View Full Version : Next Boat Rally - 10th Feb

Chris Ryan
09-01-2008, 09:59 PM

So far we have 10th Feb 2008 on the river. High tide is around 11-30am so if we are moored/anchored up for the run in we get the til the top of the tide for a while then calm running waters.

Looking to have the boats on water and the speakers on land at Newstead house which is the corner Breakfast creek and the River. Boat ramps at Comslie, Pinkenba, Breakfast Creek, Whyte Island etc can be used to disperse the load on the ramps.

Thinking of having a rubbish/urban run-off drive so the idea is to collect crap outta the river and the Bay before the event and bring it with you to dump off at the speakers point. If you think this is a good idea let us know - but we thought if we can show how much crap the EPA is missing it will help show the public what is the real issue is. Yes/No ??

After the speeches we head up to Southbank, do 5kts up and up to the William Jolly Bridge turnaround and head back - thinking in formation of 5 boats across times how ever many boats we have.

Poster design and flyers design to come. If you have ideas, shoot em in now.


10-01-2008, 07:01 AM
Hi Chris,

overall sounds great. Just a couple of points. Firstly, we cannot dump rubbish that we collect on the land, unless we put it in bins. Otherwise we would be done for littering.

Might be better to be anchored up at that location when the tide is running to keep everyone pointed the same way and avoid boats hitting each other (there will be ALOT of boats). The river is only around 10m deep off Newstead House so there shouldn't be any dramas holding bottom in the run.

I reckon we all anchor up across river and make all the city cats and other boats slow down to 6 knots to pass us. I am not aware of any restrictions to anchoring anywhere in the river (except self preservation).

A convoy up to Southbank is a great idea.


10-01-2008, 07:33 AM
I think that we also being a "protest " group on the day that we probably can expect a little intervention from the authorities so probably a good idea that we insure that:

Boat registration and licenses are intact.
Safety gear requirements are met.
Flares are current and in date
Lifejackets are of the correct type
Alcohol consumption to be limited so that we are under .05

It would be a shame to have so much organisation go into this event then for us to be portrayed by the media as a drunken lawless mob of fisherman.
We have to be as professional as we can to have the most desirable impact.

Chris Ryan
10-01-2008, 08:09 AM
Hi Jeremy,

I was looking to get a Council garbo truck at the Park for us to use to dump the rubbish, or get a 3m skip bin there. I have a picture in my head with a headline saying something like "Green Zones don't stop pollution" and a picture of a sh!tload of rubbish being collected by fisho's. Its a strong image.

I like the idea of anchor in the run so maybe we make it a little earlier.

Brewguru has also hit the nail on the head - MUST have all of his points valid and up to date. I would advise NO alcohol drinking before or during the rally.


10-01-2008, 08:20 AM
I can help with a six metre skip, delivery,removal and disposal, If thats what we want to do. Free of Charge I have the bins and a crane truck, we would have to check access to the site.

Chris Ryan
10-01-2008, 10:10 AM


Quick Question - the 9th is the Saturday, would we be better for the Sunday? I have had a few comments saying it would be better and I am happy to make it the Sunday if it is more suitable for more people.


Chris Ryan
10-01-2008, 10:12 AM
Hey Brewguru - that will be great if you can. I am doing a reccy on the site next week and will let you know the suitability for this. I also will need to get some feedback from the group on if they think this is a good idea before I commit you to anything.


10-01-2008, 10:48 AM

No problems Saturday or Sunday with me.
Supplying the bin, transport and disposal I can do no problem.

The only real issue I see, is the media and mr joe public, are they gunna get the connection of collecting rubbish and the proposed green zone of the "Moreton Bay"?

If you want a hand with looking at access I am availble just pm me and I'll give you my mobile



10-01-2008, 12:11 PM
I think colmslie is a good spot to start from.


10-01-2008, 07:07 PM
The ' officials ' will be contacted to make sure the event runs smooth.

Boat launching can be from Colmslie, Pinkenba, Whyte Island, Breakfast Creek, end of Aquarium Drive or Nudgee, or really anywhere , but make sure you arrive at the " muster " area on time.

An information pack ( downloadable leaflet ) will be made available soon.

It will contain all relevant info in relation to :-

muster area,
banners and posters
Rubbish collection criteria
tide times
VHF channel
After rally events ( if one is to be made )
Do's and Don'ts

stay tuned.

Cheers Phill

10-01-2008, 11:59 PM
Either day is fine by me but I have a preference to Saturday. Will keep an eye out for more details so I can do my bit for the cause.



11-01-2008, 06:31 AM
I don't think there is access to get a skip onto the Point at Newstead House, but across the other side of Brekky Ck (opposite the BP servo) you might get access, but then that spot is difficult for boats to get at from the water. I agree that Colmslie would be alot easier for the rubbish collection part - maybe do this on the way back to the ramp after the tour up river?

I agree, it will make a good message re fishing vs pollution


11-01-2008, 07:14 AM
One thing that amazes me as to why it isn't taken into the equation of sustainability in the Bay is the weather itself. The Bay is not fishable 24/7 365 days a year. Mother Nature has her own way of keeping fishing levels down to help replenish fish stocks. It's called WIND and to a lesser degree rain. Some of the really keen anglers like myself will get wet to catch a feed but I am sure we're a minority group however that 25-35 knot wind will keep most of us away and it seems that those conditions frequent the weekends which rules me out to have a fish in the Bay a lot of the times. I might get out there 4-5 times in the year if I am lucky. Just another point to bring across. Sorry if I am rambling on.


11-01-2008, 07:55 AM
its a good point roo, keith hall made mention of it last time, and has a list of statistics to back it up.
at the rally at clontarf last year, we had mr hall as speaker, and the lady from morgans? or the seafood assosiations support. are they still backing us?



12-01-2008, 12:17 PM
Was sitting here thinking once again as one does when the wind is too strong to hit the bay and I had an idea. How would it be if we could come up with some sort of sponsorship for the next rally and then to stick it fair up the greenies we donate all proceeds back to environmental research for the bay or better still give it to the greens? What sort of publicity would the "fishos" get out of that?


12-01-2008, 04:05 PM
i like ur ideas roo, every way we can stick it to the greens the better, even if its used to win a point in an arguement.

let the ideas roll.



Chris Ryan
12-01-2008, 05:15 PM
Poodroo - mate your mind is in top gear! Question is how/where does the money go if it can be sourced?

