View Full Version : Save Moreton Bay Rally

04-12-2007, 08:08 PM
This is the deal.

A car/boat rally is being held in Brisbane on Saturday 15th December 2007.

A muster point will be located near Eagle Farm and then proceed to Brisbane City.

Others will be joining us from Nth Coast and Sth Coast.

There will be a flyer posted on this thread very soon and it will be in PDF form so you can download it and turn it into your own poster for your vehicles.

Further info will be added during the week.

For now, muster at 10am, start at 11am.

The aim of this is:-

to bring attention to the plight of the recreational fishers of Moreton Bay.

The Politics of preferences in exchange for person gain

The EPA's own inablilty to accept scientific data to manage the bay

and really to let the public and members of parliament know that we will not take these absurd proposals lying down.

Plans are underway to have high profile people attend and have as much media coverage as possible.

This is a great opportunity to show the strength and resolve of the recreational Fisher Folk of Moreton Bay.

This is a "MUST " attend event. Please return to this thread on a daily basis for updates and detailed information.

Cheers Phill

04-12-2007, 08:53 PM
Sign me up Phill

Do you have a logo to identify the fight for Bay access?

04-12-2007, 09:21 PM
Yeh like the Mary River Dam ppl had, "Save Mary River" in that triangle thing

Alan TSV
05-12-2007, 04:52 AM
logo should be a pineapple

05-12-2007, 06:32 AM
It is essential that this rally is HUGE. A small turnout will do more harm than good. I urge everyone to notify all their fishing friends and make sure they are coming. There were about 300 at the rally immediately before the last State election. Lets see if we can get 1000!


05-12-2007, 01:08 PM
I will print the poster off and stick them under the wipers of cars with trailer at toorbul boat ramps. Hope that might raise few more boat. Maybe we should target a few bait and tackle store counter also.

05-12-2007, 03:57 PM
i will be there....keep me posted with necessary info.

really need a good roll up....i've told evry1 one i know that will be affected in the hope they will get off their *** and come too.

in the past i've been the one to say "the rest of em will sort it out" but now its got to a point where its plain to see that evry single one of us needs to be there.

i no longer fish the bay much as i'm in noosa but i know how much it means to the ppl that do regularly, cause i was once in their shoes. I do fish the passage quite regularly though, which has been affacted. Im taking the day off work (im self employed in the retail sector) to come rally with everyone, and, will in all honesty lose $$$$ in my business on the saturday while im not there(XMAS is coming quick). WORTH EVERY CENT OF THE SACRIFICE!! for it was Moreton Bay that was the building blocks to my passion for fishing.



05-12-2007, 05:40 PM
Well said , good to see a lot of support i'll be there and i am telling as many boaties as i can . When will the poster be up ? i make signs at work and im thinking of trying to make a big banner to stand up in the boat for the trip .

Chris Ryan
05-12-2007, 07:59 PM
Hi guys,

Am asking a mod to help with the flyer as it is over the 100kb limit (its only 214k but still).

Be up very soon.


05-12-2007, 09:10 PM
hope this is ok.

05-12-2007, 09:25 PM
4Reel is in.
Hows about email the flyer to the dealerships, baitshops, tackle shops etc as well.
What about the MBAA. It would be good to have them with us.

Can we make sure we are all in one big cohesive convoy instead of being broken into small groups like last time.
We also need to have some good speakers to give the media a good presentation.

05-12-2007, 09:36 PM
mate that wont print properly at that resolution, mate email it to me uncompressed at home, ill conform it in Photoshop and send it back to you at A4,

Derek Bullock
05-12-2007, 09:49 PM

Email me the original file and I will host it on my website as a downloadable link, then people can print it out.



05-12-2007, 09:51 PM
That's the day and time sorted. :)
Is there any other details like exactly what is going to happen??
Cheers then
Scott :)

05-12-2007, 09:56 PM
the poster / flyer is being re-jigged and will be available tomorrow.


05-12-2007, 10:42 PM
Can we make sure we are all in one big cohesive convoy instead of being broken into small groups like last time.
We also need to have some good speakers to give the media a good presentation.

These are excellent points, and are along the lines of those mentioned by others in various related posts, but I think we need to keep in mind that there is not a lot of time to organise this. So I would like to think that even if this one does not run as smoothly as we would like, that we are not too hard on the organisors. I think it's important to get out on the road asap even if it means that everything is not quite in order they way it would be if the organisors had more time on their side.

Keep in mind that this draft zoning plan will not be finalised until March next year, I am sure there will be many other activities planned between now and then. So regardless of how smoothly this one goes, remember this is just one action of many.

06-12-2007, 06:09 AM
These are excellent points, and are along the lines of those mentioned by others in various related posts, but I think we need to keep in mind that there is not a lot of time to organise this. So I would like to think that even if this one does not run as smoothly as we would like, that we are not too hard on the organisors. I think it's important to get out on the road asap even if it means that everything is not quite in order they way it would be if the organisors had more time on their side.

Keep in mind that this draft zoning plan will not be finalised until March next year, I am sure there will be many other activities planned between now and then. So regardless of how smoothly this one goes, remember this is just one action of many.
It must be kept in mind also that if the rally seems like an un-organised bunch of yobbo's then that is the perception the general public has imprinted in their mind and that would be extremely counter-productive to the cause especially seeing that some time is on hand to arrange other things (if possible).

But to the organisors.....thanks fellas. All your blood's worth bottling for the effort :)

06-12-2007, 06:31 AM
The full details with maps etc will be posted on this thread over the weekend.

There will also be further information pertaining to the why's and why nots of the Zoning.

We will endeavour to keep the rally as organised as possible. With out a fund to do this, it is up to poeple attending to download the flyer / poster when i post it up and display that. Even chucking rods in bullbar rodholders will help.

OK, so if we are a tad disorganised, the public that see us on the street will make up there own mind, but the snippets and edited stuff that hits the Tele will make us look like a Lean Mean Fighting Machine.....;D ;)

Take for instance, a couple of grabs of a long line of protest vehicles and then they'll cut to some high profile people espousing the disparages of the zoning plan.

I even hope the reporters will ask a couple kids about this situation,,,, the kissing baby thing always evokes emotion....::)

Shoot, look at the time, I must go and make a quid to pay the bills. :o

Stay tuned friends.........


06-12-2007, 07:04 AM
The full details with maps etc will be posted on this thread over the weekend.

There will also be further information pertaining to the why's and why nots of the Zoning.

We will endeavour to keep the rally as organised as possible. With out a fund to do this, it is up to poeple attending to download the flyer / poster when i post it up and display that. Even chucking rods in bullbar rodholders will help.

OK, so if we are a tad disorganised, the public that see us on the street will make up there own mind, but the snippets and edited stuff that hits the Tele will make us look like a Lean Mean Fighting Machine.....;D ;)

Take for instance, a couple of grabs of a long line of protest vehicles and then they'll cut to some high profile people espousing the disparages of the zoning plan.

I even hope the reporters will ask a couple kids about this situation,,,, the kissing baby thing always evokes emotion....::)

Shoot, look at the time, I must go and make a quid to pay the bills. :o

Stay tuned friends.........


Oh do you mean those so called protrusions on the bull bars that are supposed to be illegal Phill? ::) Bugger I don't have a bull bar but I will have the boat with the appropriate flyer on it and the kids seem real keen to tag along because they want to be on the news. lol


06-12-2007, 07:34 AM
It must be kept in mind also that if the rally seems like an un-organised bunch of yobbo's then that is the perception the general public has imprinted in their mind and that would be extremely counter-productive to the cause especially seeing that some time is on hand to arrange other things (if possible).

I agree with Phill, this is more about the media exposure than those people who actually see the boats and cars taking part in the protest.

Just on the point of media, have the papers, tv and radio stations been contacted in advance about this? Or is there a plan to do it well in advance with a reminder phone call just prior to the event?

Keep up the good work fellas.

06-12-2007, 07:43 AM
Count me in !! Will consider pulling the boat , can i just ask out of curosity who is taking their boat along ?

