View Full Version : Nth Stradbroke

20-08-2006, 09:18 PM
Took the family over from Wed to today, but snuck over myself last Sunday trying to fend off the flu.

Sun arvo was pretty quiet just sussing out the beach. Picked up my fishing bag and found it a bit wiffy from my previous trip ::) and the scent sufficient to raise a half dozen worms for bait ;D . 2 reasonable dart from 6 casts before some friends rolled up and I gave them the 2 as they had caught nada and were going home Mon. Spotted a big school of tailor heading toward GND but there wasn't a clear area where they would come into a gutter so wandered off south of the causeway for a peek before returning to GND for a few quick casts on dusk for no result.

Mon arvo finally got up enough energy for a quick dusk session, snared a couple of dart early, then 3 decent tailor before the bream bites started on dark which was enough to have me packing up.

Tues, Wed, Thurs were spent coughing and playing taxi driver for the munchkins and wifey.

Fri morning hit the beach to get some pippis and from a dozen casts only hooked one solid dart which I dropped half way in.
Friday night had a bit of energy after sleeping from lunch to dinner and wandered off down to main on my own about 9pm. Bagged out on tailor before 1am keeping 8 for myself and dropping the rest into some friends who were doing much better in the drinking than the fishing stakes.

Crashed again Sat, home early this morning. Absolutely beautiful weather for the entire week, with the local wildlife putting on their usual shows and the whales keeping wifey and the boys happy with their antics.

20-08-2006, 09:20 PM
3 Tailor to 50+ 2 dart a bream 35cm kept my lil family munching fish for a few days.

20-08-2006, 09:22 PM
What was left of Fridays fish from mid 30's to 50+

21-08-2006, 12:37 PM
nice fish mate

21-08-2006, 01:57 PM
Some good size fish on the table should keep the family going for a day or two .

Bundy 8-)

21-08-2006, 04:11 PM
Nick work Straddie ;D , Don't you like to bleed your Dart & Tailor Mate ??????

21-08-2006, 05:43 PM
Nice effort straddie.

Gee... all fish look in good condition. Chubby, torpedo shaped tailor and the bream and dart look good also. Tailor full of roe, were they?


21-08-2006, 05:47 PM
Nice size tailor, good mixed bag

21-08-2006, 06:15 PM
some great tailor there mate - awesome shark bait at the bigger size! the breambo looks beautiful and clean. well done.


21-08-2006, 06:59 PM
Great work there straddie. Glad you are feeling better, fishing seems to have that effect. Beautiful looking fish.


21-08-2006, 10:04 PM
Bundy_Bear, Fish dinners sat, sun and will finish the last 6 fillets (1/person) tommorrow night :)

Cruiser93, I've always try to avoid blood in the water when fishing the surf and have never noticed a discernable difference whether tailor are bled or not. Tried another taste comparison a fornight back with a mate that loves his tailor, and we both agreed there was a mild difference in taste but neither of us thought one was superior so I'll stick with not bothering.

Gorilla in comparison to those 2 weeks ago these fish had dropped a lot of weight. Still reasonably solid around the shoulders but guess they have been playing mummy and daddies as they have lost a lot of belly fat with the roe and melt being small also. My eldest asked for the roe of the bigger girl but it was barely worth the effort getting out.

Cuzzamundi I haven't purposely fished for munchies for over 25 years. Was tempted to slip a hook in one of the smaller ones as they looked ideal jewie jellybeans but resisted.

GTF, thanks mate it was a nasty little cold took me out pretty well for several days.

22-08-2006, 08:18 AM
Have to love catching those tailor. One thing I have grown to like about the tailor is they are one easy fish to fillet. After spending a few days on Fraser Island and being overcome by dart, it was great to fillet the odd tailor after having done sh!tloads of dart. Not bad eating when fresh either. ;) Well done on the report and fish.


22-08-2006, 05:41 PM
nice haul straddie, nice report too