View Full Version : Moreton Bay Fishing update from Andrew Laming MP
29-08-2006, 01:26 PM
All Ausfish anglers,
Since my Cleveland Sands Fishing Forum on August 1, the Moreton Bay Access Association (MBAA) has become a powerful and unifying voice for the many fishing groups whose concerns were being ignored by Government. The strategy included;
Convoy: A fishing protest convoy from Cleveland and Clontarf to Parliament House
Petition: An avalanche of signed petition pages; keep up the good work; I will ensure the Premier hears your views.
Postcards: Thousands of protest postcards are in Boat Shops, at the Brisbane International Boat Show and bait and tackle outlets.
Media: Donna Browne is the MBAA media person, offering a unified, focussed voice for recreational, commercial, traditional fishing interests and industry.
The MBAA must remain independent of politics. That is why I have stayed well clear of blogs or lining up for photo opportunities. I just care about sustainable access to Moreton Bay for all users. The MBAA is well on the way to achieving that.
I note some negative comments from the Unions and also the Queensland Government. That is to be expected. But it wont deter us from our goals which are well on the way to materialising.
What started as a public forum to give voice to the concerns of local fishermen and women within my electorate, has grown rapidly to become a major election issue for South East Queensland. Fishing and passion go hand in hand. I have been humbled by your support and remain committed to fighting with you to see Moreton Bay available to all of us, sustainably (and for our kids).
Thank you for your support.
Ps: I will be at the rally on Sat 2nd to collect petitions…
29-08-2006, 01:58 PM
and where was your voice on the GBR debacle
29-08-2006, 02:07 PM
Yes, it is good to see that this has become an issue at this election, although I am not sure exactly what a federal liberal MP can do about State issues?
29-08-2006, 02:26 PM
He can do very little, however he is tableing his petition (that he generated) in canberra and to the Premier. He is the only MP to have a say on this sight, the only one at the Sands, and the only non TFPQ pollie to say he will attend saturdays rally. I agree it stinks of self promotion, but he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He was shot to pieces a week ago for not following up on ausfish, now he has, he has opened himself up for another broadside. And yes i agree that his above statement says very little.
Yes, it is good to see that this has become an issue at this election, although I am not sure exactly what a federal liberal MP can do about State issues?
in fairness he did help get the ball rolling on this..
first we get rid of state labor to save our fishing & he might not like it but we get rid of his govt;. & their IR laws to save our working way of life ;)
i think the time has come for all to face reality & start voting with their heads & not their hearts. the sooner politicians realise we want what is best for us & our children, not just to pander to their egos & fill their bank accounts & keep voting for their party because our parents did or our union says we should, we want whats best for us... 8-)
29-08-2006, 02:45 PM
I was not a Member of Parliament during the GBRMPA debate.
My primary concern here is the future of Moreton Bay which takes up a major part of the Bowman electorate and is enjoyed by the people of the Redland Shire.
I think too many people just want to sit in their butt and rubbish politicians or anyone who stands for any office. Often these are the people that have never stuck out their necks to be President of this club or Chairman of that association.
I only met Andrew Laming recently - but he is the type of person that makes an ideal local member.
What he has done for fishing is classic and straight out of the manual for good politicians - he listens to local issues, gets involved to help locals get organized and started on the job, then steps back so it doesn’t get “political” ( but is ready to lend a hand). At no time did he try to restrict it to any Party and I think made a point of inviting TFPQ
He lit the fuse on the MBAA - and it would never have happened otherwise. If Moreton Bay is saved it will due to the work of about 9 key people in total. Win or lose Andrew is one of the nine and we owe him.
Both major parties have made decisions that have hurt fishing. I ask you to put that aside and quietly say thanks to Andrew.
PS Enough of that - now back to work giving pollies a hard time (LOL)
29-08-2006, 04:35 PM
I agree with Gary, comrades in rods, Andrew has at least got off his bum and become involved and to do this publically puts him squarely in the sights of those who want to criticize him.
