View Full Version : First Trip to MUD on Friday

19-08-2006, 11:30 PM
Well fellas it has finally happened. ;)
I went to MUD ISLAND!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
After reading all the great posts about Adamy and Chubbys PB's and Charleville's tale on Thursday night I went to bed and all I could think about was how early could I get on the water Friday arvo. :-/
I woke up, checked my emails, phew, no dramas. :)
I rang my mate and asked if he was keen, in a flash he was in , we debated were to go Peel, Coochie, Pin or...how about we give Mud ago. ;)
My mate thought he was going to get dirty, MUD!!!He said, why do ya wanna go to a place called MUD :-/ :-/
Well its like this, all these bloody experts ;) keep posting pics about all the great fish they are catching around Mud Island, I suggested he come around and take a look at recent posts and see what he rekons ::)
Well wouldn't ya know it, he was here in about an hour, meanwhile I am readying The Ensuite for her maiden voyage and all I can hear from inside is "Hey Murks, have you seen this pic!!!!!!", ;D ;D
Yes mate I told ya they where real, so now do ya wanna go to Mud??? He was off to finish his work . I will be back by 1.00pm....
We left home and arrived at the Whyte Island ramp at about 2.15pm..headed out the Brissy river , we fair dinkum were like two kids in a lollie shop, grinning ear to ear with anticipation.
The water was like glass :) :) pics to follow and we cruised right on over to Mud . Our mission was to arrive early and do a bit of a recon around the whole Island so that I knew were I was and what was about, meanwhile we would stop and mark ANY interesting points on the GPS. This was getting out of control as there are HEAPS of good spots around that Island, if ya cant find one then ya need a new sounder I think ;)
Anyway we probably reconned for too long but hey it was our first trip...
We drifted around a bit and got a couple of touches and one allmighty run than ended in :'(
Around 4.30ish and drifting on the West side we decided that we would go and anchor up at a place that looked really good on the sounder on the East Side.....well when we got to my secret spot it was almost full , now I know were the "carpark" is ;D ;D not too secret after all. It must be okay cause these other fellas look as if they know what they are doing we mused.....lets go and join them
We anchored right on the far eastern side of the reefy but away from all the boats being good mannered and all ;) and started to throw out every rod we had, burley up and sit back and wait....c'mon Mud dont let me down here, you have a lot to live up too little island was my thoughts...... :-/ :-/
Not 45seconds was the first baits in the water w were both on, my pillie and Pauls Squid went off, then the other rod each of us had went off :o oh no we were looking at each other with :-? looks on our heads and guess what..yes yoyur right..we lost the lot >:(
No-one too blame but ourselves..so the rule went out ...one rod each!!!..we both agreed..
It wasnt long before we were back in the water and I was on, this time to a nice squire 43cm....not bad for my first fish on my first voyage with my second bait :)
Paul wasnt far behind with a similar size and we couldnt be happier :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D
We continued this for the next hour and half solid hook ups but unfortunatrely all squire were just on 35-37cm so we let them all back to grow bigger(prob for t1 , Adamy and Charle) and I had two bust offs thru 60lb leader.
All in all we would have boated approx 20 fish all very close to the same size except for the very first two we caught, so in the end we kept two additional 38cm squire.
It then went very quiet at around 7ish, it didn't matter to us we were happy little campers so we just pulled up and went on another recon on our way back to the ramp..
We stopped and watched a huge pod of dolphins playing and then a Massive tanker come thru the channel and into dock at the refiniery..by this stage we were where we wanrted to be ...near the ramp so at 8.45 we had The Ensuite back on the trailer and while we cleaned our "little but pleasureable catch" we had a beer to celebrate and a discussion as to WHEN WILL WE BE BACKK...The answer,,,very very soon...
Thanks to all you fellas and ladies here for your amazing insight and enthusiasm in making this CLUB one to be proud to be a member of.. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Till next time.......

19-08-2006, 11:34 PM
The place they call mud

19-08-2006, 11:35 PM
the small catch but very very happy :D

19-08-2006, 11:38 PM
last one till ..........next time and there is gunna be a next time ;) and yes I know not every time will ya catch fish but hey who cares, i love being out there and what happens happens...
And yes I know that this catch isnt anything special...BUT IT WAS MY FIRST TRIP :) :) :) :)
Thanks heaps Ausfish

19-08-2006, 11:39 PM
Congrats!!! it seems everyone is doing well at mud this weekend.

It's good to hear you enjoyed yourselves

19-08-2006, 11:42 PM
Good work and Top report Brett!!... Y'know we only have Charleville to blame for setting the standard (and length ;D) for writing fishing stories instead of basic reports. But I think its good - I enjoy the report more if I can picture being there - sometimes its as if you're in the boat - alongside the writer. Nice work - on the fish and the report.

19-08-2006, 11:53 PM
gee fellas I thought I was the only fella up this late on the PC ;D
Ithoink this missus is getting a bit sus on my "ausfish dating" as my 17 year old daughter affectionately terms my indulgence on this site...thanks hepas F4L and Adamy...look forward to meeting you guys one day :)
Tha attached pic is from this mornings little foray down the broady at secret spot yzy but that report can come later ,...time for bed now ;)

20-08-2006, 05:15 AM
Goodonyer Murks. :) 'Tis great to see that you have had a stunning first experience at Mud.

I enjoyed your narrative immensely. :)

Don't expect that fishing experience on every trip there but it is great that you have had such an encouraging first trip. 8-)

Also great to hear that you were so excited about the whole experience. My own experience after catching that mulloway on Thursday evening was that I could not get to sleep until after 4am. Ain't it funny? 55 years of age and I still get as excited as a ten year old when I have a great fishing experience. :)

Nice quality fish that you took home. Well done! :)

Looking forward to your next great narrative. ;)

20-08-2006, 08:24 AM
Top catch Brett and well done good to see you got your first squire :)

Looks like you had a perfect day ;D

I think I heard you shouting out with joy (from the main land) when you hooked up ;D ;D ;D

Good work ;)

Peter :D

20-08-2006, 11:33 AM

That catch is still better than anything i've taken from Mud in the few times i have fished there! So kudo's for a top effort! :D

Take Care T

PS: Broady huh? hmmm, i really need to get down the coast for some of those Tailor - they've been bugging me all winter!

20-08-2006, 01:28 PM
Congratulations on your first trip to Mud, Brett, and also on your excellent report.


20-08-2006, 07:21 PM
Looks like it was a good first trip ;D

20-08-2006, 07:46 PM
Brilliant effort murks. You said bust ofs on 60lb leaner??/ Damn, I bet you'd like to know what was doing that! Great catch and great report.

21-08-2006, 07:33 AM
great work brett
you a for away now

21-08-2006, 03:51 PM
Hmmm nother bloody boat in the car park ;D Nah its all good mate, bloody good effort for a first time. Nothing wrong with that catch at all.

Cheers and beers

22-08-2006, 07:13 AM
Good writing Murks,

You must be over the moon with your 1st trip, and you did it with smelly fingers too!! :-/

I might have to go back to the dark side! ;) I felt some of your frustrations coming through in previous posts for not getting amoungst them, but thats all gone now!! Well done!


22-08-2006, 10:23 AM
thanks fellas for the encouragement...will keep the (positive) posts coming hopefully ;)

22-08-2006, 10:48 AM
Nice work Brett!

Seems like your onto something. At least you ventured and gave it a go. The fish are always a welcomed bonus, so once again good work.