View Full Version : Redcliffe 18-08-06

18-08-2006, 05:00 PM
Went chasing snapper on plastics for the first time today, fishn_dan was my teacher, hit the water at Redcliffe just befor 5am and was on the mark starting our first drift by about 10 past 5, end of drift hooked first fish, a flathead of around 55cm, started drift 2 and first cast, hooked my first squire on plastic, did not even photo it, it was prob just under legal. For the next hour we drifted a couple of area for just one bust off, then I finally scored a legal squire (39cm), a couple of hours later after just 2 more bust ups and a few pike we deceided to have a go for some squid, half a doz casts later I came up tight to somethind that pulled15-20 meters of drag, zipped around a bit, pulled more drag ect, taking it easy I finally bought a tailor of around 40-50cm to the boat, the jag on the squid jig was hooked in it's side, after playing up boatside for a wile Dan got the net under it and when he lifted it into the boat the jig fell out. Gave up on the squid soon after and went and caught another flathead and 9 bream in the canals. Not a lot of fish caught but was out on the water and I now have a small pb that I will have to go out again and increase.
Cheers Ian
First legal squire on plastic

18-08-2006, 05:05 PM
squid jig caught tailor

18-08-2006, 05:18 PM
Good to break the SP virginity. They get easier now ;D
I had a squid jig hanging off the boat once in Lady Musgrave Lagoon. Something smashed it and screamed off a couple of hundred metres of line before the very bent jig fell out. If they fool Squid then they should fool fish as well.



18-08-2006, 06:24 PM
nice day of variety

18-08-2006, 07:29 PM
Never teacher mate... Just deckie...

I was really suprised by the lack of fish today! I am least happy you got a PB. And that Tailor was an absolute cracker!!!

We will definately have to go have a look at those bream a little better though soon!

On the upside, I did get a 39.5cm squire this arvo down around Wello area ;)

18-08-2006, 08:54 PM
Hey guys
Thats a nice tailor Ian and on a squid jig! :o
well done on the squire aswell.


18-08-2006, 10:47 PM
I like your style tricking the tailor into thinking the squid jig was a bait fish
I'm sure that was your plan all along wasnt it
Very clever indeed well done ;D

Bundy 8-)