Remember people, there are plently of serving pollies and those who want the job (fishing party candiates excepted) who haven't poked their heads up on this issue, and it is specially disappointing to see that some of those bayside pollies and candidates have chosen to ignore or not become involved in this debate, which I dare say, would be a burning issue in their electorates.
Goes to show you, those that have the guts and those that don't. Good on you Andrew for putting up your hand in this issue and at least contributing to something in favour of access to Moreton Bay - even if you haven't told us much in detail.
Cheers ;) ;)
29-08-2006, 08:26 PM
Be very wary of Greeks bearing gifts, and politicians offering support.
29-08-2006, 09:17 PM
Hi all
ok credit where credit is due guys over the couple of weeks we have all had a say in the fact that pollies are in it for themselves but some pollies are actually there to help people Andrew thank you for your input and what you have started with the MBAA like a lot of people will you see this through to the end not just cut and run if some thing bad goes wrong of federal members try to shut you up like Beatties government shuts up the health workers(E.G keep mouth shut or you do not have a job) :'( :-X :-/ >:(
secondly guys there hae been post placed up from the oppositions office on standing policies with no hidden agenda yes it took time in which to get but fair is fair it is election time for Andrew to stick his neck out and guest what it is not election time for federal till next year :D ;)
i have requested from Beatties office for some to place a post on the board in regards to our concerns all i have received from any of the Beatties government personal is and electronic message as follows
thank you for your letter and your input your letter is imporant to us we will respond to you soon
that was two weeks ago still no reply
the liberals have also responded with the coaliations letter as one party which i have also placed on the board
this has bought the fisho's together under one banner instead of us fighting for the same spot now we are fighting for all and all our childrens rights for the rights to fish
so instead of biting the hand that feeds you :-/ ::) :-? 8-) :o ;D ;)
a pollies that listens is a good pollie, not a sacked pollie, the people need a voice as well.
We are all individuals ;D ;) :) :( 8-) ::) :-? :-[ :-/
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
30-08-2006, 07:21 AM
If Moreton Bay is saved it will due to the work of about 9 key people in total. Win or lose Andrew is one of the nine and we owe him.
"9 key people in total". Wow, that is a big call! I guess you are in a position to know what anyone who is doing anything about Moreton Bay is doing :o The MBAA was formed about 2 months ago and there is still potentially two years before we know what changes there will be to the MPAs in Moreton Bay. You must also be able to see into the future :o :o
I don't know who the 9 people you are referring to are, but I hope you are giving alot of credit to TPFQ who have achieved alot in the past three years, and indeed, that meeting would never have happened if not for them.
A lot more than nine are, and will be working hard. I hope hundreds will give of their time and effort, over the long campaign
But when the history is written there will be key events, turning points and moments. At some critical points along the way an individual make the tough call, sticks out their neck etc.
Thats what I meant by the nine.
Thanks for your support in maintaining our right to fish Moreton Bay without the frustration of having unscientific, politically motivated closures imposed on us.
Hopefully, the political impact being created by this uniting of the various factions in the fishing fraternity will make a significant difference and save our fishing rights in Moreton Bay.
After the Queensland election is all over perhaps you, and your Federal colleagues, will see that it might be a good political decision for your party to take steps SOON to rectify that debacle on the GBRMP that has caused so much trauma in NQ. After all, there is a Federal election due in the not too distant future. ;)
30-08-2006, 09:30 AM
Hi all
on the outside with any key political event Jeremy there are always going to be key players that stick there name and neck out to get the message across and place it in writing for the Governments inabilities to think on level other than there own indulgence of matter and the facts remain that there are always players behind the scenes that place a lot of input like the fisho's mate we have all placed ideas in form or another on the board from these ideas they then became matter to be taken up by some as to whom can do the most good
so credit given to where credit is due ;D ;) ;D ;)
lets get behind these guy's and help any way we can after all democracy is for all ideas then simplified for those in the powers to be ::) ;)
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
15-09-2006, 11:09 AM
Dear Anglers,
On the eve of last weekend's State Election, the Moreton Bay Access Alliance (MBAA) achieved significant concessions, including;
- Seven positions on any Advisory Committee (includes SunFish); to be chaired by an independent expert (preferably from interstate)
- Guaranteed access to science, timelines and the activities of the Queensland Environmental Protection Agency, and
- A broadened submission to State Cabinet, involving the Office of State Development and Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.
