View Full Version : Saltwater Reports -Offshore

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  1. toyota classic .... what a blast !!!!!
  2. Cobia
  3. Samson Fish at tempest
  4. West point magnetic Island - boating etiquette
  5. Stanage Bay revisited
  6. banks thurs nite
  7. banks today dont pat the mackeral they bite
  8. banks today dont pat the mackeral they bite
  9. Another Fraser Island Expo report
  10. Bribie Lads Annual Charter "The Swains"
  11. spotties off kayak {caloundra}
  12. fraser comp
  13. Nova 106.9 COMPETITION
  14. Newby
  15. banks wensdy evening
  16. Trout 1770 (again)
  17. How to beat the barra blues
  18. Baron, I mean Barwon Banks :)
  19. lonely snapper club
  20. Off Bundy Wednesday night
  21. Let off the leash
  22. Our First Reds!!
  23. townsville-shipping channel
  25. Weekend with Blaze
  26. Apoligies/Hookup
  27. Seaway/wavebreak Island
  28. Straddie Offshore trip
  29. Whats happening off the Gold Coast
  30. sail fish hamolton island.
  31. Bowen Area
  32. NQ Spearing trip
  33. Hutchies
  34. Banks yesterday
  35. Brampton Bustups
  36. coral trout inners
  37. Marlin on the rocks-1770
  38. Where's the Hook-Up report ?
  39. Dampier Billfish Shootout
  40. ILLAWARRA REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  41. Moolooabha
  42. marlin damage
  43. Wide Caloundra Sat 24th
  44. good fishing offshore
  45. tweed offshore
  46. long way to banks sat nite
  47. Banks and Back
  48. GC 24 testing new sounder
  49. First Cobia
  50. Gold Coast, Sat arvo
  51. Narrow Neck Monday
  52. GC off seaway Monday
  53. Holy Mackerel!!
  54. The Pin Bar
  55. Pearly Bag Out wide of Noosa
  56. Fishing off GC SUNDAY Morning???
  57. My first Banks trip - Friday night June 30th
  58. Banks Saturday Evening
  59. GC firday, Outside Moreton Saturday
  60. Had a great day...Northern Bankish
  61. Northern Banks
  62. HArds With Foxy
  63. Caloundra - cobia and longtail
  64. tweed cobe
  65. Caloundra 12 mile Saturday 1/7 Overnight
  66. banks sat/sun
  67. Tempest Sunday
  68. 35s sunday
  69. Live Baiting For Bills Off Mooloolaba
  70. Hards Bag Out Sat 2/7/05
  71. Sempre off Mooloolaba
  72. 1770 trip
  73. north moreton-sp's-sat1/7
  74. Banks Sat 1st
  75. Posting likeminded reports !!
  76. Cairns Offshore Onfire
  77. Hard Yakka for Banks Johnnies
  78. Our best day outside....ever!!!!
  79. offshore in tinny
  80. Tweed Monsters!
  81. GC Snapper 4/7/06
  82. Di close reefs sat
  83. Caloundra Sat 1st
  84. rough trip wide of the pin bar
  85. townsville-keeper reef
  86. Bowen Glouster Island
  87. Sunday on the 35s
  88. [m]: Image help needed....
  89. [m]: Yellowtail kings - how to catch?
  90. Cape Moreton 6.7
  91. Where can you get Livies for the Banks?
  92. Noosa offshore 8/07/06, Also after some advice =)
  94. off shore gold coast
  95. Sempre Saturday Session
  96. I know you all got out where are the reports!!!
  97. Banks Field Trip
  98. MOtLEy CRew ...
  99. Goldy Boys at the Banks
  100. Gold Coast full bag Sunday the 9th
  101. PB's for all
  102. How big do Trag Jew Grow (pics added)
  103. hards sat night
  104. Caloundra sunday
  105. Fantastic Ascension Island
  106. Solomon Islands... maaate!
  107. Cape Moreton overnighter had everything
  108. you give me head (and shoulders!)
  109. Early morning JEW off the Tweed
  110. strange conversion
  111. Late report: Saturday - Moreton close in
  112. Hards escape Sat
  113. banks northen
  114. Maggie island Yesterday
  115. NOT the banks/hards
  116. Out in the deep blue
  117. Offshore Brisbane Sunday.
  118. 12 Mile off Gladstone
  119. Full Moon Snapper Bonanza 11th July
  120. Another Good Day???? Maybe...Nth Bankish 11/7
  121. Snapper
  122. Hutchies flinders
  123. Feed Off Tweed
  124. Banks Trip Wednesday
  125. goldcoast offshore in winter?
