View Full Version : Play with New Toys

28-08-2006, 07:38 PM
But they were'nt mine.
Sat' had the invite to fish the Richmond river (Ballina) with the Maroon BnB Teams V'S Blues BnBTeam.
This was a Bream only contest on them damm plastics, and to top it all off we were using cotton wool (4lb line) on Straddics, if you sneezed on this line it broke ;D.
We kicked off at 6.30am and finished at 12pm.
A lot of the blokes fishing are in the Abt comp and with the final in Ballina later this year, it was a good chance for them to do a little pre fish.
4 teams from maroon country and 3 from the blues, led by their illustrious lead Squidgie. ;)
I was teamed up with Wishey and having none of this sort of gear had to beg and borrow off him.
We headed up stream the rest went down.
After a quick how to use from Wishey i proceeeded to cast a everything he told me to, the only prob was i couldnt hit a barn door at five paces, so all the x's he pointed to on the water i missed by the preverbal mile, but after a 100 casts i started to drop it on the x, with the result i started to land bream.
WHishey had the first with his first cast, before i even got a jig in the water ;D
But persistence paid off and i finally started to land some legal breambo, along with some stonker whiting 39cm and a zillion flathead, all released.
Two hrs into the chase we had our 5 for the boat, so the rest of the time was trying to upgrade, with a few around the 29cm mark.
Learnt a hell of lot off Whisey, and you may have even convinced me to chase breambos on rubbers, but i dont no about the 4lb line bit. ;D
Back at the weight in, it turned into a Maroon slaughter 1st 2nd 3rd (whishey and some old baito fisho). The blues were flat out getting on the board and copped a real kaning, so they sulked off to review their tactics for the return round.
Great day fellas.
Then it was up to Mono's for the night and a few sherberts.
With his charter cancelled on sunday due to strong winds out wide, and him just installing a new cannon didgie troll d.r., and needing some pics for the boat show, we headed out to the closer inshore ground sunda y morning, to get some action shots of the new cannon in action.
Well you cannot test new equipment with out some livies, so jigged a few yakkas up and set them loose, lost a few to the big cobe population which is hanging around the closer inshore areas.
So to a different spot to jig some slimies, chrikies the cobes were even grabbing the sinkers and buzzing off with them making the old jig rigs do some screaming.
So the first few slimies caughyt were sent straight back down and wasnt long before the terror struck in and you could see it in the line.
the new d.r. was soon to pay off and mono was onto a big cobe, and after a while of puffing and panting, i gaffed a nice 12-14kg cobe and hoisted here on board.
Just what he need for some action shots with the new cannon for his boat show talk.
The cobes were thick, and after 3 hrs we headed back in to the air birth ;D ;D ;D ;D by 10am with cobes on ice and all the action shots he needed.
Nice quick little trip mate.
NO pics from either event, didnt want the blues seeing the spots we caught the bream and monos photos will be used at the boat show.

28-08-2006, 08:54 PM
Webby , mate sounds like your on the turn to the dark side ;D ;D ;D

I can see the next report Webby PB snapper in the bay on SP's ;D ;D ;D

Next years River to Mud SP's only LOL

Nah it will never happen but good to see you had a go and sound like you enjoyed the play. Good to have an open mind and try new things, I can't say I would be warming to 4 lb line either. Good to clean out between the teeth but that's about it IMO ;D ;D ;D

Peter :)

28-08-2006, 10:35 PM
Sounds like you had a good time Webby!

I have to say though, that 4lb braid is pretty bloody strong! Give the 2lb Platypus Super Braid a go next time ;) It's alot more fun! ;D

28-08-2006, 11:03 PM
Onya Webby ,
Sounds like your getting the hang of those plastics . :-?

