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30-10-2005, 08:07 PM
Found ourselves heading across to Mud at 3.00pm Sat.Wasn't the most comfortable trip,rather messy N/Ewind chop.Tried fishing the N/W of Mud but just too bloody uncomfortable especially with Blake on board (15 months old).Decided to head down too the S/W corner to have a fish and a snooze.Bloody mozzies down there the size of choppers.They almost picked the Haines up and carried us away :-?About 1.00 am i had had enough and decided to head out a bit wider to escape the mozzies.Found a nice looking spot and dropped the pick for what was left of the night.Only managed about 1 hr sleep :'(
Sunday morning(3.45)cond were still sloppy and only a few undersized fish being caught.About 8.00 am the wind dissapeared and the slopp went with it.Turned out to be a magic day on the water.Ended up with a few fish.Enough for a feed along with a couple of sandies.

I now know how you feel when Mrs Skippa shows you up in the fishing stakes.I didn't bring anything in that was worth keeping.Managed to land atleast a dozen shovelies.Kirsten outdid me in the fishing today.
Good to catch up mate.Sorry i didn't see you earlier but i was on a mission.Trying to get Blake asleep.
Do you realise it was only 7.30 when you said you were heading to Wello for a fish and a couple of RUMBOS ::)Thats OK mate as you were leaving i was cracking my second beer ;D ;D

All in all a great weekend on the water.Not that many fish but being out there is all that counts.

Cheers Dazza

30-10-2005, 08:26 PM
Geez Daz,

Wots this about Mrs skip out fishing me? Mate that was just between you and me, (that's wot PM's are for ;D) and it only happen once anyway ... ::) ;D ;D

Ya kinda get spoilt when you've been outside, to go back to bay fishing again. Not that I've excelled at offshore yet, but I reckon I've bought home almost as many keepers from a few offshore trips than my last years worth of bay sorties.
Maybe I need to get more serious with the Zooms ::)

Good report Daz and those mozzies can certainly annoy the you now what outta ya. You still had a better day than me, stuck at work and sick as a dog.

Wots with drinkin' the 'Yarra water' in the green can :-?

Tony 8-)

30-10-2005, 10:20 PM
Seems as if everyone has on off day with the fishing.It was my turn today now i have to make sure it dosen't happen again ::) :'(
As for the beer............ A beer is a beer.Just some beers are better than others ;D
Cheers Dazza

30-10-2005, 10:26 PM
Onya Dazza, you got out with the mrs and bub and had a lash.

You did better than what i did in my overnighter at mud , christ i couldn't get a park there.

All i had to show mate was a couple of squire and bronze whalers like there was no tomorrow.

Glad you had a good day mate.


30-10-2005, 10:30 PM
On ya Dazza. MAte you gotta let them win every now and then. I find that when the BOSS has agreat day out she all a sudden wants to buy stuff for the boat or fishin, i let her win all the time ::) ::) ::).

Tony maybe Mrs Skip might need to fish with you next trip outside ::) ::)


30-10-2005, 10:34 PM
I knew this Mrs skip thing would get outta hand ;D

I like your let her win idea :) could do with some more fishing stuff ;D

30-10-2005, 10:37 PM
Onya Mrs skip, i heard she has been in B@B ;D.

Absolute legend lol.

30-10-2005, 10:39 PM
Hey darryl,

BnB wtf

She's not Leanne Payne you know ;)

30-10-2005, 10:41 PM
;DOk i'm zipping it. ;D

30-10-2005, 10:45 PM
THat was Tony's Pic in his dress he wears when doing his dance for the weather gods ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) .


Sorry mate couldn't resist

30-10-2005, 10:52 PM
Right ..... Thats it I'm going to bed . :P ;D ;D

Sorry to hijack your post Dazza, some blokes have nothing better to do ::)

31-10-2005, 01:43 PM
Hey Skipper Im with you. Some mates are just plain mean ....not me Im on your side I wont make fun of you even if you cross dress to appease the weather gods ;D ;D ;D ;D

31-10-2005, 06:19 PM
Hey Dazza...great to catch up with you & the crew..yep,nothing like a bundy for breakfast..those little bundy toss downs are dangerous [smiley=lolk.gif]...I always find after an alnighter I lose all sense of time.

I know what you mean about the weather..left wello ramp at 9.00pm sat night & it was a little uncomfortable..anchored nth of green for a few hours & headed to mud about 4.00am...plenty of fish around..all undesize :(..
Got spooled big time at Green...the fastest & strongest fish I have ever encountered...got spooled in seconds :-/ :-/


31-10-2005, 07:41 PM
Thanks Terry,

More support than a cross over bra ;D

and don't knock it untill you try it :-? ;D ;D

Just joking always worn Bonds, in fact thats me in the chesty bonds ad :o

Tony 8-)

31-10-2005, 08:03 PM
Know what you mean about losing sense of time.Kirsten didn't realise it was only 8.00 am when she had her first beer mind you i knew what the time was and i was on my second.
Was plenty of parking Sat arvo.just had to find somewhere out of the wind and away from the mozzies.
Cheers Dazza