Tagging resources?
New arti reefs and research of the species and speed of usage?
The effectiveness of propeller guards and the costs associated with retrofitting to vessels?

Ideas ladies and gentleman - bring em on.


12-01-2008, 07:41 PM
Poodroo - mate your mind is in top gear! Question is how/where does the money go if it can be sourced?

Tagging resources?
New arti reefs and research of the species and speed of usage?
The effectiveness of propeller guards and the costs associated with retrofitting to vessels?

Ideas ladies and gentleman - bring em on.


My way of thinking Chris is that all we have to do is raise the money. Once handed over it will look as though we have done a good deed. What they do with the money is up to them. If they don't use it wisely then who will look bad to the public with the bad press? The main thing to get across is that we the fishos are environmentally friendly and we do care. All we want to do is enjoy our hobby and keep the Bay in pristine condition for future generations to enjoy. For anyone interested to fly the Australian flag on the day they are available at Crazy Clark's at the moment in two sizes. The one on the stick for $1.99 and a large one (about the same size as a bath towel) for $7.99


Chris Ryan
12-01-2008, 08:02 PM
True mate but who is the group the funds get made out too? I would not recommend the AMCS (they get enough anyway starting with $100k p.a. from the EPA). So who would it be?

12-01-2008, 08:04 PM
True mate but who is the group the funds get made out too? I would not recommend the AMCS (they get enough anyway starting with $100k p.a. from the EPA). So who would it be?

I am sure someone can think of something. How about giving it to a fish breeding and restocking program? There's a few about. I only come up with the ideas. You don't expect me to put the ideas into fruition as well do you? :P


Chris Ryan
12-01-2008, 08:32 PM
of course I do!!!! :)

I like the idea. Anybody else got a suggestion?


12-01-2008, 09:24 PM
So why haven't the mods made this thread a sticky yet? There are also some other sticky threads in this part of the forum that could probably be unstuck. ;)


13-01-2008, 01:28 AM
where would the money be coming from ???

13-01-2008, 06:22 AM
Okay obviously I need to expand on the idea a little bit. This is how I was thinking it would work.
Approach someone eg: BCF and announce to them that we are going to have a protest rally with 500+(ambitious I know) boats hitting the river. We let them know we are trying to raise money to help with scientific research for the Bay or fish restocking programs (or whatever Chris decides). We can then ask them to sponsor the event and we can fly their name on a banner on a few of the boats which more than likely will get media coverage for them. They pay X amount of dollars for the privilege. We could approach more than one sponsor of course. This is where the money comes from. Now it was just an idea so don't anyone shoot me for it, just trying to help.;) I don't see anyone else sharing ideas on here.::)
Actually Ausfish does pretty well out of these events. Look at all the Ausfish stickers out there getting free publicity. ::)


13-01-2008, 07:09 AM
Poodroo..I hate to tell you but I doubt you would get one single business that wants to associate themselves with any form of protest rally regardless of whether it is beneficial to them or not. It is not good business practice...they all want to be seen as good corporate citizens.
I think the energies would be better spent notifying every boating and fishing club in south east Qld that there is a rally going to happen.

13-01-2008, 11:00 PM
The best way to raise money is through people who will be affect. the local tackle shops and us fisho. Some fund rasiing events like breaky b4 the rally for a donated amount or softdrinks at the ramp. The money would be best used to provide stickers for cars and boats.

Etc. Save the bay slogans. Everyone drives a car and it will gain attention whereever you go.

14-01-2008, 06:16 AM
The best way to raise money is through people who will be affect. the local tackle shops and us fisho. Some fund rasiing events like breaky b4 the rally for a donated amount or softdrinks at the ramp. The money would be best used to provide stickers for cars and boats.

Etc. Save the bay slogans. Everyone drives a car and it will gain attention whereever you go.

Well that is my way of thinking also Timddo. If could no longer fish in the bay just how many people would bother? Businesses would hurt. I am sure any bait and tackle shop would be mad not to support what we are trying to achieve. Could also do the gold coin donation thing and have a sausage sizzle to also help raise a few dollars. Like Chris said, just keep the ideas coming. I still think it is a good idea but if we don't try we will never know.


14-01-2008, 07:44 AM
Fantastic Article in This months "Queenslands Fishing Monthly"
No Justification for massive Fishing Closures says MBAA.

Interesting read I might send a copy to Frances Whiting



14-01-2008, 05:57 PM
Just a thought.
If we are having a protest then we need to get the word out.
This thread is the only way of being told of the protest. If we expect to have heaps and heaps of people show up then we need to come up with a plan to inform the masses of the reason for the protest, the venue and time. Also we need to give them time to make arrangements to join in and hopefully convince them to join in.

Chris Ryan
14-01-2008, 06:20 PM
I agree Stue.

Getting a graphic designer finishing the posters and flyers now. Getting pricing on printing and then getting money together for the printing to be done. Its underway - just getting it complete and out.

In the meantime, tell your mates, tell your family and tell your tackleshop, your boat mechanic and dealer and anyone else who will listen that we need them to help us on the day.


14-01-2008, 06:30 PM
Chris do we need the approval of the water police to rally up and down the river with so many boats? Have we worked out just how long it is going to take to launch that many boats from the limited number of ramps available? Let's not forget that there will be the usual number of weekend boats to contend with as well as our lot. Your thoughts?


14-01-2008, 09:31 PM

There is a group called "SEQ Healthy Waterways" that is endeavouring to do the good work - they contributed to our (MBAA's) research project and if you like I can put you in touch with the right person there so you can find out more about who's involved (which groups, Govt Depts, Councils etc) with them.


Chris Ryan
14-01-2008, 10:01 PM
Hi Grant - sounds good to me. Love to talk to them mate. Oh can you also get me the contact numbers for the other mob we spoke about as I would love their involvement too.

Poodroo - yes we do and QLD Police Major Events group have been contacted to discuss the event and the logistics involved. We will abide by their call on this matter but I know we all will do the right thing on the day!


15-01-2008, 10:14 PM
Have we got a web site or link to banners posters etc, what sought of numbers are we hoping for?
I am thinking we are losing a bit of momentum or is that just me. I have been telling everyone I know and explaining to them the real deal, most are unaware of what the proposals are, or the if the final draft is L A W or
how it will effect them. ( I now have 3 deckies and 6 tourists for the day)

I thought some guidlines of protocul and behaviour were to be posted on this site.