06-12-2007, 09:32 AM
Dont forget to ring 1800 105 787 and leave yiur name and address so that they send you a printed hard copy. This will leave you peruse it at your leisure and then send in a submission.
I find it difficult to jump back and forward using the pdf file.
Using a hard copy leaves you to really study it and make notes etc.

06-12-2007, 12:36 PM
Dont forget to ring 1800 105 787 and leave yiur name and address so that they send you a printed hard copy. This will leave you peruse it at your leisure and then send in a submission.
I find it difficult to jump back and forward using the pdf file.
Using a hard copy leaves you to really study it and make notes etc.

The above number is not connected. Try 1800 105 789

06-12-2007, 12:56 PM
Everyone who has a boat should be towing it on the day.


06-12-2007, 12:59 PM
The EPA will no doubt use any means they can to discount any submissions made to their draft proposal for the bay closures. On their web site it states that any submissions MUST directly refer to an appropriate section of the proposal and not just a simple statement that the whole thing sucks! (as we all know it does). Is there anyone out there who has the experience to write a detailed reply to this proposal addressing all the relevant issues that all of us can then copy and forward on our own behalf?

Like most of you out there when I start thinking about what to write all I see is red >:( and I start thinking about creative ways to show some EPA staff member how much wildlife is really out in the bay (preferrably the ones with big teeth).

06-12-2007, 01:07 PM
Stuart, there is currently a 2 page letter being drafted pertaining to this that the AFLP will release very soon.

The MBAA is also in the advanced stages of counter-proposals.

Others have also been typing away, getting a submission ready.

Believe me, there are many many people and groups making big statements about this and will submit their thoughts to the EPA in due course.

The AFLP and our aim is to bring media and public attention to this ( call us the militants if you like ! ) and we will continue to do this through various means until the March cut off date............ and maybe even then continue.


06-12-2007, 01:30 PM
Here is the flyer / poster for the rally.

click on link, download and then print.

Cheers Phill




06-12-2007, 01:48 PM
Phil, posters look good, but I think they need to be posted as pdf files. I cannot print it as posted as only half the poster shows on the print preview.


Derek Bullock
06-12-2007, 01:52 PM
Phil, posters look good, but I think they need to be posted as pdf files. I cannot print it as posted as only half the poster shows on the print preview.


See here for print details


06-12-2007, 02:41 PM
i'll definitely have the boat in tow, and i know a few guys who will too. won't have the impact without it!

06-12-2007, 05:13 PM
dont own a trailer boat but i will have one in tow on the day......thats what mates are for :) .....

if anyone who doesnt have a boat but has suitable ute/vehicle for a car topper i got a 3m tinny sitting in a backyard in the south west suburbs of brizzy if someone wants to chuck it on the top to create some impact. my utes not on the road so i cant do it, but i was thinkin we could spray paint the side of it with some supporting words....could create some impact.

anyway....just a thought....let me know if anyones interested....

im putting banners in the window of my car from now until....until we somethin done.


06-12-2007, 05:40 PM
I will probably have to work that day and dont finish till midday but if i can i will make it but what i will do is put a couple of the posters up at the job site i am on and try and get some interest there mine printed of ok ....matt

06-12-2007, 06:13 PM
im bringing the boat and i have made my own poster that i am going to try and talk my boss into cutting some letters out so i can mount a 1200mm X 2400mm banner on the boat should stand out .

06-12-2007, 06:16 PM
this is my poster , i might still add the picture to add a bit of impact to it , i didnt put the small writing on it because it will be a bit hard to read it all while the car is moving .

Greg P
06-12-2007, 06:39 PM
Nico - looks good mate but you better spell check it

06-12-2007, 07:07 PM
Yes will will be there

06-12-2007, 07:22 PM
is there going to be some body to film it from ausfish so we can put it on you tube ?

06-12-2007, 07:43 PM
I have a camcorder and may be taking it on the day. By the way I think it would be a good idea for those who have UHF radios either handheld or other to take them along on the day so that we can keep in touch simply and affectively.



06-12-2007, 08:19 PM

:) spell checked

06-12-2007, 08:52 PM
might have to check the title as well!

06-12-2007, 09:15 PM
moreton with an E, great poster

07-12-2007, 12:00 AM
EDIT: - Answered my own question:)

Chris Ryan
07-12-2007, 05:20 AM
Hi everyone,

Thank you for your support thus far and with just over a week to go things are moving well. Keep the hammer down though - need lots and lots of people to make this effective.

Please see the rally route from Eagle Farm to the City attached Maps 1 to 4.

If you are headed in from the west, south or from the north, please put a post up and get your mates together and come in in one long line and join up at eagle farm. A couple of winding snake lines of boats joining together will make for great viewing.


07-12-2007, 06:14 AM
RE Posters // Flyers :-

if anyone is chasing some on the northside they can come and get them. I work at redcliffe and will probably knock off at lunchtime, people can pick them up from me at work or home, (bribie) unfortunatley have a heap on this weekend so can't do any deliveries
my mobile is 0417191282 if anyone wants to get some

Thanks dazza..... Phill

Greg P
07-12-2007, 07:06 AM
Chris - if there is a big turn up of trailer boats it maybe a better option to muster along Lomandra Drive as there is a lot of room along that road to get the formation organised.

Just an idea

07-12-2007, 08:50 AM
I'm from the west side. Is anyone heading from this way????

07-12-2007, 12:22 PM
Very specific details will be posted over the weekend in relation to " Muster " locations and how to get there etc.

Details on behaviour, do's and don'ts, possible outcomes for unexpected events, answers to questions, information to be passed on should you be approached by media or pollies or members of the public,

stay tuned people.


Chris Ryan
07-12-2007, 04:29 PM
Hi Timdo - I am west - Ipswich west mate. Where are you? I will be there early though to set stuff up, seeing as I am one of the co-ordinators for this I better huh...!! :)

Chris Ryan
07-12-2007, 04:42 PM
Chris - if there is a big turn up of trailer boats it maybe a better option to muster along Lomandra Drive as there is a lot of room along that road to get the formation organised.

Just an idea

Hey Greg,

Bloody good idea that one, and we will use that if it looks like we are running out of room - then can join the two together for the 11am run. Bit hard to ascertain numbers now but I know a lot of people are doing a lot of work getting the flyers around which is going gang busters.


07-12-2007, 05:20 PM
I'll be there, if anyone has a rendezvous point on the southside planned, a few of us will join up before heading over.


07-12-2007, 06:14 PM
you have just nominated yourself,, Brian. well done.


07-12-2007, 06:29 PM
i reckon a huge line of boats over the gateway bridge would attract a fair bit of attention!

where are we all hooking up beforehand?

07-12-2007, 06:30 PM
you have just nominated yourself,, Brian. well done.


You make a good leader or manager Phil, you deligate really well ;D ;D ::)

OK, let's name it now for the benefit of those at the M&G tomorrow at Vicci point. I nominate the truck stop headed north along the gateway, which is .... I think just before the Old cleveland road off ramp. We'll plan to be at Eagle Farm 30 mins before departure time.

Update during the week.


07-12-2007, 07:10 PM
Excellent spot Brian.
Room for lots of people and exposure whilst waiting :)

07-12-2007, 07:44 PM
be careful if you decide to gather on Lomandra Drive..part of the airport complex and under the watchful eyes of the AFP's Protective Services group...they may not appreciate all the people there.

07-12-2007, 09:37 PM
Hey, should this post be made a sticky. Just a thought.
Any ideas for making big posters for the boat. Im a lousy sign writer.
Thanks Stue

08-12-2007, 07:26 AM
This is about to go sticky.

Further, if you don't have a poster / flyer etc.. tape a Aussie flag to the boat / car, red flag.... !! get ya dog to stick his nose out the window.... anything will attract the attention of people.

Go to vinnies and buy a white sheet for $1, then paint a slogan on it.

This is a short notice rally, BUT it will NOT be the last by any means.

Tonight full details will be posted here....

maps and route and muster points and other stuff

a FAQ sheet

email add's of MLA's

MLA's office address's ( should you wish to visit them with boat in tow )

Nugget is right as we well know and have been espousing.... exposure of unrest is NOT what pollies want......