Great work !
Given my role in initiating the most recent stage of this campaign (back at the Cleveland Sands on August 1 which led to the MBAA's formation), I want anglers to know that I wont be disappearing just because the State Election is over.
At a federal level, I intend to engage key interstate industry allies.I will also bring to Moreton Bay federal agencies and lobby to fund top-class science for the review process; a task I began last week in Canberra.
I will also be working with key Green groups to ensure that communication lines remain open. The fact that the Australian Marine Conservation Society took their mass Bay closure demands off the internet is an incredibly important first step. Replacing ambit claims with a measured approach,will lead to commonsense rules which all Moreton Bay lovers can get behind.
Lastly, as I indicated during the State Election, I wont be using blogs as some personal political platform. But I will (as any pollie can) be putting every ounce of support behind the MBAA.
While I have only joined Parliament in 2004, I know the lessons from previous negotiation rounds; there is no deal until it is written in law, passed by Parliament and defended by community.
Thank you for your support. Please keep your pressure on local State and Federal members until this process is complete.
15-09-2006, 02:47 PM
The fact that the Australian Marine Conservation Society took their mass Bay closure demands off the internet is an incredibly important first step. Replacing ambit claims with a measured approach,will lead to commonsense rules which all Moreton Bay lovers can get behind.
Dear Andrew
As much as I admire your enthusiasm I think you should get your facts right before you make comment.
As you can see from a direct quote below, the AMCS has NEVER taken their demands off their website. In the lead up to the election they re-wrote and reformatted to make more emphasis. See
One of the biggest disapointments on this forum is people misquoting. All you are doing is making a laughing stock of your credibility.
What the Australian Marine Conservation Society is seeking for Moreton Bay Marine Park?
Currently about 0.5% of Moreton Bay Marine Park is fully protected in “green zones” which in Moreton Bay are called “Protection Zones” or “Marine National Parks” in other marine parks. These are places where all marine life and their habitats are fully protected from extractives activities (e.g. oil and gas exploration, fishing). These would equate to the protection given to plants and animals in National Parks on land.
Scientific recommendations suggest that between 20-50% of all habitat types must be protected in our oceans if we are to ensure the healthy and productivity of our seas. Read More ...
Based on these recommendations, the Australian Marine Conservation Society wants to ensure that the health and productivity of Moreton Bay Marine Park is secure. With increasing pressures on Moreton Bay, we want to see between 20-50% of each habitat type in Moreton Bay Marine Park fully protected from harm in Marine National Parks.
Our call for protection is consistent with what marine scientists are increasingly calling for around the globe.
The level of protection given to each habitat would reflect its need. The more sensitive an area is to impact, for example, the more protection it will need. The more important an area is to the productivity of the Bay, the more protection it will need.
Here is another quote from the AMCS website in relation to Moreton Bay. It is at
University of Queensland, Ecology Centre Director, Professor Hugh Possingham - 2006
“Only 0.5 per cent of the Bay was fully protected”, UQ ecology centre director Hugh Possingham said.
“No-fishing zones in Moreton Bay need to be expanded 20 times just to meet the lowest international standards for protecting marine areas”
Source - Article in The Courier Mail - 26 August (2006)
15-09-2006, 04:03 PM
As you can see from a direct quote below, the AMCS has NEVER taken their demands off their website. In the lead up to the election they re-wrote and reformatted to make more emphasis. See
Sorry Derek... But I think you may be a little mistaken about the NEVER part. The AMCS is continually updating and changing their website and most probably whan Mr Laming last checked - their ambit claim wasnt on there - It wasnt there last time I checked either - and I believe that Steve (Ausfish) posted a txt copy of that same page where the ambit claim was removed.