Do we have a media spokesperson and if we do, should we be asked for opions, or why we are doing what we are doing, it should be directed in the right direction and person.

I just want to make sure that we are all informed and the protest is a great success



15-01-2008, 11:00 PM
g'day chris, a good mate of mine is a moderator on a qld spearfishing forum. he would like you, or a represenitve to get in touch with him, so they can advertise rallies ect, on their website.
ill pm his email address.



Chris Ryan
16-01-2008, 03:56 AM
Have we got a web site or link to banners posters etc, YES. not 100% done yet. Will be in next day or so. Will give out address then.

what sought of numbers are we hoping for? Well over 200, I would love 500+

I am thinking we are losing a bit of momentum or is that just me. I have been telling everyone I know and explaining to them the real deal, most are unaware of what the proposals are, or the if the final draft is L A W or
how it will effect them. ( I now have 3 deckies and 6 tourists for the day)
Momentum is a funny things, some think it is increasing, others think it is slowing. I am doing this as a one man show at the moment but things are moving forward.

I thought some guidlines of protocul and behaviour were to be posted on this site. They are and will - want to get the posters/flyers done first.

Do we have a media spokesperson and if we do, should we be asked for opions, or why we are doing what we are doing, it should be directed in the right direction and person. I have been it from the first one but I have some support in this aspect now that I can call on for assistance.

I just want to make sure that we are all informed and the protest is a great success

Thanks Ed. I know we all want the same outcome and am working towards getting this done. Invites for the speakers are out, waiting on responses there. Meeting graphic designer Thursday to get the posters and flyers. Will have website done very soon and published.

I have checked out the location - we have a rotunda with AC power at the corner of the park perfect for the speaker location. There is a pontoon there where we can pull into to drop off the rubbish collected. The only hiccup there is the skip will be a short walk away as we can't get it too close due to gardens and walkways but will have a chat to the Council on that one.

Momentum is there, just getting to the public interaction part now!


Chris Ryan
16-01-2008, 09:20 AM
Hi all,

Website is active - still needs work but thought it best to get something up. Ideas and suggestions on changes and/or additions welcome. Posters and info on the next boat rally will be published here as well as other items as we get them cranking.

What do you guys think? www.saveourbay.org.au


16-01-2008, 09:52 AM
You do realise the similarity of name with the AMCS website



Chris Ryan
16-01-2008, 11:15 AM
You do realise the similarity of name with the AMCS website



Gee, that is close. Hope people don't confuse the two...


16-01-2008, 11:58 AM
Everyone remember that any submissions or objections against the draft management plan for the rezoning of the Moreton Bay area must also be put to the EPA in writing. Just a reminder. Russ

16-01-2008, 09:23 PM
Also on Bonus's point, i have perused the greenies response the submission, they go into everyone in a very detailed clinical way, i suggest people do this as well, easy to find, check out their website and how they rate it, it shows the efforts they are making on it, MBAA does something similar but think of how effective it would be if the ordinary user of the bay went to the same effort


17-01-2008, 06:35 PM
Hi all,

Website is active - still needs work but thought it best to get something up. Ideas and suggestions on changes and/or additions welcome. Posters and info on the next boat rally will be published here as well as other items as we get them cranking.

What do you guys think? www.saveourbay.org.au (http://www.saveourbay.org.au)


gday Chris - you're doing a top job mate!

what about starting an email 'chain'?
explain simply the reason for the rally and all the relevant details and ask all boaties to get in the water and tag along.

get everyone to send it to 10 people and so on - it should get plenty of exposure in a short time and is sure to be read by many more boaties than on this thread or in a tackle shop. there's no harm in it - especially if friends send to their friends and so on...


17-01-2008, 06:50 PM
Chris that website is just simply the best. Top job. Well done!


Chris Ryan
17-01-2008, 07:54 PM
gday Chris - you're doing a top job mate!

what about starting an email 'chain'?
explain simply the reason for the rally and all the relevant details and ask all boaties to get in the water and tag along.

get everyone to send it to 10 people and so on - it should get plenty of exposure in a short time and is sure to be read by many more boaties than on this thread or in a tackle shop. there's no harm in it - especially if friends send to their friends and so on...


Hi Mick,great idea. I'll knock up a pre-formatted email that can be copied and pasted to send over the weekend.

Thanks Poodroo! Had some great help with the pictures.

Also all the posters and flyers are almost done. Saw the copy this arvo. I need to get some pricing up to get the posters done as they are A3. I will need a few of you to put your hands up to help distribute them to the tackle shops etc. So who will do that to help?

Keep an eye out in Club Marine's next mag issue; they have included info from the last rally and details on the next one and are a good supporter.


17-01-2008, 08:06 PM
A proffessional job once again Chris fanbloodytastic! just check the date of the boat rally is it the 9th or 10th?

Chris Ryan
17-01-2008, 08:12 PM
Its the 10th. Good pick-up! Too many things in my head at once :)

EDIT: Fixed

17-01-2008, 09:07 PM
any mods delete this bit, stufeed up

17-01-2008, 09:10 PM
looking at new post stats:

Boat rally views 1,097

how to flush your motor views 3,663

ausfish stickers views 9,422

I just don't get it or maybe no one else does?

17-01-2008, 09:27 PM
looking at new post stats:

Boat rally views 1,097

how to flush your motor views 3,663

ausfish stickers views 9,422

I just don't get it or maybe no one else does?

G'day BrewGuru. Those other threads have been around much longer so obviously will have had a lot more views. This thread has only been running a short while and has had 1,097 views already which is sure to climb up. Hopefully enough people have been reached who are willing to support. Time is fast running out so I would encourage all who want to support to show a definite interest to give Chris an idea of numbers. We DO NOT want to kiss our Bay goodbye do we? I will be there and hope no Greenies try to board my vessel. I may have to take them hostage. ::):P


17-01-2008, 09:56 PM
Yep I with you all the way poodroo, I am fairly new to Ausfish but I have been fishing, prawning and crabbing the bay for 20 years, I am very very passionate about our lifestyle and how lucky we are to have it. I guess I get frustrated with complanceny, the ones that are complaing about the current situation are the ones who want to sit on their hands and hope it will all go away, they aint gunna happen! I absolutely applaud the efforts of Chris, Grant our Ausfish mods and Owner are putting into this worthwhile cause.
I will be their on Sunday 10th, I just hope with the exposure that this ralley is getting we get our 500 + Boats, that would be oarsome!!!