Must go to work........ more later

" Green Zones do NOT stop Pollution "

" Fix the water NOT the Fisho "

" Common Sense, Not preference "

" Save Our Bay "

Cheers Phill

add yourself to my ' Rally " mailing address for up-to-date info and downloads....


08-12-2007, 07:48 AM
You make a good leader or manager Phil, you deligate really well ;D ;D ::)

OK, let's name it now for the benefit of those at the M&G tomorrow at Vicci point. I nominate the truck stop headed north along the gateway, which is .... I think just before the Old cleveland road off ramp. We'll plan to be at Eagle Farm 30 mins before departure time.

Update during the week.


see below for reason why removed post

08-12-2007, 08:19 AM
it is a coles express, and its located on the southbound offramp for old cleveland rd - see pic...
to access it from the south, take the old cleveland rd exit and turn right under the gateway hwy, then immediately turn left at the lights.

ps - that section of the offramp is a 2 way street up to Boston rd, so no worries about driving up there!

Where Scalem is talking about is an actual truck stop before the Old Cleveland road exit on the Gateway arterial road itself. You do not have to exit the main Gateway arterial road to get to it. I am sure that Scalem and I will be there ahead of everyone so just look out for the red fibreglass 15ft Mustang and the old Quintrex tinny. Both boats will be towed behind Pajero 4wd's. I guess if we need to be at the main rendezvous point to meet up with the rest of the convoy then we should set a definite time to leave the truck stop which should be around 9:15am?



08-12-2007, 08:43 AM
oh!!! - you mean the pull off area off the side of the gateway?
ok yeah sorry - worked in the service station industry for a couple of years and a truckstop means a servo truckstop.

important that you specify clearly guys as I reckon quite a few like me would be scratching their heads.

ok never mind all - will remove the post so there's no more confusion.


08-12-2007, 09:33 AM
oh!!! - you mean the pull off area off the side of the gateway?
ok yeah sorry - worked in the service station industry for a couple of years and a truckstop means a servo truckstop.

important that you specify clearly guys as I reckon quite a few like me would be scratching their heads.

ok never mind all - will remove the post so there's no more confusion.


No worries Mick. At the moment I am answering on Scalem's behalf because he is having server/network issues and unable to get online. If at all possible can we have a show of numbers who will be meeting up with us from the Southside?



08-12-2007, 09:38 AM
No worries Mick. At the moment I am answering on Scalem's behalf because he is having server/network issues and unable to get online. If at all possible can we have a show of numbers who will be meeting up with us from the Southside?



i'll be there, just need to know what time you are actually planning on leaving the truck rest area, saw somewhere at 9.15, isn't that a bit early for an 11am start in the city???

08-12-2007, 09:57 AM
i'll be there, just need to know what time you are actually planning on leaving the truck rest area, saw somewhere at 9.15, isn't that a bit early for an 11am start in the city???

Well the time the whole convoy is leaving is 11am however the time we are meeting everyone as noted in Phill's original post is 10am.

For now, muster at 10am, start at 11am.

I know 9:15am or even 9:30am may be a little bit early but I always allow for Gateway/City traffic snarls which can catch you off guard at the best of times and I always like to be early rather than late.



08-12-2007, 11:55 AM
i guess that location doesn't lend itself to people like me from the eastside meeting up as it is sth of old cleveland rd. i could come up from mt gravatt capalaba rd actually but that would mean heading south initially.
by the time you stop and have a chat, 9.30 is when you want to be heading off to meet up at the muster point IMO. it only really takes 15mins from there over the bridge but you want to take your time and allow for traffic issues. so its not unreasonable to say 9.15.

just confirm the time guys and I will no doubt meet up at that location whenever.


Et the et
08-12-2007, 01:38 PM
Should us East-siders all meet somewhere here first then head in along Old Cleveland Rd together to go over the Gateway around the same time as South-siders?
I'm coming from Thornlands

08-12-2007, 03:59 PM
Should us East-siders all meet somewhere here first then head in along Old Cleveland Rd together to go over the Gateway around the same time as South-siders?
I'm coming from Thornlands


Looks like it's an easy diversion for you from thornlands, all you need to do is do a left into Mt Gravatt Capalaba road from old cleveland road, and merge onto the gateway from there. You'll come up behind us when you see the truck stop on the left.


08-12-2007, 07:34 PM
Here is a link to find your local member of parliament.

Click on it and then follow your nose to their electrol office address and contact details.


08-12-2007, 07:53 PM
Hey, should this post be made a sticky. Just a thought.
Any ideas for making big posters for the boat. Im a lousy sign writer.
Thanks Stue

How about " Save our Bay, Stop Dredging It" ?>:(

08-12-2007, 07:54 PM
please print out the information below.

Save Moreton Bay Rally

Information Sheet

The following is a guide for people attending the Rally on Saturday 15th December.

Members taking part are advised that under the “ assemblies act 1972“

6—Exemption for participants acting in accordance with approved proposals
(1) Where the conduct of an assembly conforms with approved proposals, a person
participating in the assembly—
(a) may, in accordance with the proposals, position himself, or proceed over, any
portion of a public place defined or described in the proposals; and
(b) in acting in conformity with the proposals does not incur any civil or criminal
liability by reason of the obstruction of a public place.
(2) An act permitted by this section is lawful notwithstanding the provisions of any other
Act or law regulating the movement of traffic or pedestrians, or relating to the use or
obstruction of a public place.

What this means is, that as a participant of the assembly ( prosession ), you are entitled to take part according to the law providing you don’t break the law.

Please conduct ourselves in a manner that lends itself to the informed and caring fisho’s we are. Be patient and courteous at all times, as there will be hold-ups.

If asked what the event is about, speak clearly and directly to any person that asks. Your reply should be along the lines of…

1. We as fisherman want to protect Moreton Bay

2. Green Zones will not stop pollution from mainland runoff

3. The Moreton Bay fishery ( fish stocks ) is sustainable and healthy

4. The DPI&F manage the Bay well, the EPA are interfering

5. The EPA’s own research says that pollution is killing the bay, not overfishing.

6. Moreton Bay already has 46% protection for its marine inhabitants

7. Turtle numbers are on the increase

8. Dugongs are in danger from loss of feeding grounds and habitat due to pollution, not boat strikes.

9. We want Common Sense, not back door deals for Preferences

If you require it to be sent to you via email, pm me.....


08-12-2007, 08:01 PM
Rally … Call to Arms

The main branch of the Rally will assemble at Lavarack Ave, Meeandah at 10am Sat 15th December and move off at 11am. If you have a UHF use channel 38 to access information on the day. The rally will be a drive only with high profile public figures situated at designated points to provide the leverage via media coverage.

Brisbane folk should drive to the intersection of Curtin Ave and Kingsford Smith Dve at Meeandah and trail / form up on Lavarack Ave. If the road is full, divert along Curtin Ave and up Holt St. It is unknown how many vehicles will be in attendance, so if all looks full, make a decision to best suit yourself in joining the rally along the way/ tag on the end.

Others coming from North Coast and South Coast can meet us at Lavarack Ave, or to my way of thinking North people continue down Gympie Rd into the city via Brunswisk St, Gipps St and then Ann St, into Edward and up Alice St, past parliament House. Disperse in your preferred direction.

From the South, enter via South East Freeway into Turbot St, follow to Boundary St ( turn right ) then turn right again into Ann St and follow to Edward St ( left ) and right into Alice St, past parliament house and disperse in your preferred direction.

You people coming from the north and south should time your runs to coincide with an arrival at the City limits at about 11.15 to 11.20am.

If anyone wishes to do a number of drive bys around the city, feel free as it is your right.

Further, should you wish to continue on the crusade, please drive to your local members office. ( details posted here soon ), or better still, as I will, Anna Blighs office:-

Suite 1/90 Vulture Street

Ph: (07) 3255 3615
Fax: (07) 3255 3627

09-12-2007, 07:01 PM
I was supposed to be heading upto DI that weekend but I will feel guilty if I dont go. I will head to DI via the rally. The missus will be pleased anyway as she wont be getting hassled by me to get up a 6am!