I'm in a bit of a hurry - so I will check my exact facts and maybe mod this post later - but as far as I know Mr Laming was telling the truth as far as he knew it to be true. I dont think we should be attacking him about misquoting when we cant control what the AMCS does with their website - they can change it every day if they like - just to make us all look like fools... check again in a week and see if what you quoted them as saying is still there....
The problem with this whole topic is that its hard to separate facts from rumour... which I suppose is why they do backroom deals - if we had facts - then they wouldnt be secret deals would they. We have to deal with the info we have at that given moment and go from there.
Just my 2 cents.
15-09-2006, 04:38 PM
As you can see from a direct quote below, the AMCS has NEVER taken their demands off their website. In the lead up to the election they re-wrote and reformatted to make more emphasis. See
Sorry Derek... But I think you may be a little mistaken about the NEVER part. The AMCS is continually updating and changing their website and most probably whan Mr Laming last checked - their ambit claim wasnt on there - It wasnt there last time I checked either - and I believe that Steve (Ausfish) posted a txt copy of that same page where the ambit claim was removed.
I'm in a bit of a hurry - so I will check my exact facts and maybe mod this post later - but as far as I know Mr Laming was telling the truth as far as he knew it to be true. I dont think we should be attacking him about misquoting when we cant control what the AMCS does with their website - they can change it every day if they like - just to make us all look like fools... check again in a week and see if what you quoted them as saying is still there....
The problem with this whole topic is that its hard to separate facts from rumour... which I suppose is why they do backroom deals - if we had facts - then they wouldnt be secret deals would they. We have to deal with the info we have at that given moment and go from there.
Just my 2 cents.
I am sorry Adam but you are wrong. I monitor this website regularly, possibly every two to three days. THE AMCS HAVE NEVER REMOVED THAT SECTION FROM THEIR WEBSITE. It may have been moved but has never been removed.
15-09-2006, 06:56 PM
Inquiry into Australia's national parks, conservation reserves and marine protected areas
Terms of Reference
The Senate has referred the following matter to the Committee for inquiry and report by 30 November 2006: JUST one of the
Australian Marine Conservation Society Submission
15-09-2006, 07:38 PM
Hey Derek... I know you're a moderator and all... but if you type it bigger (shout it any louder)... I MAY just get the point.
I probably dont monitor the amcs website as often as you - my point was that they did change it in the intervening period... which was no reason - in my opinion - to say that Laming was misquoting and consequently making a comment about his credibility. Until you pointed out that they had replaced the ambit claim - I was unaware and was under the belief that they had removed it as was Mr Laming.
If anyone is doing themselves a disservice I fear it may be you. We are all on the same side here and should welcome help and support from any quarter, particularly those who can give us a voice where we need it most. I understand we have to be wary... I'm not eating up everything anyone gives me - and we are free to pick and choose what we like - we can accept his support on fishing issues and reject their policies on others... thats the wonderful thing about this country.
By the way I think as a moderator you should be leading the way in "moderation" and not attacking other members or posters - how are we supposed to restrain ourselves when we see the example you are setting? Who is watching the watchers???
My 3 cents (the price is going up ;) )
15-09-2006, 07:52 PM
For a start Adam I suggest you stop talking rubbish.
When a person states things as being fact, particularly when that person is supposedly a respected member of parliament, then they should check the facts first. Look at what he said, he didnt say maybe or perhaps he said it was a fact.
If I hadnt of mentioned this today then every Ausfish member and visitor reading it would have been under the impression that the AMCS had backed away from their threats to close 30 to 50% of Moreton Bay to fishing.