17-01-2008, 10:18 PM
more than 1000 views, but how many of that is repeats. I know for sure i check about 6 times a day.

I will be at the rally. Just look for a tabs 5.45

18-01-2008, 09:19 AM
I check more than 6 a day. Will be interesting to see how many turn up.

18-01-2008, 02:19 PM
Just a thought, maybe we could have some sort of form letter o hand out to those who wish to voice their disagreement in writing and maybe more objections will end up being submitted. Just something simple for people to read and add their name and signature to and post off to the epa. If there is something like that on the day it may get more attention than just hoping that people will do it off thier own backs.

Chris Ryan
18-01-2008, 02:56 PM
Just a thought, maybe we could have some sort of form letter o hand out to those who wish to voice their disagreement in writing and maybe more objections will end up being submitted. Just something simple for people to read and add their name and signature to and post off to the epa. If there is something like that on the day it may get more attention than just hoping that people will do it off thier own backs.

Bloody good idea smiley. There is already the pre-formatted letter i put together in the News Forum. I am also putting together a quick "postcard" type of thing for not only the rally, but the EPA meetings as well where you can print them out, put your name, address/email and signature on it and hand to a person at the EPA and ask for a response in writing (make sure you get the persons name you gave it to).

Better still - if you are going to these things, this goes for all of you, who wants to be a marshall/organiser at each location and do this for people, take the signed copies and hand them over at the end of the night? ::)


p.s. still waiting on names of those who will help spread around the posters next week when I get them printed. ;)

18-01-2008, 05:47 PM
I'd be more than happy to help spread them out, if you just want to let me know where I can pik them up and where would be the best places to spread them out to. I live on the southside so I could a few bait and tackle shops over my way I guess.

Chris Ryan
18-01-2008, 06:42 PM
Thanks Smiely. I'll be in touch re collection soon.

22-01-2008, 11:19 PM
What were you proposing to broadcast on VHF?

my tub lives in creeks and dams, but does have 27meg and I do have a few hand held UHFs.

Sounds like a good excuse for an early morning fish and then the rally :-)

Thanks for all your work on this!!!!

Chris Ryan
23-01-2008, 03:57 PM
Here is the DL Flyer for printing at home to hand out at ramps, tackleshops, dealers, mates, mums, dads, schools, shopping centres etc. Please print them out and get handing them around. ;D

A3 Poster size on their way from printers in next 48hrs.:D


24-01-2008, 01:23 AM
Any news on what/who will be happening at Newstead ?

Et the et
26-01-2008, 03:39 PM
Could a few of us driving around like this for the next 2 weeks get a bit more interest? See pic. It's cheap advertising.
I just hope I can make it along on the day, should be good.


Chris Ryan
26-01-2008, 04:00 PM
Could a few of us driving around like this for the next 2 weeks get a bit more interest? See pic. It's cheap advertising.
I just hope I can make it along on the day, should be good.


Eddie - F**king Brilliant mate!!!!

Any one else able to top that effort???

Challenge is set out there. Have a go, don't be unaustralian and have a go.


26-01-2008, 09:27 PM
I am seeing Keith on Sunday, will ask for you - He's pretty passionate about all of this - (as we all are!) Let you know.


27-01-2008, 09:05 AM
Hey guys.......just a quick question for those of us without water transport. Could we set up a seats available register for the day??? I am trying to move heaven and earth to attend at least one rally this year for the greater cause and I think there'd be more members out there happy to tag along if the space is available.
Cheers guys,

Chris Ryan
27-01-2008, 09:31 AM
Great Idea Chris (gee there is a few of us on here now!)

I chose the Newstead Park site for a couple of reasons. First it is easy to find on the water and has a wide turn in the river with space to burn for ferries etc. It is also on Breakie Creek which allows more boats to mill around. The land base has a rotunda for the speeches and acts like a heightened stage (also has power!). Lastly there is a jetty there so if you can make the rally, park close to the site and you can jump onboard a boat for the run up the river from there.

A register of available seats - Can I ask someone to run that please as I have way too much to do already. Who can do that?


27-01-2008, 09:45 AM
Great Idea Chris (gee there is a few of us on here now!)

I chose the Newstead Park site for a couple of reasons. First it is easy to find on the water and has a wide turn in the river with space to burn for ferries etc. It is also on Breakie Creek which allows more boats to mill around. The land base has a rotunda for the speeches and acts like a heightened stage (also has power!). Lastly there is a jetty there so if you can make the rally, park close to the site and you can jump onboard a boat for the run up the river from there.

A register of available seats - Can I ask someone to run that please as I have way too much to do already. Who can do that?


Consider it done Chris. I will start something in this forum section.


27-01-2008, 10:49 AM
Hey guys.......just a quick question for those of us without water transport. Could we set up a seats available register for the day??? I am trying to move heaven and earth to attend at least one rally this year for the greater cause and I think there'd be more members out there happy to tag along if the space is available.
Cheers guys,

G'day 4x4 Frog. If you want to tag along please put your name on the official register that I started.



31-01-2008, 11:15 PM
Any news on what/who will be happening at Newstead ?

I'm am endeavouring to gain support for this rally from others in the world that that aren't Ausfish members. An answer to this question (or a link to the info) would be appreciated.

I've read over the thread again but may be suffering "domestic blindness":P


Chris Ryan
01-02-2008, 06:01 AM
We have Shadow Minister for Fisheries attending the rally. I am just waiting on RSVP's from other invitees.

There initial meet will be at Newstead for a short presentation/speech by the dignitaries, then move in formation (about 3-5 across and in a queue up river to Southbank. Making sure the Eagle Street, Riverside and Southbank visiting public notice our boats with signs - Green Zones don't stop pollution, EPA OK with dredging for 2nd Runway but not fishing, and any others you wish.


01-02-2008, 06:14 AM
The word is going out big time this weekend.

I have gathered the hordes and will be presenting posters to all and sundry.

I have also been emailing the poster to friends and family and business's asking them to place the poster on notice boards, in pidgeon holes, stick to the inside of their car windows. I have been faxing the poster around and generally making it known, what's doin.

Land based people can firstly, put their hands up to be Marshalls ( lend a hand at boat ramps for launching ) and also jump on board others boats or attend on foot at the park.

See you all there.


01-02-2008, 10:14 AM
Thanks for that.

I have sent the info out to everyone in my address book also.