Mrs Ronnie H
09-12-2007, 07:03 PM
HI Phil and ALL

I was wondering if a rally or some form of protest was in order.

Why do all these beaurocrasts always want to stuff things up.

Wasn't it not so long ago that The fishing industry participated in a buy back scheme to help protect fish stocks in Moreton bay.

Overfishing is definately not the reason for potential problems in the bay.
Perhaps polution from industry and the over expansion of South east queensland is a big contributor to any problem in the bay at present.

I am of the opinion that green zones will do nothing other than restrict yet more places we cannot go to fish. Soon we will not be able to throw a line in our water tank.
I find it so annoying that continually fishing is first on everyones list as soon as there is a problem with something in the bay. Can't these people see past their nose and leave the poor bloody fishing industry and recreational fisher alone.

GET TO THE REAL PROBLEM -- and stop using fishing as a scape goat.

I am all for a rally and hopefully we can make it Saturday-- Keep up the good work one and all. See you all there


10-12-2007, 08:48 AM
Where Scalem is talking about is an actual truck stop before the Old Cleveland road exit on the Gateway arterial road itself. You do not have to exit the main Gateway arterial road to get to it. I am sure that Scalem and I will be there ahead of everyone so just look out for the red fibreglass 15ft Mustang and the old Quintrex tinny. Both boats will be towed behind Pajero 4wd's. I guess if we need to be at the main rendezvous point to meet up with the rest of the convoy then we should set a definite time to leave the truck stop which should be around 9:15am?



I don't mean to be a fly in the ointment but isn't this truck stop after the Old Cleveland Road on-ramp when heading north??

That is you enter onto the Gateway Arterial from Old Cleveland Road, head north for about 1 km and this truck stop is on the left near the top of the hill??

Is this the one you mean? Please clarify.


10-12-2007, 05:48 PM
I don't mean to be a fly in the ointment but isn't this truck stop after the Old Cleveland Road on-ramp when heading north??

That is you enter onto the Gateway Arterial from Old Cleveland Road, head north for about 1 km and this truck stop is on the left near the top of the hill??

Is this the one you mean? Please clarify.


Thanks Pete for drawing my attention to it. I just had a closer look on Google Earth and the truck stop is indeed after the Old Cleveland Road off ramp so it is in fact before the Wynnum Road exit. So for anyone planning on meeting us the stop is between the Old Cleveland Road and Wynnum Road exits heading north along the Gateway.



10-12-2007, 06:35 PM
I would suggest that we work out a strategy for getting the convoy mobile on the Gateway without causing a massive pile up
Perhaps a couple of cars jump on earlier and sit next to each other and slow down a little to give a break in the traffic or at least warn motorists

10-12-2007, 11:01 PM
I haven't read through the 5 pages of posts but I do think this time more signs or banners are needed of the cars/boats, the headlights should all be turned on and the pass past parliment house should be slow....very slow. We had a decent turnout last time but the whole passing was an anti-climax and had little impact. Perhaps the lead vehicle should just break down just after parliment house blocking off all access to the place. If not then all vehicles should definetly lay on their horns when passing. I realise that these things are meant to be done in the proper manner but a passive attitude should not be what we are displaying. Who funds these things also? Ideas such as info under windsheild wipers at boat ramps and all tackle and fishing related industries should be a lot more involved. It's out pastime but their livelyhood. as this rally even had any exposure in our local fishing mags or local media leading up too it? All fishos and related industries need to and owe it to my fishing son ;) to be involved. The strongest message that can be sent to the pollies is our affect on their job. We need to let them know that they WILL NOT have our vote if the proposed changes occur. I do not know much about the whole process or best way to stop the changes but what I do know is that WE make the difference NOW wether the changes will pass or not. Our weakness is that the damn greenies know how to organise themselves and propose and voice their opinions better...plus they are willing to dedicate more time and effort in pushing them through. Being on the dole has it's benefits I guess. In saying all of that...I will not be attending. I have a family trip to NZ planned well before I heard of this but as you all should...I've signed every email and paper against this....emailed my view to pollies, epa , dpi etc. If you fish on the day instead of attending.....DO NOT post a report about it.
One more thing while I am on mt soapbox...
It seems this fight is for dramatic changes or no changes at all. Has any fishing related party actually proposed our version of acceptable changes. I have no problems with closing off wello point;D . I know no changes would be best but this most likely will not happen so how abut we have some say in what happens and possibly find a change that we could accept and might pasify extreme greenies slightly. Let them know this is not a stepping stone for the extreme changes proposed but give the pollies an option that might look to satisfy their need to please everyone involved.

Chris Ryan
11-12-2007, 05:34 AM
Hi Ninja,

Groups such as Sunfish and the MBAA are highlighting their changes through the appropriate proper channels of which there are some edits to claw back grounds which just simply shouldn't be closed.

Funding for the rally - well it isn't. It is an idea that two of us had and are working on to the best of our abilities and are relying on the people of Ausfish and other forums to help us spread the word. Flyers were designed for free from a graphic artistand lots of people have downloaded the flyers and are doing boat ramp drops, dropping them into their tackle shops etc.

Fishing Mags etc all had their cut off dates for the December issues in November before the date had been set. I have spoken to their editors about this and they are telling others and emailing people, but no press as yet. However a lot have been invited to attend to cover the event. VIP's have been invited to attend as well to help stimulate more coverage.

We are doing the best we can with what resources we have, but people like yourself and the others from forums such as this are the key in delivering the message.


11-12-2007, 08:02 AM
Is anyone leaving from the Fairfield area on Saturday ? If so either you can come with me or we could follow each other in to the muster area happy to meet up with anyone else from the south side. PM if your keen.

11-12-2007, 10:36 AM
Thanx Chris...I understand a bit better now.

11-12-2007, 12:50 PM
[quote=Ninja;726534]I have no problems with closing off wello point;D .

Ninja, You may not have a problem with closing off Wellington Point but I do. Most of my fishing is done off Wello & Cleveland Points with my 3YO & 5YO sons.

Let's face it, there will be proposed closure areas that individuals won't be concerned about because they don't fish there. But someone else does!

What we need to do is stop thinking about our own spots and think about the big picture - Moreton Bay. We need to have one voice saying NO to the entire proposal and collectively support the proposal by the MBAA. We cannot have numerous smaller voices saying "That spot is OK to close but don't close mine down", just look at the results of the recent election.

11-12-2007, 06:16 PM

I think you will find Ninja's tongue firmly planted in his cheek ;) .
Its a long running joke ;D

We all know its an issue where we have to support each other and fight any closures that will not be of any significant use in protecting a sustainable environment

11-12-2007, 08:25 PM
I think i have read most of the replies.
I cannot recall seeing any meeting points on or from the penninsula.
Please let me know.


11-12-2007, 08:36 PM
so if you have a boat that's moored you can't protest or be counted ????

11-12-2007, 09:00 PM
so if you have a boat that's moored you can't protest or be counted ????

cars, motorbikes, scooters - whatever... all are needed. print off the flyers and stick on your car and join in the rally. ;)

11-12-2007, 09:10 PM
I would suggest that we work out a strategy for getting the convoy mobile on the Gateway without causing a massive pile up
Perhaps a couple of cars jump on earlier and sit next to each other and slow down a little to give a break in the traffic or at least warn motorists

good point mate. how about we have a chat on the day, with the plan to meet by 9.15 we have time to organise a move off? i'd be happy to do a lap, coming back north very slow with the hazards on in the left lane, allowing us to get moving.
thanks to the old company car, the fuel isn't an issue and I'm happy to 'take one for the team'...

also, it might pay to get some of the guys moving from the back? you get one or two out from the rear, and it gives the front guys time to pull out also. just a thought on a multi strategy approach to it.

12-12-2007, 07:14 AM
I would suggest that we work out a strategy for getting the convoy mobile on the Gateway without causing a massive pile up
Perhaps a couple of cars jump on earlier and sit next to each other and slow down a little to give a break in the traffic or at least warn motorists

Depending on how many we get, I think we apply common sense and form two or more lines in the truck stop instead of one long one which may overflow onto the gateway, leaving people in the flow of traffic - NOT GOOD!! Please, if you see the end of the line is going to put you in the flow of traffic, come into the truck stop and form a second line parallel with the 1st line. there should be enough room in the stop to do 2 or 3 lines. Appologies that my previous description of the truckstop location was placed before old cleveland road when in fact it is after, but before Wynumn road exit. Thanks poodroo for clarifying while I played propellar head with my home network sorting out issues!


