All Ausfish anglers,
Since my Cleveland Sands Fishing Forum on August 1, the Moreton Bay Access Association (MBAA) has become a powerful and unifying voice for the many fishing groups whose concerns were being ignored by Government. The strategy included;
Convoy: A fishing protest convoy from Cleveland and Clontarf to Parliament House
Petition: An avalanche of signed petition pages; keep up the good work; I will ensure the Premier hears your views.
Postcards: Thousands of protest postcards are in Boat Shops, at the Brisbane International Boat Show and bait and tackle outlets.
Media: Donna Browne is the MBAA media person, offering a unified, focussed voice for recreational, commercial, traditional fishing interests and industry.
The MBAA must remain independent of politics. That is why I have stayed well clear of blogs or lining up for photo opportunities. I just care about sustainable access to Moreton Bay for all users. The MBAA is well on the way to achieving that.
I note some negative comments from the Unions and also the Queensland Government. That is to be expected. But it wont deter us from our goals which are well on the way to materialising.
What started as a public forum to give voice to the concerns of local fishermen and women within my electorate, has grown rapidly to become a major election issue for South East Queensland. Fishing and passion go hand in hand. I have been humbled by your support and remain committed to fighting with you to see Moreton Bay available to all of us, sustainably (and for our kids).
Thank you for your support.
Ps: I will be at the rally on Sat 2nd to collect petitions…