Looking forward to a good turnout.

A thought on the day - I expect the supporters furthest from the park may have trouble hearing what is being said. Perhaps if there were some VHF & 27meg radios up the front that could broadcast on a designated channel might make things better in that respect. Also any boaters not attending may pick it up too.

Anybody bringing an airhorn (or similar) to attract attention as we motor along ?;)

Chris Ryan
01-02-2008, 06:23 PM
Can't broadcast on VHF as we will be breaking the broadcast regulations act. We will have a PA there that will allow the slipways in Bulimba hear it according to our Ausfisher who is supplying it!

Thanks for helping ellicat.


01-02-2008, 08:50 PM
I am still looking for about 4 - 6 marshalls for the day.

You will be placed at boat ramps and assist in any way possible to make the launching of the protest vessels as quick and easy as possible.

You will be provided with High_Vis vests and info for the participants. People with boat experience prefered, but really, anyone willing to put their hand up will be appreciated.

pm me here, email me kingfisher.ps@optusnet.com.au or phone my mobile 0419 020 697.

Cheers Phill

02-02-2008, 04:20 PM
If we are assembling at 10 o'clock for 10.30 it will take my big old girl 3 hours from Scarborough to get to Newfarm Park I will have to leave Scarborough at approximately 7.00am.
I am picking up a Photographer from Bretts Wharf at Hamilton at 10:00 am to come and join us on board from Quest Newspapers, they will give us a positive spin on things.
I may need some assistance in the way of space near the front of the pack for opportune photo's and also being 46' long I may need some space to swing around. If someone could organise a spot for me it would be much appreciated.


02-02-2008, 04:51 PM
and the chant is heard getting louder from a distance...


02-02-2008, 07:01 PM
Good on you BrewGuru. Love your spirit.

Comms logistics

Would it be a good idea to have a couple of agreed 27Meg and Vhf channels for us all to be "standing by" for any comms requests such as clear a spot for BrewGuru. We cant broadcast the meeting but we will need inter-boat comms for logistics and dont need to tie up working VMR frequencies eg use ch 94 for 27meg. Its not exclusive use but at least we will all be tuned to the same frequency. For those with no radios its only yell from someone that has 27M or VHF or both.

Chris Ryan
02-02-2008, 07:41 PM
works for me mate. Chat with Lucky_Phil as he is the radio co-ordinator guy as he did it last time.


02-02-2008, 09:15 PM
" the radio co-ordinator guy ??? !!!! " :o :o

I would suggest channel 94 on 27 meg and channel 73 on VHF.


Chris Ryan
02-02-2008, 09:37 PM
yeah - the radio co-ordinator guy. What's wrong with that???? ;)

02-02-2008, 10:11 PM
:D done didlely done. Sounds good. Yaay to the radio co-ordinator guy :D

The chant IS getting louder:


03-02-2008, 09:01 AM
couple of questions

whts the bottom like where we will be anchoring.
whats the current like.
which is the best ramp to launch at with a pontoon, on the nth side.
wife is pregnant and needs one to board the boat.



03-02-2008, 10:06 AM
Just wondering Chris is there is any way possible to link a map of the surrounding boat ramps with street locations onto the website? If we could know the streets then those of us with GPS systems can just key it in and go. For me I think the Comslie ramp looks convenient as I looked for it with Google Earth but a street address would be handy. In the meantime I will see what I can find out myself online.



03-02-2008, 02:01 PM
2 x Breakfast Ck No Pontoons Steep. Brownies map 67 Nth Side
Pinkemba Kirra St, Nice slooping ramp and small beach to side. Brownies map 67 Nth Side
Colmslie Reserve (behind hockey fields) Pontoons, Off lytton road, brownies map 67 Sth Side
Whyte island Map 58
Bulimba point (near sailing club) map 67
Aquarium Passage map 67

03-02-2008, 02:21 PM
Thanks Brian, these ramps are also marked clearly in the UBD ( refidex ).

Further, due to the costs involved in getting this thing going we ( chris and me ) are asking for any donation possible on the day. I will instruct the Marshalls to collect said donation. No reciept, no tax deduction just show us the money.

The funds are going towards printing, advertising, permits, personal expenses, phone calls etc etc. You probably have no idea how much actually goes into getting something like this happening, as well as all the other ' behind the scenes " activities. Any amount will help.

Thanks in advance........ Phill

03-02-2008, 10:19 PM
PM'd you Phil , more than happy to help!
and the rubble gets louder............................
"Hands of our Bay" EPA!!!

04-02-2008, 02:32 PM
Just wondering Chris is there is any way possible to link a map of the surrounding boat ramps with street locations onto the website? If we could know the streets then those of us with GPS systems can just key it in and go. For me I think the Comslie ramp looks convenient as I looked for it with Google Earth but a street address would be handy. In the meantime I will see what I can find out myself online.



This doc might help. Has all the BCC ramps etc listed (well most of them)

05-02-2008, 06:22 PM
Thanks Brian, these ramps are also marked clearly in the UBD ( refidex ).

Further, due to the costs involved in getting this thing going we ( chris and me ) are asking for any donation possible on the day. I will instruct the Marshalls to collect said donation. No reciept, no tax deduction just show us the money.

The funds are going towards printing, advertising, permits, personal expenses, phone calls etc etc. You probably have no idea how much actually goes into getting something like this happening, as well as all the other ' behind the scenes " activities. Any amount will help.

Thanks in advance........ Phill

Phill you will have to empty your mail box or pm me your email addy'



05-02-2008, 06:51 PM
Are there any Gold Coast fisher's/boatie's going to this? we should be!
if this goes through where next.

Cheer's BAT

05-02-2008, 07:11 PM
Are there any Gold Coast fisher's/boatie's going to this? we should be!
if this goes through where next.

Cheer's BAT

BAT..I don't think it will be too long either..when they start on their river and estuary review..look out down that way.

05-02-2008, 08:17 PM
FYI, BAT, Moreton Bay Marine Park extends to the north wall of the Seaway, so YES, you are already affected.