12-12-2007, 01:49 PM
cars, motorbikes, scooters - whatever... all are needed. print off the flyers and stick on your car and join in the rally. ;)

realy need to let people know this because i know of 3 people that would like to go but didn't have a boat so they thought they could'nt be counted.
havn't had time to read all this thread being so big .
do you have set loud flyer's to print???
i'm only trying to voice helpfull critisism. after all the more the merier....pat

12-12-2007, 05:16 PM
Pat - print out the flyer in the associated thread and stick it all over your car.
Of course everyone is welcome, its just that having a big boat strapped to the back of your car stands out (especially when you have shitloads of them).

There is a separate thread in the new section to download the flyer. Make sure you know the route and where to join in etc having said that - I'm not an organiser or anything, and you should direct any specific q's to Phill or Chris but we need as many vehicles as possible to join in.
feel free to ask any questions now if you are still unsure - but everyone is welcome to join in - numbers are everything!

12-12-2007, 07:56 PM
For those without boats in tow it could be a good idea to bring fishing rods. Have them on roof racks, sticking out the windows or wherever to make us look like fishermen. Just a suggestion.


Chris Ryan
12-12-2007, 08:13 PM
For those without boats in tow it could be a good idea to bring fishing rods. Have them on roof racks, sticking out the windows or wherever to make us look like fishermen. Just a suggestion.


Bloody Fantastic idea Poodroo!!!

12-12-2007, 08:22 PM
Added benefit it gives the impression of a wider range of fishos as well, not just boats


12-12-2007, 08:59 PM
??i'm puting this so i can find this thread again as i too am waiting for the poster.
and as you can see not a computer junky .

12-12-2007, 09:02 PM
Posters available here - http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php?t=120744

12-12-2007, 09:15 PM
around how many are you predicting will turn out and do you think this will attaract media coverage?

12-12-2007, 09:16 PM
The gods must be unhappy with me, The last 2 days most of the posters I stuck under ppls wipers have gotten wet. I'm resorting to putting them inside freezer bags atm. Hope it get to some ppls and make them come.

Chris Ryan
12-12-2007, 09:39 PM
loophole - it is hard to ascertain the numbers but the response has been fantastic. For me it is more important on coming, than how many will be there to be honest. The more boats, and cars with rods and the poster or hand made sign with the slogans on them the better. I have put the call out to get 1000 there, that is the challenge set and I think we will get close to it if people are truly dedicated to this issue and showing how pissed off they are by joining their fellow fisherman doing this rally.

I am arranging media coverage and guests to arrive for the muster time before the convoy departs.


12-12-2007, 09:50 PM
loophole - it is hard to ascertain the numbers but the response has been fantastic. For me it is more important on coming, than how many will be there to be honest. The more boats, and cars with rods and the poster or hand made sign with the slogans on them the better. I have put the call out to get 1000 there, that is the challenge set and I think we will get close to it if people are truly dedicated to this issue and showing how pissed off they are by joining their fellow fisherman doing this rally.

I am arranging media coverage and guests to arrive for the muster time before the convoy departs.


g day chris thanks for your reply i was just currious as to how much of a presence when can atain.

yes it would really stand out:o if ppl were to tow boats big and small and have the posters flyers made and yes would we be in one big convoy?

atm i would like to attened but im only 16 and havent my provisional license yet:-/

so ive printed a flyer out to give to the old man to convince him to attened
hope i can be there

cheers reece

Chris Ryan
12-12-2007, 10:13 PM
Hey reece - mate good luck with getting him out. If he doesn't want to tow the boat, just get him to come with the car and stick some rods in/on it.

The best you can also do is spread the word to your mate who like fishing and get their dads/brothers/mothers/uncles/sisters etc to come too. It is really only a couple of hours we are asking people to donate to a cause for their benefit as much as yours and mine.

Keep fishing and keep up the fight!


Greg P
12-12-2007, 10:38 PM
Chris - regardless of the turn up I just want to commend you on the drive and enthusiasm you have brought to a lot of these activities since you first started getting involved. You have certainly walked the talk so good on you.



Chris Ryan
13-12-2007, 05:50 AM
Thanks Greg.

I am just a family man passionate about keeping a pastime I grew up with open for my son (and new bub due soon) to enjoy. I got involved in all this because of this single fact.

If I don't stand up and do something, I have absolutley no right to bitch and compalin about things when it changes against me. I see this a moral duty to my family as well as the fishing public as well to raise the awareness and get us all together.

The days of "she'll be right" are long gone. She ain't right, and she'll be gone soon if we don't stop that attitude in my humble opinion.

Thanks for the support mate.


13-12-2007, 10:10 AM
Hi Phill,

My apologies......I can't make it this weekend as i'm on Roster at VMR Jacobs Well.
I hope you get enough to show our concerns in this matter..i will however tell as many people i know to get them there on the day.
Good luck with this opportunity to show them we do care what goes on....


13-12-2007, 04:35 PM
Chris - regardless of the turn up I just want to commend you on the drive and enthusiasm you have brought to a lot of these activities since you first started getting involved. You have certainly walked the talk so good on you.



Hear, Hear ... Many Thanks Chris and Phill :)

14-12-2007, 04:32 PM
Have mastered a bit of sign writing, all is prepared.
See you all in there tomorrow morning.
Look out for those new fixed speed camera's.

14-12-2007, 08:18 PM
I'll see you there,
Greg P make sure you knock on the windscreen,
4wd Challenger in Gold towing a good old V17L Haines in orange with rods (the crappy ones) in the rocket launcher.
Cheers BB

14-12-2007, 09:36 PM
The boys from the south will make a fair statement coming over the gateway Bridge, for those with e-toll, please stay in line, and all others, use the same pay toll furthest to the left out of the main flow of traffic. Once through the toll, go a little slower if possible so the rest can catch up, being courteous to other drivers not being part.

Stragglers, we are moving from the truck stop at 9.45am at the lastest, so if you are not there, see you at Eagle Farm!!!


Et the et
14-12-2007, 09:49 PM
Anyone heading from Thornlands/Cleveland area? Would be good to go along Old Cleveland Rd together towards Gateway.
In midst of "decorating my loved-one" - see pic


14-12-2007, 10:25 PM
I have to work tomorrow so i cant be there . the boss is not a fisherman so he is not concerned . I will watch for the boats along gympie road as I work my little ass off to try toget an early finish so as I can maybe join the convoy later .
good luck to all I think we are going to need it .
cheers fae haggis ..................................

15-12-2007, 01:43 AM
Be there ! :stare:

or forever hold your tounge on this subject :stare:

See you after 11am ;D

15-12-2007, 07:17 AM
Good luck Blokes!!!

15-12-2007, 07:19 AM
haggis, just because your boss is not a fisho, doesn't mean this does not concern him.

His kids might want to fish, grandkids, brothers and sisters or wife.

Further, the Greens policy here is just a start and it goes as far as locking out people from National Parks all over Australia. Not just 4 x 4's, motorbikes etc, but campers, horse riders, bush walkers and bird watchers.

The subject of todays protest rally is only the tip of the Radical Green Iceberg,

It is not just about green zones , the Greens are hell bent on destroying our Australian Lifestyle. AND ALL WITH NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TO BACK THEIR CLAIMS.


Ian Baker
15-12-2007, 08:39 AM
Last minute question

Has there been an assembly point for those on the Redcliffe Pennisula to meet up before the move to the city?
I'm assuming the park immediately before the bridge would be the go.;D


15-12-2007, 01:41 PM
well,. that was fun :-)

Bailed before we got to West End, toddler in the back was getting a bit bored.

Congrats to the organisers, and all who attended.

Will be interesting to see what comes of it, and I was pleased to see heaps of us turned out.