Searaider 2

28-08-2006, 11:18 PM
try try try, bet you'll be back in the bay with a whole mullet and wipper snipper cord before your next post ;D ;D ;D
sounds like a good trip and some fun. now leave them alone and get back to your bait ;D ;D

29-08-2006, 02:16 PM
well done webby , i reckon 6lb string gives enough tense moments :o


29-08-2006, 05:17 PM
shaking my head..tut tut webby...u r getting a reputation now...plastics man webby..sheesh..next big tusky will be.."I glued a No 10 hook onto a tupperware lid "

29-08-2006, 06:16 PM
Webby you get all the practice you can as the Blues are coming up to try and win the trophy, it's one all but i must say we got our bums kicked and all had a grand day on the water but if you use Ben Collins again he better practice more than us but you were the dark horse as i have seen your form with my gear and all the trouble you had using fairy floss line but you done QLD proud but there is one round to go and i am hand picking the team bloody all ABT boys im sending out SOS every were November is the next round so if any Blues wish to join our team give me a pm
cheers squidgie

29-08-2006, 06:52 PM
I can see it now :o.

6"Gulps and bream gear for your next Jew session ;D

Sounds like a lot of fun though



29-08-2006, 07:24 PM
Lol Webby. Never know, if you are planning on joining the noisy ENS Fishing Classic mob again next year on Fraser you may well be trying Frank's trick and just bringing along Tupperware only ::) Hope to see you next year if not before. ;)
I may even sharpen up the singing voice and do some harmonies with you. ;D


30-08-2006, 06:05 AM
squidgie, so does that mean the prof and i get the flick ?? ;D ;D ;D. dont blame you if you do ;D ;D. well done webby, but it hurts even more to hear your green on the cotton stuff, it was a fun event.

cheers Maxi

30-08-2006, 07:54 AM
Maxi you and the Professor are our secret weapons we didn't want you two to show to much talent, but we will get them bloody canetoads next time, got Trent lined up to teach you guy's the finer art of breaming on SP no shame in being beaten by the talent that QLD team had we just have to fish smarter it's the first time Whishey has beaten me and i think im going to pay big time for that,and lets face it we are going to have a tough time on the Gold Coast that's their stomping grounds but i have spy's out for good areas to fish, but untill then practice, practice, practice
cheers squidgie

30-08-2006, 11:42 AM
shaking my head..tut tut webby...u r getting a reputation now...plastics man webby..sheesh..next big tusky will be.."I glued a No 10 hook onto a tupperware lid "

Greg LMAO ;D ;D ;D ;D " # 10 hook and a tupperware lid "

Peter :D :D :D

30-08-2006, 07:12 PM
You blues are just on the wrong side of the fence when it comes to talent ;D
You'll need more the The Butler Clan to even stand a remote chance ;D
Give us a call Gary on your Radio stationa again and i help you plea for assistance ;D Anyway the adrellin came back sunday when Mono and i were pulling big cobes up and sure wasnt on cotton wool ;D

For the other out there who laughted or made some smart comments, well this is what happens
when Menopause Sets in, you want to try different things.
Instead of grabbing the bull by the horns you want to grab him between the legs ;D

30-08-2006, 08:32 PM
yeah you buggers..knock off all the smart comments to the old fella.

It is alright webby, I 'll look after ya, OLD mate.

30-08-2006, 09:13 PM
Gee Greg never seen a leopard change it's spots before ;D ;D ;D

Peter ;)

P.S you were right about the other night got jack in the passage :( :( :(

30-08-2006, 09:35 PM
GO THE MIGHTY MAROONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

31-08-2006, 05:22 PM
the ROACHES will win. we let all our fish go webby to lull you guys into a false sence of security ;D ;D ;D (i wish ;D ;D ;D ;D). Trent better be a good teacher Squidge, he has a big task at hand ;D ;D ;D

cheers Maxi

31-08-2006, 05:28 PM
the capt

31-08-2006, 05:31 PM
thats the capt of the winning soon team. go the blues !!

the shotgun start pic

31-08-2006, 05:33 PM
Wisheys weigh in ;D ;D

31-08-2006, 05:39 PM
more weigh in ;D ;D ;D

31-08-2006, 05:48 PM
hey webby that yammy has a long tiller arm eh !! ;D ;D ;D suppose it would make it easier to steer as long as the controller was in control ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. sorry mate but it WAS funny !! ;D ;D ;D ;D. im glad that no one or nothing was hurt.

cheers Maxi