05-02-2008, 09:13 PM
We are getting close to the day, should we have some online register of who is coming or an online expression of interest for logistic purposes?
At this stage we have no idea if there are going to be 50 boats or 500 boats I personally would like to see 5000 boats, PooDroo is doing the passenger list and I notice some responses are saying " I already Have a boat I will be there" I think we should exploit that view.
By the way PooDroo I will have room for 1 or 2 on the day I have to finalise figures, we are leaving Scarborough, Moreton Bay Boat Club, at 7.00am sharp, with 14 POB (plus Quest photographer to pick up at "Hamilton Game Wharf" at 10.00am)


Chris Ryan
05-02-2008, 09:19 PM

Sorry for my quietness of late. I have been interstate for work and now off to Sydney as I have a very ill 98yr old grandmother that I must visit. I won't be back around now until Thursday but please ask Lucky_Phill for anything you may need, he is my right hand man in this.


05-02-2008, 09:37 PM
Wish your grandmother well from our online family.


06-02-2008, 07:47 AM

Sorry for my quietness of late. I have been interstate for work and now off to Sydney as I have a very ill 98yr old grandmother that I must visit. I won't be back around now until Thursday but please ask Lucky_Phill for anything you may need, he is my right hand man in this.

That's not good at all Chris. Hope all works out for your grandmother. You know I worry about the fact that you have taken on so much too Chris with the new baby. work, and all of this for the boat rally. Your health is your greatest asset and if you burn out you can't go back from there. Take it from an expert. SLOW DOWN!

Well I think this is going to be our biggest enemy on Sunday. Fine fishing weather finally. Hey Phill if there is any way possible to plaster the site in the general section, saltwater, boating, etc etc with the message to forgo fishing just this once and put in an appearance at the rally perhaps we can target those members who don't look in this section of the forum? Check out Seabreeze.


06-02-2008, 09:59 AM
Nice write up in This months Club Marine mag. Well done Guys

3rd degree
06-02-2008, 07:03 PM

Seabreeze is now suggesting Sunday will not be to flash out on the water!

Hopefully there will be a good turnout at the rally!



06-02-2008, 07:52 PM
FYI, BAT, Moreton Bay Marine Park extends to the north wall of the Seaway, so YES, you are already affected.

Thank's for that peice of info!
That's the ocean side right?. At the moment.

Cheer's BAT

06-02-2008, 10:34 PM
Nope.... that is both the inside and outside. It starts at the seaway nth wall and makes it's way across the channels to Paradise Point and then encompasses all water north of there.


06-02-2008, 10:37 PM
I am still looking for 2 marshalls to attend the Pinkenba Ramp on Sunday.

Even if you are landbased, could you help out at the ramp and then drive to Newstead park for the event and then return to the ramp afterwards and assist again.

Put ya hands up you northside guys !!!!

pm me here.

0419 020697

3379 3473



06-02-2008, 11:14 PM
:vrolijk_26: Phill I'll put my hands up !

I'll be there, with my own XXXXXL vest ! ;D

Fill me on the details ;) PM, phone or post.


PS: If anyone has a spare seat leaving Pinkenba after the duties of getting everyone in the water, let me know :) (and getting them out again ;D )

07-02-2008, 07:05 AM
:vrolijk_26: Phill I'll put my hands up !

I'll be there, with my own XXXXXL vest ! ;D

Fill me on the details ;) PM, phone or post.


PS: If anyone has a spare seat leaving Pinkenba after the duties of getting everyone in the water, let me know :) (and getting them out again ;D )

Damo there are some spare seats in peoples' boats. Have a look on here.


07-02-2008, 07:27 AM
Thanks Damo, I will contact you Friday or saturday with details.


07-02-2008, 07:37 AM
Hi Chris,

Considering the potential number of boats that will be there on Saturday and the necessary distance required between anchored boats, it may be difficult to hear the address in the boats. Is it possible to broadcast the address on a UHF channel so that we can all tune in and be able to hear everything said? The rally before Christmas was difficult to hear at times more due to the traffic noise but there will still be other noise around on Sunday.

PS What ever happened about the prize draw for those who manned polling booths on election day?

07-02-2008, 07:40 AM
Hi people,

In relation to the Rally on Sunday.

After the rally has finished and you have returned to the ramp and are ready to make your way home, you are invited to attend a post-mortem at the following location.

Paringa Rd, Murarrie. Once entering the street continue along until you take a Right hand bend that goes over a creek and rail line. A further 150mtrs on the Right Hand Side of the road there is plenty of parking for cars with boats.

The post-mortem will be held to discuss the days events with soft drinks and Goldies to be provided, so take advantage of this to find out how we stand in relation to our next moves and we would also like to hear your views, opinions and ideas.

Below is a map of where we’ll be. IN RED

See you there.


07-02-2008, 07:54 AM
might have to stop in there Phill..and see what the consensus is.

07-02-2008, 09:40 AM

The PA system that will be in place will allow speakers to be heard across the river. It is L O U D...... Further a VHF channel ( and 27meg ) , not UHF , are adsvised on this thread to assist with people anchoring, moving etc.

It is very possible to tie up to other boats there as the current will be heading out and the use of fenders ( life jackets is what I use ) placed between boats stops any damage/ rubbing.

OH. and the rally is on SUNDAY,, stuart.......

see you there.


07-02-2008, 03:16 PM
I have been advised by the Water Police that they will be in attendance. They will be there in a supportive role.

Should anyone require assistance for any reason, you can contact them on VHF 63.

The area for anchorage will come close to the City Cats route. They have been advised to be ' aware ' of us, but we should also be aware of them and not anchor in a channel as to disrupt their duties.


07-02-2008, 04:10 PM
BrewGuru has had an interesting day, after many emails to the DPI&F asking what there role was in the management of sustainabilty of fish stocks in Moreton Bay now that the EPA have taken over that role and few other provoking questions, I recieved an email saying that the answers to those questions were very complicated and the representitive would prefer a phone contact.
I spoke to one of the senior fisheries guys, who was quite pleasant and though could not answer a lot of my questions, did state that the final draft of MBMP was by no way set in concrete and some areas may be surrended back and some areas maybe cut down. He had no idea who were going to police the new zones, they hadn't been approached by the EPA, nor would they do it unless more funding was availble to put more officers on the water, He had no idea how the zones were going to be marked unless it was compulsory that every fisherman had a GPS or Plotter. Some interesting comments were also made in regard to how their fellow DPI&F felt about the new proposals.

Quest News Paper Northern Times dated Friday Feb 8, headline: MUTINY sailors plot Bligh rebellion (Anna Bligh pictured) story page 3.

Headline page 3: Hundreds set to protest fishing zone bans.

Pic of BREWGURU (full on angry face) with all my points summarised (1/2 page story) and the tail of the story says: For more information visit www.saveourbay.org.au (http://www.saveourbay.org.au) hope this brings us more awareness.