15-12-2007, 02:09 PM
i give that fella from the ministers office 10-10, at least he had the balls to show,
he had no anwsers though.
i reakon the idea on the brisbane river is the go, hopefully the pro fish community can be involved aswell/




hows ya gearbox?
get that temp down?;D ;D ;D

15-12-2007, 02:13 PM

Just had a call from the station to clarify some information for the segement going to air on the news tonight. Suspect it will only be a quick grab but something is better than nothing. Of course it could still get bumped if some other breaking story comes through but hopefully the rally segment will get to air.

Congratulations to Chris, Phill and everyone else involved. There's is a long way to go, but it was a good solid turn out at short notice.

15-12-2007, 02:16 PM
i give that fella from the ministers office 10-10, at least he had the balls to show,
he had no anwsers though.

I have seen that poor bugger at 3 different meetings now. Always the same response, 'I don't have any answers, I am here to gather feedback for the minister'. Whatever they are paying him it's not enough. Would be nice if someone who did know the answers would show up for a change but I won't hold my breath waiting.

Greg P
15-12-2007, 02:37 PM
Well done guys - not a bad turn up for pretty short notice.

Who was getting in the wrong lane all the time ::)8-)8-)8-)

Chris Ryan
15-12-2007, 02:48 PM

Thanks so very much for turning up and participating in the rally today. I know it was short notice and the man upstairs gave us a good fishing day but you still came along and that means a lot to me. We had somewhere over 120 there and behaviour on the roads was fantastic. I am sorry it dragged on a little to start with. When we left, I bought up the rear of the parade and looking up Ann St with bumper to bumper traffic towing boats was a sight to behold.

I will have some pics coming soon taken by a freelance photographer I had there on the day. If you have any please email them to me when you can. Anyone of you with video recorders can I please have a copy as well. I will collate the questions asked of the EPA guy and send them to the Ministers office and ask for a written answer - so if you have any more to add please send them to me soon.

Dave Downie - a big thank you for your participation and continued support.

The river one will be bigger and better. With more time and more planning (and hopefully some more $$) we will make our point. Imaging sitting on the banks of the river then line after line of boats come around the bend - THIS will put us on the map. I will need help and have already had offers from some fantastic and well skilled people but for us to make an impact like I just mentioned, we need 10 times more boats at least.

To Phil - what a champion. Your efforts in helping me with this were huge and I can't thank you enough.

So lets see what Ch10 get on air, but have a Merry and Safe Christmas and New Years and please be careful on the roads and water.

Tight Lines all
Chris 8-)

15-12-2007, 02:51 PM
we caused abit of traffic chaos through the valley, thanks to all. good to be pro active and not sit on the sidelines, sure turned a few heads. my gearbox got hot out the front of parliment as well. will be watching the news tonight

15-12-2007, 02:55 PM
Well done to everyone for turning up to this rally especially because it would have been a nice morning on the water as well. To me it was just something that had to be done. If we keep it up then someone eventually will notice. I think that the turnout was exceptional and once again a pat on the back to Chris, Phill in particular for the hard work you put in. For a little while I thought every man and his dog turned up. Here are some photos as proof.


15-12-2007, 02:55 PM
Well that was a different way to spend a Saturday morning.
Being stuck so many times behind that Navara that kept breaking down. Really Phil, you need to have that seen to.:D :D :D
Well done to Chris and Phil!!!! You guys did a fantastic job, and that showed by the great turnout on short notice, and also the care and commitment of so many of us who went to a rally instead of enjoying the top weather doing something else. Good on us!!!
A special mention must also go to Nugget, for his speech, that was so full of commitment and passion.
As for the minister's spokesman, what more could you expect but someone who would tow the party line, and couldn't/wouldn't answer any of our questions. If he was there to gather information for the minister, like he said, he didn't like it when I asked him about his notes.
Looking forward to the next rally, but the Patrol does not swim too good, so may need to bum a lift with someone.

15-12-2007, 04:31 PM
Its all good exposure. I sat in behind Nugget and he drew a lot of attention from passers by. It did look impressive when we stopped to help Phill with his dodgy nissan so often and you could see a line of boats stretched into the distance.

Well done to both Chris and Phill for getting this off the ground and lets all make the next one bigger and better



15-12-2007, 04:40 PM
Good to see a fair turnout I thought there would have been more.

Did get good exposure, I saw plenty of people stopping for a good look.

Congratulations to the minsters rep he held up well and generally answered most questions ::)

Thanks to Chris and Phil also to Nugget for his inspirational speech

That was the hold up, bloody Phil ! ;D

I can't talk on the way home I got two flat tyres 5klms apart and ended up getting the boat towed home on a tilt tray :-[

15-12-2007, 05:29 PM
You made the evening news down here in Sydney.

Chris Ryan
15-12-2007, 05:30 PM
Sorry to hear that Damo.

The Ch10 news had a 30sec grab - that's much better than nothing and now we have something to work on. Next one we take it from a 30sec to 2 minutes!


Chris Ryan
15-12-2007, 05:31 PM
You made the evening news down here in Sydney.

So we went National.

15-12-2007, 06:13 PM
pretty good turnout i reckon and we sure did turn heads! if not for the fact that we were clogging traffic!! :D

was good to be part of it, and I look forward to the next rally - Brissy river here we come! ;D

i saw the news and thought what a great effort at such short notice for this to get as much exposure as it did - its a credit to ALL of the organisers and of course all of us who turned up. Nugget's involvement is priceless due to the media exposure he can create so a big thumbs up to you mate!


15-12-2007, 06:38 PM
30 seconds !!! more like 10, but then again I reckon if we had a pollie or two there we would have had more media interest. That WILL happen on the next one.

Amazing how many times I had to stop to cool down the new gearbox !!

I received many good comments on the day, but overall people were / are not well informed about the issues at hand. This WILL change.

Over the Xmas break I urge you to bring the subject of the Bay closures up with friends and relatives. I cannot stress enough how important this is.

If you require a brief outline of the nitty gritty, please pm me or Chris or stay tuned here for links to great info that is factual and NOT Green propaganda.

Thanks again to all who attended and gave up a little time for a very important issue.


15-12-2007, 06:44 PM
I'd like to thank all those that gave up a day of almost perfect boating weather to stand in the heat and have their say about the future of fishing in Moreton Bay.
I'd also like to thank Chris and Phill for giving me the opportunity to address the crowd - it was a privilege and a pleasure.
We should also thank Channel Ten Chief of Staff (and a good mate) for getting the issue on the national news – which is not easy to do – believe me!
The few seconds or so that went to air might not seem much but the more noise we can make the better – especially on a national level.
Hopefully it will be picked up by the other networks next time – and there must be a next time!
I’ll continue to be outspoken for what I think is a hypocritical injustice, it’s a shame there aren’t more people in the fishing media - especially Tv - using their resources to do the same.

Nugget ><>

15-12-2007, 07:00 PM
It was a great day out and good practice for the next rally. Particulary the sign writing bit.
It is really good to see such a great friendly cross section of the fishing community coming together.Well done to all.
I took a few pics but had a seniors moment with the camera. Darn.
Many many thanks to Channel 10 for covering the event.

Chris Ryan
15-12-2007, 07:33 PM
5 sec, 10 sec - either way it made national news. Nugget you are a legend for getting that done. Thanks mate.

15-12-2007, 07:42 PM
Hopefully there will be a lot more fishing media personalities who join us for the next one. Having Nugget onboard gave a lot of credibilty to the event and hopefully a few more will join him ;D .

We need a gimmick to get the other channels interested:-* .
Maybe we do the next one in our jocks :o and the slogan will be FISHOS STRIPPED OF THEIR RIGHTS ;)

Until next time



15-12-2007, 08:36 PM
Today was certainly a day to be proud of, as I certainly am, and everyone contributed as much as they could in their own way.

It amazes me however, just how many boats went past us who were npt part of our convoy while waiting at our rendezvous spot on the Gateway. Keep up the good work Chris, Dave, Gary, Phil and many others, hopefully other fisherman will get the message that we need to band together.