If you want to go back far enough on Ausfish you will find it was me who first raised the issues about Moreton Bay Marine Park and the threatened closures as put forward by the AMCS. Yes, back then noone was really listening. Talk to Gary Fookes, noone listened to him either.
Contrary to what Mr Laming has said, the AMCS is hell bent on closing up to 50% of the bay. Look properly at their website. That hasnt changed and will most likely never will.
Don't be fooled they wont give up.
If you want to talk about moderating, maybe Mr Laming should be banned from Ausfish for misleading the public. If he talked like this in the House he would most likely be banned there for misleading Parliament. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
15-09-2006, 07:58 PM
As a federal member how about upping the ante on the Responsible State Minister for the Environment by writing them and conveying the needs of all anglers who have been done a disservice during the Caretaker Government weeks just past and require a Ministerial Forum be set-up.
Public Forums are a good start, Television and newspaper coverage are also good conveyance tools but it is at the table with the Responsible Minister that the REAL IMPACT & EXTENT OF DISCONTENT OF POOR DECISIONS AND POORER MANAGEMENT HYPOTHESISES ARE TAKEN ON BOARD AND REAL ACTION TAKEN!!!!
All pollies irrespective of party politics know numbers and the effect that ticking off huge numbers of voters across the state is not a desirious path to take or continue along.
Thanks for taking your constituents cause on board and thanks in advance for assisting all affected in getting the Responsible State Minister to the discussion table via a Ministerial Forum. :)
15-09-2006, 08:06 PM
Hi Fishingmaddad
Unfortunately for you and everyone else affected by the Great Sandy Marine Park, the decision was made by Government months before the election that 31 August 2006 would be the commencement date for the GSMP.
So contrary to your information, the GSMP was not implemented by a caretaker government.
15-09-2006, 08:14 PM
So Derek... is this the standard of communication we are looking for on this site?? With Mods abusing members??
The rest of what you said.... I agree with... I dont think AMCS is ever going to stop until we are all vegans.
I just think you need to tone it down a bit, we all get emotional from time to time - but now you're having a go at me... if you want to resort to a slanging match, I can get as dirty as the rest of them - just ask any of the guys on here who have taken objection to my "style". I just dont think theres any need for that especially when we are on the same side. Think perhaps you should take a big deep breath - step back and maybe take a minute to mod yourself. At least under your handle it says "Ausfish Moderator"... Isn't that supposed to mean something?
Perhaps since you are such a regular visitor to the amcs website you may be able to post here a copy of the page that Laming was referring to where the claim had been moved and placed elsewhere - that may help remove some of the confusion surrounding this issue. If you cant obtain such - I will try some of my sources... only because it seems so important to you.
OK... over to you :D
15-09-2006, 08:54 PM
The reason that I am a moderator on the News Section of Ausfish is because I was the one who asked Steve Brown to create it so that we all had a place to debate issues that had the potential to impact on recreational fishers. In fact I initially wanted it as a board specifically where TFPQ could bring matters to peoples attention.
Go back through the pages on here and see how many posts I actually started when we first kicked off and got highly criticised for. I am as passionate as anyone about this topic, but lets make sure we deal in the facts.
Here is my original post back in December last year trying to bring to peoples attention that up to 50% closures were coming to Moreton Bay
Do you and everyone else here know that the Beattie Governemnt has promised to have Marine Parks from the Gulf to the Goldcoast. Right now between Double Island Point and Caloundra there isnt one. Here is my post warning people of a Sunshine Coast Marine Park. Don't wait for it to be announced start working on Governement now because the conservationists certainly will be.
There is another one somewhere warning people about a Goldcoast Marine Park. Think what would happen if the close in reefs were Green Zones.
Check this one out where I raised a concern about PETA being listed on the EPA website. Through Ausfish we stopped that and had it removed.
Look at this one that I posted up calling for an Action Group for Moreton Bay and got flogged for it. Oh yes someone did listen and the the Moreton Bay Action Alliance happened. I had a chuckle on that one.