07-02-2008, 04:51 PM
The Story:
http://www.questnews.com.au/images/mastheads/tnt_mast_rgb.jpg (http://www.questnews.com.au/northern_times.html)
Hundreds set to protest fishing zone bans

MORETON BAY, February 8: Ed Barker will join hundreds of recreational fisherman in a protest against the closing off of vast fishing areas on Moreton Bay.
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) rather than the Fisheries Department (DPI&F) is creating the new no-take zones.
``I am not opposed to green zones (no take areas), I believe they serve the bay some good'' Mr Barker said.
``(But) I am opposed to the EPA targeting recreational fisherman, the mums and dads spending a weekend together with their kids trying to catch a feed of fish.
``I am opposed to the EPA targeting every reef outcrop that holds fish as green zones, leaving virtually no reef fishing available to the recreational angler.''
Mr Barker said some green zones should be introduced in known fish breeding areas, and bag limits could be reduced during the seasons.
Mr Barker also questioned why the EPA was replacing the DPI&F.
``The EPA's role is to manage pollution issues in the bay and the mainland, the DPI&F role is to manage the sustainability of the fish stocks of Moreton Bay,'' he said.
Mr Barker said pollution in Moreton Bay was due more to commercial shipping and run-off from the mainland than recreational fishing.
``The EPA state they are only closing down 15 per cent of the Moreton Bay Marine Park. This represents 85 percent of the fishing areas in Moreton Bay,'' Mr Barker said.
Sunday's gathering at Newstead Park is expected to attract hundreds of protesters.
For information visit www.saveourbay.org.au (http://www.saveourbay.org.au/)

07-02-2008, 05:27 PM
The Story:
http://www.questnews.com.au/images/mastheads/tnt_mast_rgb.jpg (http://www.questnews.com.au/northern_times.html)
Hundreds set to protest fishing zone bans

MORETON BAY, February 8: Ed Barker will join hundreds of recreational fisherman in a protest against the closing off of vast fishing areas on Moreton Bay.
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) rather than the Fisheries Department (DPI&F) is creating the new no-take zones.
``I am not opposed to green zones (no take areas), I believe they serve the bay some good'' Mr Barker said.
``(But) I am opposed to the EPA targeting recreational fisherman, the mums and dads spending a weekend together with their kids trying to catch a feed of fish.
``I am opposed to the EPA targeting every reef outcrop that holds fish as green zones, leaving virtually no reef fishing available to the recreational angler.''
Mr Barker said some green zones should be introduced in known fish breeding areas, and bag limits could be reduced during the seasons.
Mr Barker also questioned why the EPA was replacing the DPI&F.
``The EPA's role is to manage pollution issues in the bay and the mainland, the DPI&F role is to manage the sustainability of the fish stocks of Moreton Bay,'' he said.
Mr Barker said pollution in Moreton Bay was due more to commercial shipping and run-off from the mainland than recreational fishing.
``The EPA state they are only closing down 15 per cent of the Moreton Bay Marine Park. This represents 85 percent of the fishing areas in Moreton Bay,'' Mr Barker said.
Sunday's gathering at Newstead Park is expected to attract hundreds of protesters.
For information visit www.saveourbay.org.au (http://www.saveourbay.org.au/)

Hi Brew Guru. I hope that was your typo. If not we need to advise them that they have the date wrong.



Disregard what I typed. I am now thinking that February 8th. is referring to it being an article in today's paper. Was a bit tricky because there is no mention of the date the rally is taking place.

07-02-2008, 05:31 PM
February 8th is the date of the paper (tomorrow) so therefore the date of the story the end of the story states the protest is on Sunday.... Cheers.
We will PU a photographer from Hamilton Wharf on Sunday for the follow up story after the event, a week later, reinforceing the web site and the final date of submission for the EPA final draft

07-02-2008, 05:33 PM
February 8th is the date of the paper so therefore the date of the story the end of the story states the protest is on Sunday.... Cheers

Yup I amended what I said. :P;) I overlooked that part. Doh! Getting a mention which is great. :)


07-02-2008, 06:00 PM
it will be interesting to see how many do actually turn up.

07-02-2008, 06:07 PM
it will be interesting to see how many do actually turn up.

I am hoping lots. I am actually getting a bit excited about seeing a whole lot of boats all in convoy.


07-02-2008, 06:26 PM
I am with you Poodroo, nothing.............. then the quiet rumble of 2 strokes, 4 strokes, diesels escalating to a deafing roar navigating down the Brisbane River, like a swarm of angry bees!

buzz buzz

07-02-2008, 06:33 PM
In all these posts, I have not heard anything from the MBAA.
Are they or do they have intentions of mustering their own forces or have they helped in advertising this rally.
Or is it just members of Ausfish and a few outsiders that will be attending.
I thought if they are the body representing the people who use the bay either for fishing, recreational purposes or rely on us to make a living, any rally protesting the proposed closures would or should be supported by the MBAA.
So have i missed their helping hand, or are they not attending with any support.

07-02-2008, 07:09 PM
The Fishing Party and MBAA are conspicuous by their abscence in promoting this event:(

Chris Ryan
07-02-2008, 07:17 PM
MBAA have sent out to a heap mate - it's been happening behind the scenes and not here. I have a copy of the email so all is good.

07-02-2008, 07:52 PM
I have supported the MBAA's proposal and Grants efforts, Grant, Chris and Phill have been tireless in keeping the momentum of this life changing forum going, I can not believe the passion and the support Ausfish members have given in the threads, I just hope we have the equivalent to "Chickens in Choppers" swarming up the river on Sunday

07-02-2008, 08:23 PM
The Fishing Party and MBAA are conspicuous by their abscence in promoting this event:(

Late comer to the thread - and I suppose just stirring shite from a distance... But I dont think the Fishing Party care too much about the Bay - they were only interested in the power play during the election. AFLP on the other hand i.e. Chris Ryan and associates are in this thing up to their necks. Glad to see my small "legacy" lives on (sorry - only Chris will know what I mean::)).

Good work guys and all my best for the day! Wish I could be with you - hopefully you will make news in the nations capital so I can see whats going on.

Best of luck and a big shout out to those people who are coming out of the woodwork to support this. BrewGuru - I dont know you - but you're a champion!!



