
  94. [m]: Reef Fish rise in Green Zones
  95. T'ville 18th and the 22nd
  96. Pumistone Lizards
  97. Fraser Fun - Tailor Aplenty
  98. Curtain Kings
  99. Bay run 22/8
  100. Fishing Wello Today 23/8 with T1
  101. Double Island. Fri 18th- Mon 21st (Late report)
  102. Your preference / Silver or Black Bream.
  103. Nerang Rvr 24/08/06
  104. Day out at Peel, New friend made
  105. sole food
  106. Townsville Rocks 24/8
  107. Broad water Bream 25/8/06
  108. fishing with the devil
  109. Tailor in the bay ??????
  110. Mud Island / Brisbane River 22 => 23 / 8/06
  111. Quick Flick
  112. Burrum Bruisers
  113. 5.5kg (?) Tailor - Teewah (photos)
  114. Captain Dazza's Amazing Beast
  115. Late Report on the bay
  116. Bribie Flathead 73 cm
  117. Donnybrook Softies
  118. Pine River Cod
  119. Southport Bream Hunt
  120. Pin Flatties
  121. Mud Island 90cm Squire PB 26/08/2006
  122. St helena / Green Sat Morning
  123. Beach Caught Spaniard
  124. Jacks galore
  125. mud today
  127. Hayes Flatties
  128. Ningi creek sp arvo
  129. Jim's PB Mud Snapper 27th Aug
  130. The Sunday Pine
  131. luggage point landbased 27/08
  132. Coomera Bream & Queenie
  133. The Pin
  134. 40ft Dunk island
  135. small Jew fish off Townsville rocks???
  136. A Fisherman's Lament or Ode to the Handbrake
  137. "Millionaires Row" - Whiting haven !!!
  138. Play with New Toys
  139. Mud Island - Monday evening 28 August 2006
  140. Big Flatties and Taylor
  141. Ballina Biteys.
  142. Reddy Reefs and the Pine Tuesday morn.
  143. Redcliffe Shallows
  144. Pin Wet Wednesday
  145. Bait vs soft plastics on the Pine
  146. S/Straights Smorgasbord   10 Varietys
  147. ballina river
  148. Very wet Thursday at the Pin.
  149. great bay trip with a theif
  150. overnighter
  151. No fishing Saturady morning in Moreton bay
  152. Gold coast show day pin trip
  153. Jack trolling by-catch
  154. Northside Sand Crabs
  155. [m]: No-fishing Zones in Moreton Bay
  157. Cleveland point this arvo
  158. Mud Island. I'm excited!
  159. Bayside Landbased
  160. peel island
  161. Quality Fish - Land Based - Bribie - Friday 1st
  162. Pin -sat night.
  163. how good to wake up 2
  164. only catch
  165. Pine river with family.  3/9/06
  166. Noosa whiting
  167. 2hours at cabbage tree creek
  169. Pin Flatties - New PB 03-09-06
  170. got one at last
  171. Ballina fishing park Fathers day
  172. Grunter at Russell River 03/09
  173. Weipa Fishing Report, July, 2006.
  174. sunday fishing
  175. Bay Sat....had the place to myself!!
  176. Family got me booked into Adder Rock Nth Straddie
  177. Pine River 4 Sept
  178. Morning at Redcliffe Reefs
  179. Flathead Classic will be Hot this year
  180. Bream haul in Townsville
  181. [m]: Land based fishing in/near Brisbane for beginner
  182. Pin PB and a 1st 06/09/06
  183. First Jack on SP's
  184. pine river
  185. Stonefish
  186. noosa first lake
  187. gentlemans hours at Mud 7sept
  188. Windy Up The Passage
  189. dragging some plastic through the pine.
  190. Great plakky session
  191. Pioneer River
  192. crab on sp?
  194. Crabbing Trip Turned Fishing Trip
  195. Fraser Report
  196. mullet sp
  197. 12 Squire off Coochie and .... what fish are these
  198. beaten by wind
  199. Brisbane River - Boggy Creek -  Jew - Thurs A
  201. estuary cod ??   sp
  202. Interesting Mud Trip
  203. Flathead and Lightning
  204. Tuna Bust Up at Bribie - Off the Beach
  205. Pleased to meet you- New member
  206. what are you grinnin at
  207. Burrum Heads - Sept 2-8
  208. Father's day Jack
  209. good tailor
  210. Calliope River Salmon
  211. Bluewater/Toolakea Townsville
  212. Fraser Again
  213. Sunday On the Reefs, Rain Lightning and Shine
  214. LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06
  215. poppering jacks
  216. 92cm FLATHEAD PB!!!
  217. Eyre Peninsula S.A
  218. How to fish around Mud with sp
  219. Pin Today 14/09/06
  220. The snag where a jack lives.......
  221. Pine River Bream
  222. Sandy Strait
  223. Flatties on plastics
  224. Peel trip Thurs Night
  225. KALAMARI KARMA: Flatty Classic team-bonding day
  226. I GOT ONE!!!!!
  227. noosa bar
  228. Straddie - Pt Lookout 9th -10th Sept
  229. Windy & Rainy Up the Passage
  230. Brissy River Mixed Bag
  231. Shorncliffe pier Sun 17 Sept
  232. Cleveland Point to Wello 17th Sep
  233. Tailor PB at Fraser
  234. Frustrating Pin Flathead - 17 Sep 2006
  235. Mary River fishing well.
  236. Mud Sunday arvo/evening
  237. PB Flattie Today
  238. Gladstone Area M & G 16th & 17th
  239. Caloundra 4 hour session
  240. pine river 18/9/04
  241. Fraser Is - 1st 2 weeks in Sept
  242. Fishing Donnybrook
  243. lota sp sessions
  244. Fitting Lures to Jigheads
  245. 3 Mondays at Wello
  246. Pine River Tues Morning
  247. Monday Night BNE River Rock Wall / Mud Island
  248. Mud Today what did I do wrong!!!!!
  249. Pin today  20/09/06
  250. Pin Flatties on Grubs