Yes mate, even though I no longer live in Queensland I am very passionate about my old fishing grounds.
What annoys me Adam is the misinformation, lies and misquotes that are placed on here as fact. It has to stop and people need to start dealing in facts not fantasy.
As for the AMC website, the whole format changed after it recently got hacked but everything is still there.
Your critcism of me as a Moderator are uncalled for.
15-09-2006, 09:27 PM
Derek... Your criticism and slinging off at other members is also uncalled for.
You may have done great work in the past and your work now may also be good - but there is room here for us all here, just because Steve created this section at your behest - doesn't mean it belongs to you. (Well if Steve pms me or states publicly that this forum is strictly your domain - i.e. you own it and one else has the right to an opinion - then so be it I will apologise and leave you to it!)
There are others besides yourself (and myself) who are working to save our rights to fish the bay. So what if they only just started caring or if they were with you holding your hand from the very beginning, the point is they/we are here now and ready and willing to work. If you want to be the sole bastion of good sense and want to be known as the Saviour of the bay - great go for it but in my opinion you shouldn't be running people down who are just trying to help - you are hurting the cause not helping it by driving in wedges.
Normally I would be having this discussion in private but at the risk of hijacking the whole thread I think it needs to be stated publicly that your abuse of other contributors is not worthy of you, of the site or of the cause in general.
Had a brief look at your "actions"... OK so you're a hero... I'm not!!! I'm just a guy who wants to take my kids fishing - yes I'm a johnny come lately... but I'm here now and don't appreciate people like you telling everyone else (not just me) that what they have to contribute is rubbish... its just a tad rude in my opinion.
You want to deal in FACTS the FACTS are that the ambit claim had been removed for a time - yes it may have been on another page - but it was taken down (off the original page) about the week before the election. The FACTS are that it was there, then it wasnt, now it is. I cant read minds but I dont think Andrew Laming said what he said as a deliberate lie ... what did he have to gain? It appears to me that you are the only one that has anything to gain here... after all its YOUR site and you are the ONLY one who is allowed to have an opinion or be correct.
If you want to talk about moderating, maybe Mr Laming should be banned from Ausfish for misleading the public. If he talked like this in the House he would most likely be banned there for misleading Parliament.
Derek... you ONLY like FACTS?? then there is no FACT in the above statement... I suggest you get your FACTS right before you make statements about what it takes to get banned from Parliament!!
I really dont care about the FACTS - its your blatant abuse of other members including myself that I have an objection with. If it was anyone else they would be yellow carded by now but it appears you can say anything you like under the guise of "moderator".
Like I said: Who is watching the watchers?
Oh.... you'd better copy and paste this post now - as I have a habit of modding my own posts.
15-09-2006, 09:30 PM
Hi all
Derek we are all in this together and the facts are that some time integrity of comments is the best place to get action not hostilities
some of my comments can some times go down like a lead ballon until someone places me back on the right track
as you know the important thing is that some times we all need to step back and when someone see the criticism is out of place them democarcy has to step in
yes we all remember when you posted these articles as this is when some of us started to look at what was going on around us and some just thought you were speaking for the sake of talking
you do have a lot of knowledge that can be put to good use and in the right frames but also when people and out there trying to do some good even if it is to help them politically so long as they are helping is a bonus and we should all place Credit where Credit is due and this goes to you as well
your thoughts are in the right places but some times you are a little over bearing
i have a saying and please take this as it is meant in a good way
this is my saying and i will stick to it ;D 8-) ;D 8-)
People are individuals
indivduals make a
we should never forget
where we come from
we are all knowledgable in our own way with different views and ideas
if we take the knowledge given and gain from this knowledge it is a bonus
but for those that close there minds it is a waste of time :-[ :-[
we can all learn from one another to greater our cause a wealth of knowledge is better than wealth of money and no knowledge ::) ::)
sorry being a bit theartical but the message is we are all here to help one another the more ideas we have to put to this board the better we all understand of what is going on and if we make mistakes along the way and are willing to admit the mistake we have learnt
in the time over the last couple of weeks reading most of your post i have learnt to respect some of your feelings and knowledge but i have also notices that some times your comment are unwarranted
as a mod you should look to remember democarcy is freedom of speak
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
15-09-2006, 10:22 PM
Sigh ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I give up. You have it your way.