Sorry for holding up the works in Edward street for just a minute or two, but when a man and women walk up to your car and tap on the window to ask what all the boats were about, I had to oblige;D ::) The only question is did I pass my test Chris?? I was stoked this guy supported us 110% and is probably looking at this website right now! Cooincidence we were talking on the phone at that exact moment!::)

Well done all!!


15-12-2007, 08:46 PM
You blokes made the news down here in the Riverina and it looked good, what there was of it,there was a lack of info as to the reasons you thought Gov was wrong but they did get in that the closures were neccessary for long term sustainability.
Good show and keep it up.

Et the et
15-12-2007, 09:03 PM
I concur, with all before, great job Chris and Phill.

I think Chris was very professional and really looks the part. Maybe he could/should be our new leader of the Australian Lifestyle Party (whoops - that's ALP)?

And Nuggett was the nail in the coffin.

After starting off very dejected this morning (to my amazement, there was bugger all support from my area - Cleveland/Thornlands) I now feel confident we have something and really look forward to 9 February. I will endeavor to get my APATHETIC area involved as much as possible before the Bris River event.

Merry Xmas to all.


15-12-2007, 09:11 PM
Maybe we do the next one in our jocks :o and the slogan will be FISHOS STRIPPED OF THEIR RIGHTS ;)


cheers fnq

Good job to all, would like to have been along, maintain the rage!

15-12-2007, 09:32 PM
Next time drive into the heart of Brisbane, stop the convoy and walk away. That will make the news for sure and more than 10 seconds.


15-12-2007, 10:33 PM
The river rally sounds like the ducks guts.
A showing on the river by all and sundry cant be ignored as it will be an awsome sight and wont upset the public. People may even come to watch if they know about it and we market it properly and prepare.
Lets get this public opinion thing really working for us. We need to be really conscious of how the press portray us. Its all political and politics is a popularity contest. We need to have the public siding with us.
The govt wiped us in the press this time with a simple blanket statement about fishing sustainability. Easy. We need to be able to counter these claims somehow.

16-12-2007, 12:20 AM
we can win this,

even if it means taking shifts, fishing for bull shark across the mouth of the river.
how many bilions of dollars come through the port, on any givin day?
we can be within our rights and shut the river down (if need be)

many thanks to the organisers, and that dodgy datsun gearbox!!!!!!!!!



16-12-2007, 05:35 AM
well done Chris and Phill..I at least got to the rendevous point between jobs..as good a turn out as I expected to see...well done to all that attended.

16-12-2007, 08:34 AM
I concur, with all before, great job Chris and Phill.

I think Chris was very professional and really looks the part. Maybe he could/should be our new leader of the Australian Lifestyle Party (whoops - that's ALP)?

And Nuggett was the nail in the coffin.

After starting off very dejected this morning (to my amazement, there was bugger all support from my area - Cleveland/Thornlands) I now feel confident we have something and really look forward to 9 February. I will endeavor to get my APATHETIC area involved as much as possible before the Bris River event.

Merry Xmas to all.


hi mate - there was a couple of us from the bayside that I know of. we were running late and went straight there instead of catching up on the gateway.

but I did pass one boat on the way back (near home) with ausfish stickers on, that did not attend :-/ .... I figured if the boat was on the back of your car, you could have made the effort to support us....

anyway, there are a heap of boats on the bayside and we do need to mobilise many more for the next one. Phill/Chris - I wonder if the VMR's would support us by allowing posters/signage at the ramps or on the VMR buildings? perfect way to reach every boatie i reckon.


16-12-2007, 08:59 AM
Our passion for fishing and rights to fish brought a lot of us together on a favourable day to be on the water. Very highly commended for those who showed. I only hope that there are not any people who attended who let the bad experiences ie: Heat, traffic snarls, frustration etc. affect their support for the next rally. To better prepared for another road assault I think everyone should be armed with at least a hand held UHF radio so we can keep in touch better and also each vehicle turn on headlights for maximum attraction of interests. If our efforts are in vane I hope for those who opted not to join us but rather hit the water on the day don't whine too much about the closures.
Great effort once again to all who turned up. Well done!!!! See you at the next one.


Diwai W
16-12-2007, 02:40 PM
Well done to everyone who made the effort ! Of course, more of the same is what we have to do to make sure that we win this one... ...

To those whose passion & commitment (& media contacts) made it happen & on the news - great stuff !

As Nugget has said it's a crying shame that other fishing "celebrities" seem to be very quiet. There are a bunch of people making $$$ out of our interest in fishing & anything fishing related that we should be getting support from - where are the guys from Creek 2 Coast & so on when you need 'em ?

How do we get to the blokes holding the purse strings at BCF ? Get to the boat & accessories manufacturers etc ? They spend one heck of a lot of $$$ (money that originates from us fishing & boating people) promoting the lifestyle experience out in the "Great Outdoors". We need to convince these people that it is in their commercial self-interest to get behind what we are doing.

After all, if we aren't able to get out & fish or it just becomes too hard, or too depressing to be the 300th boat arriving at the last reef we are allowed to throw a line at, then who will be buying the gear, boats etc they want to sell ?

I may be naive - but I'm thinking that if my company is sponsoring half an hour of weekly TV aimed at the recreational fisho market then I would probably be able to get the odd pro recreational fishing access to the Bay message into "my" show... ...

On a final point - what is our position on the MBAA zoning proposals ? OK, I know that a 10% closure is better than 15%... ... but aren't we still going to lose some of the choice spots (especially for the small tinnie people like me) if the MBAA proposals were the ones adopted ?

OK - I'm off to type some letters as my way of keeping the effort going. Something we ALL should be doing - I surprised myself in the week & got my first ever letter into the Courier Mail - so they will print them if we keep sending them in !

Keep the anger ! We can't roll over on this one...


17-12-2007, 06:54 AM
thanks to Phil and Chirs for organising the rally. I thought the fella from the EPA had some balls showing up, maybe he just didn't know what he was in for!

Top stuff to everyone who turned up and made the effort. Painful driving so slowly through the city, but definitely helped keep the convoy together.

Personally I thought the overall turnup of 150 or so vehicles including cars only was very disappointing. Sure we made an impact but it could have been so much bigger. I went for a fish afterwards and saw heaps of boats on the river. The car park at Fishermans Is was so full they had opened the grassed area and there were trailers along the entrance road. I just think the message has to be a bit clearer and stronger and we have to make sure it gets out to EVERYONE next time.

I have a few ideas I will send to Chris in an email.


17-12-2007, 07:04 AM
where were all the yakers? They will be one of the groups most affected.


17-12-2007, 11:12 AM
To be perfectly honest, I though the turn up was PATHETIC (as evidenced by the EPA guy who turned up with 100's of maps and he didn't give half of them away). Well done to everyone who did come, but with this type of turnout we are a laughing stock. Do you really think a couple of hundred vehicles (if it was that many, i would have estimated under 100 boats) would have the EPA shaking in their boots.....more likely falling over laughing that this is the best we can come up with......I went home VERY depressed at where this is all leading

Unless we can get 10 times the amount of people to the next one (which really should be easily achievable if all the tackle shops get involved), the green zones will be set in stone and the review in 5 years will be the final nail in the coffin

Sorry if this upsets anyone, but I'm telling it like it is.

Anyone who went fishing on this day instead of helping out deserves what is coming.........

17-12-2007, 04:33 PM
Yep, reiterate the pats on the back to Chris & Phil for going to great lengths for the benefit of ALL of us!

I, like some though, am a little disappointed we didn't get considerably more people and boats there! NUGGET was on the money when he said "She'll be right won't be right this time!" Take note all! It WON'T be right this time!

I am a little disappointed too that there wasn't a mention in the print media on Sunday either! Not everyone is able to watch the 5pm news on a Saturday but a hell of a lot read the Sunday Mail on a Sunday! We need some more known identities with clout that can get us that exposure, however if we only get the numbers that turned up on Saturday, forget about it!

A similiar slogan used in the run-up to the last election was very successful and eye catching...


Take Care T

17-12-2007, 04:42 PM
Thanks to those that attended and those that have made responses here.

All suggestions and thoughts are taken on board and will be given 'air time " in a meeting that is happening soon with a few interested parties.