07-02-2008, 08:58 PM
Nope.... that is both the inside and outside. It starts at the seaway nth wall and makes it's way across the channels to Paradise Point and then encompasses all water north of there.

Excuse My ignorance, but are you saying the entire Broadwater is under this so called review?.

Cheer's BAT.

07-02-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm sorry that I still count the Fishing Party and the AFLP in the same category:-[ .
I however greatly appreciate the work done by Chris and Phill because without their efforts I reckon we would be looking at far more closures than have been proposed.

I am glad that the MBAA has contributed strongly. I'm looking foreward to having trouble finding a spot to moor;D

07-02-2008, 10:10 PM
These events ( past and future ) are being put in place by the very people that utilize the bay, know the bay and have the Kahunas to stand up and tell the Ivory Tower ferrets that they need to stay out matters that they do not understand. >:(

The MBAA, TFP and AFLP all have their roles and play their cards as they see fit. As do all of us as individuals. Most of us have differing views , opinions and ideas, but the focus of all our concerns is the way in which our lives are affected by forces outside our control. That is Politics. :-/

I want to make it absolutely clear that there are many people, ordinary Ausfishers and fishos alike, doing their bit behind the scenes to make this event a success. Just mentioning the green zone issue to friends and relatives, emailing mates, putting up a poster on the office notice board, making a donation, offering assistance on the day and many other ways is doing your bit and I thank you sincerely for your efforts so far.

How do we judge it being a success ? It is already a success……. People are talking, the general public are seeing and reading and hearing about this…. they are becoming informed. Just today while putting up Posters at a ramp, a member of the public ( no boat in tow, just down there on the water for lunch ) stopped me and asked what I was doing. I handed him a poster and had a very brief chat before he interrupted and said “ bloody green zones…. about bloody time, I’ll be there “.. and drove off.

Regardless of the numbers on the day , our message will be heard, our message will be seen. We are not catch and kill merchants as some tree-hugging websites and radical Green minions would have the public believe. We are more concerned about the bay than the Greens, we are more Green than the Greens and are an informed, intelligent and responsible group of Australians. 8-)

As for the EPA Vs DPI&F issue……. Jeez. What can I say. :o ::)

I have had dealings with the EPA in the past and the Department as whole express’s the “ holier than thou “ attitude. This is being born out by what is unfolding before our very eyes in relation to the Proposed Green Zones in the Bay. Although all may not agree, I believe the DPI&F have undertaken a responsible approach to the Fishery over the last few years and the results of this management are bearing fruit today.

I’d like to see you all on Sunday… and hear you !!!!!! ;D

Cheers Phill

Chris Ryan
08-02-2008, 08:50 PM
Hey Horse - mate all is good. If you don't ask you never get an answer!! :)

OK all - this is SUPER MUCHO IMPORTANT INFORMATION. You must read this if you are attending the rally as it is the Terms and Conditions placed on the organiser of the Rally for us to have the permit to do so.

You must all be aware of what this refers to and what it means to you. More importantly you have to be aware of what this means for us as a group and the ramifications if we do not follow these rules.

The most important ramification is that I get in serious serious trouble and my wife and two young kids will never forgive you for taking their father the house away from them! I am putting my neck on the line here for this - remember that.

The second is we never get to do this again and thirdly we need to be seen as top class citizens and prove fishos are not redneck idiots like they think we are.

Another point to remember is you take all responsibility for your own attendance, your actions, your crew and your vessel. I will not accept any liability whatsoever and by your attendance you agree to this condition.

Please read the attached.


08-02-2008, 09:36 PM
Too add to this I believe there are restrictions (speed), near the new construction of the new Gateway Bridge. For us leaving from Pinkenba and Whyte Is. :)

09-02-2008, 07:15 AM
WooooHooooo!!! one more sleep!!!!

09-02-2008, 12:15 PM
Guys and girls, one thousand appologies for my not being able to protest tomorrow. We promised our 13yo a day at Dreamworld for her birthday and this is the first fine weekend we have had since her birthday. Tomorrow is looking like being a good day so we are off to get burnt and go broke;D
I will be at the next rally for sure, whenever it is. Hope to catch up at the boaties market in March too.
Make some noise for me, all the best. 4x4frog. (Chris)

Poodroo thanks for setting up the seat register too, I feel lousy now at not being able to attend.
Cheers guys

09-02-2008, 02:06 PM
there are a few relevant notices to mariners for this area of the river -you should check for yourself, but I did find a couple at this link re speed etc. They vary with size and draft, but some apply to all vessels

09-02-2008, 08:42 PM
Gee if you look at the "Reports-Estuary" section all the reports are from the Bay. It's obvious we ALL stand a lot to lose with the closures and with so many Ausfish members who use the bay to catch a feed I would be disappointed not to see all the regulars on the water in the Brisbane river tomorrow showing their support for the cause. LET'S STAND OUT AND DRAW SOME ATTENTION people! ;)


09-02-2008, 09:16 PM
good luck guys :) :)

get out there and be HEARD!

also my appoligies for not being able to be there as i ahve no way of transport :( and my parents are working.

09-02-2008, 11:42 PM
i just got home from a 30th b'day party, with free piss! i'm half sober, so i can attend tomorrow!
lets see all people there, weather you own a trawler, a bait shop, a website involved in fishing. a local yob that throughs a line in. a fish monger, whatever. i'll see ya's tommorrow.



10-02-2008, 12:14 AM
with a couple of exceptions on the Nthside,

10-02-2008, 12:20 AM
on the Nthside, with a couple of exceptions , (thanks Gordon and others) the tackle shops, and the big marts and camping boating and fishing stores don't really seem to be getting 100% behind this...... or even 10%, or......

Although it is good to see some Sunfish stuff in the specialist tackle stores.

Bit of a bugger really. Wonder why?

Know where my $$ will be going in future.........

10-02-2008, 08:11 AM
on the Nthside, with a couple of exceptions , (thanks Gordon and others) the tackle shops, and the big marts and camping boating and fishing stores don't really seem to be getting 100% behind this...... or even 10%, or......

Although it is good to see some Sunfish stuff in the specialist tackle stores.

Bit of a bugger really. Wonder why?

Know where my $$ will be going in future.........
It's dissapointing to see the big stores remiss to get behind the cause. I know there'd be red tape to cut through to get approval from their head offices but I am sure when they realize how much it will effect their trade they will take up the flag flying. Hope all the small tackle shops are represented in numbers.
Go get 'em folks