15-09-2006, 11:21 PM
Mr Laming, I didn't see any mention in your post regarding consultation with TFPQ. What is your position in regard to TFP ? The results achieved by the TFP independants in the election has proven that they have the support of many people so I would expect you would be liaising with them if you share their comitment to preserving the rights of fishos & others.
Derek, I have to agree with Steve. I think you have over reacted. Your CV is impressive but trotting it out to prove that you are better than someone else and bashing them over the head with it achieves nothing. Being a leader on this issue is about educating & inspiring others to join the cause & showing some humility.
16-09-2006, 12:24 PM
did dereks last post say what i think it meant ::) ::) last time he picked up his bat and ball, he came back. i don't necessarily agree with his style, but derek does spend alot of time researching this topic. don't agree on turning it into a i am better than you debate.
we all know what a fact is- the piece of skin between your ballbag and your arse ;D ;D ;D
back to the topic
last federal election i gave both lib and labour candidates a call to hear their views on rec fishing etc. nearly fell off of my chair when the labour guy said they were looking at "whale corridors up the east coast" no go green zones. haven't heard anymore,
mr lamming are any of your staffers able to find out if this it still on the table of not
16-09-2006, 03:12 PM
I always thought that bit was called a perinium?? :-? :-? ;D ;D Or sometimes chicken skin.
Sorry for making light of a serious conversation, I agree though, keeping it civil amongst ourselves is probably a good thing, last thing needed is for anyone to take the bat and ball and go home. Got a funny feeling this thing will need every bit of possible input and effort no matter how big or how small. Just my 10 cents worth (I value my own opinion higher than adamy does ;) ;)).
Whoops, this one got a bit off track. :(
Derek is an invaluable source of information to everyone on this site. Being a moderator does not mean he should be bland an opinionless. Derek & I had our share of barnies in the early days and it actually helped in developing our public comments. Facts are important and everything we ever post here will one day come back to bite us on the bum if we are not accurate.
As to Andrew and discussions regards AMCS what should be acknowleged is Shane Boese is the one who deserves a lot of credit for dragging this issue kicking and screaming into the public arena. It also takes a pretty brave person to run in a seat with no realistic chance of winning....the old "hidding to nothing" clique. Yes Shane got this started as a TFPQ issue but the party is nothing without good people, people prepared to actually do some hard yards.
Derek has also been one of these people and so is Adam, just a pity they don't quite realise they are on the same bloody side :o :o
From our perspective we welcome Andrew's continued involvement. For those who critisise him as just trying to chase votes :-? :-? THat's his job...look after the issues of his electorate and hope that these people will then vote for him.
The one thing Andrew can do is help keep this issue alive, kicking and in the public eye, just as we will, just as MBAA will, just as these type of chatboards and public forums will, just as fishing mags will......every bit helps and we are all doing this for the same protect it our jobs, our lifestyles, our businesses.same, same.
What everyone involved must acknowledge and be somewhat proud of is "we" (collectively) made this an election issue.
16-09-2006, 05:00 PM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Classic stuff KC. If you remember correctly I started researching Marine Parks and closures to prove you wrong and ya bugger, I ended up convincing myself I was wrong. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
No I haven't packed up my bat and ball and buggered off I just dont think this is worth pursuing anymore and I apologise Adam for taking it out on you.
I will shut up on this particular subject now though but finish by saying that I have not only researched the issues at hand but I have also researched the people behind it and one thing that really peeves me is people who misquote things and tell blatant lies and there are certainly a lot of them out there.
