Hi All,
I wanted to buy a Shakespeare Agility rod combo as I got one, and like it. Long story short, they are only available with a baitcaster reel now, so I thought it was about time I learnt to use one, as I cast squid jigs a lot.
Anyway, I dont think a baitcaster is good with a squid jig, the jig is too light, but I did buy a load of different lures, from BCF, Anaconda, Kmart and Big W and was having fun learning how to cast lures.
I put Dangan 25lb braid on it, as I wanted a very thin braid, but I dont think its very durable ?
Problem is, I cast, and I get the usual birds nests occasionally as I learn how to use it, but sometimes, especially if I make an aggressive cast, the line will just snap right off !
It has cost me lots of lures, some expensive, some cheap, but its just painful !
I may have damaged the braid on rocks, but that doesnt explain why the line just jams on a cast ?
What am I doing wrong ? Ive watched you tube vids, and they all talk about birds nests, but no one talks about the reel snapping the line ?
Is it me, the reel, the line ? Any ideas ?