  126. inshore mooloolaba
  127. Wednesday Hards, Flat Battery!!!
  128. I see Red again
  129. Wide Cal Wedneday with whales
  130. Hamilton island 12th July 2006-big GT
  131. Banks Trip
  132. late banks report
  133. Hervey Bay and Fraser Offshore
  134. Sunday around Maggie Island
  135. Some reefies and a REMORA ?
  136. Nugget Pearler
  137. Sucker fish
  138. Stanage Bay trip
  139. offshore mooloolaba sunday
  140. Off Shore GC 24/07/06
  142. West Point Maggie Is.
  143. BK charter trip.
  144. monday quickie
  145. Mixed Bag 47 Mile out
  146. First Barwon Banks Trip
  147. Crayfish bagout in foggy conditions
  148. Barwons last night and today morning
  149. Coolum Wide:
  150. Goldie 30/7
  151. Deep water, Ballina
  152. Banks yesterday
  153. smokin reel banks
  154. top end, yep the banks
  155. Woodgate weekend
  156. not the banks
  157. Another Sunday Report
  158. offshore mooloolaba sat /sun
  159. Hards Sunday 30/7/06
  160. Caloundra Wide (solo mission)
  161. tempest monday 31 aug
  163. murphys monday 31
  164. Off Bundy Mundy
  165. What is this fish?
  166. double island /cairns
  167. Quick after work session - Noosa close reef
  168. Perfect Day
  169. Northern Banks Wednesday PM
  170. Cobes galore
  171. PB Snapper (SP)
  172. Late Banks pic for SNAPPA
  173. Moreton Offshore Thur
  174. Townsville Mack Tuna
  175. 23 kg longtail
  176. 23 kg longtail
  177. The Gold Coast desert produces again...
  178. Offshore Moreton Bag Out
  179. Deep Tempest late
  180. personal best
  181. first legal red in close
  182. turkey beach trip
  183. A week in the life of Fish the deep charters
  184. Top Day on the Banks (sun 30th july)
  185. Big Red personal best
  187. mooloolaba
  188. Broome Billfish Comp
  189. maiden voyage to deep tempest 09/06
  190. Mono's got CRABS!
  191. Current Offshore
  192. North West 2006 (the preview) !!!!
  193. Wide Caloundra
  194. Straddie At Last !
  195. Coolum Wide Squire :)
  196. My boys 1st keeper GC 130806
  197. [m]: Mud Island
  198. Maiden Hards Voyage
  199. "SnApPa" at the banks
  200. tweed monday 14th
  201. sunday arvo wide cape
  202. reds, snapper and pearls
  203. Banks Session Sunday Morning
  204. Wild Blue Yonder.....
  205. Sunday 36's
  206. Deep Tempest Sunday
  207. Yeppoon - Pinnacles Sat-13
  208. Wide Caloundra Sunday
  209. ekka monday
  210. Capricorn Bunker Group
  211. DI with the Lamprechts (Sun/Mon 13-14 Aug)
  212. PB Red M
  213. Dud Banks Trip Tuesday...
  214. Finding points
  215. Nice feed of Jewies
  216. Spear trip off Moreton...
  217. North West 2006 in full living colour !!!!
  218. top end
  219. Win some lose some
  220. Late Hards Report 13/8/06
  221. off shore moreton thur night
  222. Whale of a Time
  223. Cape Moreton shallows - Fri 17/8/06
  224. banks night shut down
  226. Mono's charter.19th
  227. Moreton offshore saturday
  228. East of Hutchies & Flinders Reef
  229. Coolum WIDE!!
  230. Banks- Hard work to bag out.
  231. Hards last night 19th
  232. Spearing off Moreton...Again
  233. Noosa Wide" The Real Deal"
  234. Sat morning with the crowds..GC
  235. Beasts from the deep
  236. Banks - 19/9/06
  237. Banks Saturday
  238. Banks Friday Night
  239. Couple of Snapper & Mackerel Bag Out
  240. Offshore Tin Can Bay
  241. slow day monday
  242. Noosa boys wide of the Hard - Monday 21st.
  243. DI 19-20th august
  244. Swains Reef 12 - 19 August 2006
  245. Wrecked around the Cape 22nd Aug 2006
  246. Dream trip I hope
  247. Not the Barwons, D.I.!!
  248. Nth Coast Cobes
  249. Big Rock'n'Rod
  250. Rock Cod Shoals