If there is one thing I have learnt and that is not to trust or necessaryily believe any politician. Mr Laming is in that bracket and in my opinion, and my opinion only, at the end of the day when it comes to the crunch he is no friend of TFPQ.
16-09-2006, 05:03 PM
Hi all
sorry guy's!! Derek by no means was the intent for you to just pack your bat and ball mate if this was the case then my post would have read some thing different if you read it states that your knowledge is one thing but you some times lack integrity like the rest of us
we are all here to help with every piece of the puzzle before it does come back and bit us in the A#s# and to do this we all need some one to whom can research this is invaluable and you do this well all we are asking is that remember we are here to help as well
all ideas no matter how silly they may seem are after all ideas!!
if i did offend you then i do apoligizes but the intent was to let you see we are here for every fisho not a i am better than you are Sh#t fight
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
16-09-2006, 05:29 PM
If there is one thing I have learnt and that is not to trust or necessaryily believe any politician. Mr Laming is in that bracket and in my opinion, and my opinion only, at the end of the day when it comes to the crunch he is no friend of TFPQ.
To date, Andrew Laming who incidentally is not only a politician, but is also a keen fisherman and active member of a local fishing club has done nothing to cause harm to TFPQ and his involvement in fishing issues has in fact raised the profile of the issue and the TFPQ.
Whilst I understand that politicians in general have a reputation of being less than honest and forthcoming, I hesitate to tar Andrew with that brush and believe that a symbiotic relationship with him and his office may prove mutually beneficial.
Looking down the track to when TFPQ is a household name, do we want our integrity questioned by the very people we are trying to help?
Shane Boese
16-09-2006, 06:16 PM
Well worded Shane. Now I know why I was handing out those how to vote slips at Wellington Point for you. ;D I also think we should all stop turning on each other and pool our energy and resources into being more creative to get the best possible result for TFPQ.
17-09-2006, 06:22 PM
No I haven't packed up my bat and ball and buggered off I just dont think this is worth pursuing anymore and I apologise Adam for taking it out on you.
No problems Derek... I wasnt taking it personally anyway.... sometimes I like a verbal stouch... its all good!
To everyone else... sorry for the hijacking... we will resume our normal programming in a moment ;)
17-09-2006, 06:28 PM
Keep up the good work derek. I didn't see anything wrong with your response.
I think poor old Adamy is being a tad defensive.
In regards to banning Laming from this site, where do I vote?
It is bad enough reading his bullshit he sends out in the local papers let alone having to get on my favourite fishing web site and read more of his bullshit.
17-09-2006, 06:43 PM
Hey Greg... you stirring the pot again mate?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) Sorry you're too late - this one has already run its course. But its OK - we'll do it again some other time. :P ::)
18-09-2006, 06:38 PM
Just saying it how it is.
By the way don't where you got Greg from?????????????????
Still interested in how I get the !@$%#^&! (laming)banned from this site.
18-09-2006, 07:59 PM
So it's Greg heh, a check of the electoral roll should confirm.
18-09-2006, 07:59 PM
Yeh sorry Hicksy... dunno what came over me - had you confused with someone else... didnt make it back here in time to mod myself... my bad!! ::)
Hey visited your site the other day (rights at work) someone was saying how TFPQ got around 8% of the vote (where they entered candidates...) saying how that would equate to a senator in Canberra if they can pull off the same thing at the federal election... pretty cool huh?!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
18-09-2006, 08:57 PM
". Mr lamming and other associated pollies, where have you gone or have you done your bit and reckon you've received some slaps on the back, and gained a few more votes, so you've now melted back into scenery.
As predicted Laming makes a big hoorah thinks he has won a few votes and goes into hiding. We definately can't rely on Laming for this fight, probably doesn't even know what a pilchard is. "
That was your quote a month ago hicksy. It would appear you asked him back. ;D ;D ;D
Couldn"t help stirring the pot, It looked like it was about to boil over.
19-09-2006, 06:59 PM
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