This is to basically, nut out a plan of attack with people involved that can spread the word to many media outlets and forums.

Even though the numbers were what they were, any marketing type know that for every one that turns up to this many many more are waiting in the wings with support. Like the ratings for tele and radio etc. It is a multiply by X factor.

Similarly putting pen to paper to your local MP, he knows that if one person has written to him, there are many many more that have the same concerns.

I think you'll find over the coming weeks, a program / plan will be made available this will ensure our plight reaches the people that can make a difference.

Thanks again to all that attended.


17-12-2007, 06:26 PM
Hi All,
Just thought I'd throw in my 2 bob's worth (thats 20 cents for you young folk).

Lets not get too critical at the turnout and take a more positive approach.

We need to learn from the event to make the next one bigger and the one after bigger again etc untill we achieve our goals. We are Not Under-Achievers and wont take No for an answer. Lets get organised.

I think the crux of the turnout problem is letting people know the rally is on to start with and what it all means if we fail.
We can pick up a few people by letters on windscreens at boat ramps etc but the majority just dont know the rally is on.

Us Ausfishers are pretty well informed about events etc but the average computer illiterate type fisho just doesnt know anything about the rally's, letters to MP's, etc.

One thing that would help is industry support along the lines of letter handouts at dealerships for them to give their customers (they only need to be photocopied prints that each of us can do on our home or work printers and drop off at our local dealership).
There's heaps of us so we should be able to identify the problems and come up with ideas to achieve our goals.

Food for thought.

17-12-2007, 07:05 PM
I like a lot of fisherman work 6 days a week, why do the rallys have to be on a Saturday. Could it be on a Sunday more people may be able to come along. Holding up bussniss people in traffic will not get them on side. We need the public to understand what the fight is about and have them with us. The people from the Gold and Sunny Coast should try and get involved as well, as you will be NEXT to hit by this crap. OK shoot me down now but think of what I have said please.

17-12-2007, 07:10 PM
my turn.
this was my first protest and was too for my fishing cohort, but my feeling on the rally is it went great till we reached the city true then the traffic lights timeing broke up the convoy. and by the time we got to the parlament house part of town there was no convoy left! I think it needs a couple laps around the city like the old days of cruzin the city.
for the floating rally i think we need to cock up the city cats run with a big floating raft of boats just fishing the city reach of the river.
if we dont cause a scene or interrupt the flow, piss people off. we mite aswell bend over now and let the epa stick a surf rod up your assss.
we were too nice thats way we didn't get the attention we deserved on TV.
we dont need to do dangerous things but we need to cause a spectical.
what about getting those air horn thingies and blast them in unisin at a given time or something?
i dont know i'm just bouncing ideas here.
any thoughts??
cheers Cloud 9

17-12-2007, 07:27 PM
Few thoughts to add. Courier Mail/Sunday Mail were sent press releases and contacted by phone on a number of occassions leading up to the event. With more time on our side I am sure we will have more success there in the future.

Identities are a tough one, there are ample reasons why people in the public spotlight would not want to get involved, but hopefully some will come around. Get one or two onboard and others might feel more comfortable joining in. Time is a little against us though. 3 months would be fine to combat this draft plan, except that they deliberately launched it just before Christmas/New Year.

Sunday's could be better for many people, but unfortunately there are likely to be less people in the city to see the protest. Which is possibly why Saturday was chosen?

Cloud 9 I hear what you're saying, but we are also fighting the public perception of fishermen being rednecks. Stunts like interupting the City Cat, or blocking traffic won't help our cause. Of course if come the March deadline the powers that be have not paid attention, then it might be time for a more gloves off approach?

17-12-2007, 07:32 PM
Maybe a televised public debate between the EPA & fisherman both Rec and Pro complete with the "worm" ! :D

Seriously though a public rally in the city would get attention but then all sorts would come out of the woodwork and probably turn to shit with slanging matches.

A combined effort at the same time (another motorcade) at the Goldie, Brisse, and Sunny coast through the city center would show a united front.

Chris Ryan
17-12-2007, 07:38 PM
If we do Sundays we could get more people, we can also lose people involved in other things/commitments. It is a delicate balance and one we are weighing up for next time with a LOT of thought before announcing the exact date.

The traffic light thing was an issue and one we have already looked at fixing next time. If we get many more people, the Police will give us an escort and control the lights so we can get a clear run. However we did get complete clearance without the need for permits due to our intention to follow the road rules and not hold up traffic (other than for a few overheating gearboxes)!

On water, thus far we need to speak with the Water Police as impeding commercial operators (ferries, charters and the like) is a big NO NO. Yeah I understand the need for actions to get attention, but if we get sheer numbers, I am talking well over 1000+ boats such that you can walk bow to bow from one bank to the other will attract attention. Also since the weekend we have had offers to get very high profile people along so we just need to get the plan started and off we go. Parts of this started yesterday, more being done possibly tomorrow but needless to say this will grow and be much bigger than last time with the added help being offered.

Unless we fix the problem we face as per Jeremy's signature says - Apathy is the Enemy, it won't matter how much advertising and planning is done, if fishos simply don't back this in force it is hardly worth the cost and time those involved spend in organising these things.


17-12-2007, 08:33 PM
If we do Sundays we could get more people, we can also lose people involved in other things/commitments. It is a delicate balance and one we are weighing up for next time with a LOT of thought before announcing the exact date.

The traffic light thing was an issue and one we have already looked at fixing next time. If we get many more people, the Police will give us an escort and control the lights so we can get a clear run. However we did get complete clearance without the need for permits due to our intention to follow the road rules and not hold up traffic (other than for a few overheating gearboxes)!

On water, thus far we need to speak with the Water Police as impeding commercial operators (ferries, charters and the like) is a big NO NO. Yeah I understand the need for actions to get attention, but if we get sheer numbers, I am talking well over 1000+ boats such that you can walk bow to bow from one bank to the other will attract attention. Also since the weekend we have had offers to get very high profile people along so we just need to get the plan started and off we go. Parts of this started yesterday, more being done possibly tomorrow but needless to say this will grow and be much bigger than last time with the added help being offered.

Unless we fix the problem we face as per Jeremy's signature says - Apathy is the Enemy, it won't matter how much advertising and planning is done, if fishos simply don't back this in force it is hardly worth the cost and time those involved spend in organising these things.


You know that I asked a question based on that very thought if we were going to have police doing traffic controls for us. For any future road convoys I think we need to do what it takes to get the police to help us with it because the lights were a right royal pain in the posterior. We still got noticed out there but it would have been much better if we could have remained in one large convoy. Was still a good effort though Chris and I hope you are holding your head high with what you managed to achieve with some good help. Hats off to you mate.


18-12-2007, 07:50 PM
i still think we need to do a lap or 2 around the citythat would keep the boats in the city longer we can still abide by the road rules .
the in and out run is too quick.
Cloud 9

Et the et
18-12-2007, 08:35 PM
Just a thought.

Is it a possibility that we could get some sort of “advert” in all the relevant local rags to debunk all the usual turtle/dugong/etc horror stories that seem to appear at regular intervals lately? - and state the real facts regarding the status of the bay – ie the sustainability of fishing etc, and point out the imminent threat of pollution/degradation from air port expansion/ foreshore development, etc.

My missus (who actually hates fishing) got into a huge argument with her workmates yesterday over the proposed green zones. The general public have no idea – they see the doom and gloom stories that the stupid editors of these papers publish and believe everything they say. We have to come up with a way of offsetting this!

Surely the BCFs/boat yards/tackle/bait shops etc could contribute to the cost of such a campaign? What about charter operators? Surely they are getting nervous?

Any big advert in the papers could also include a “call to arms” for the next convoy or whatever?

Just grasping at straws ??


19-12-2007, 12:54 PM
I agree with ET. I was in Perth yesterday and the today show interviewed that guy from Seaworld who is always on the TV about turle populations in Moreton Bay. As usual he mentioned how many turtles die in the bay and that the deaths are caused by boat strikes and the ingestion of plastics. He didn't say how many of the total number of deaths were due to boat strikes and the implication there was that a vast majority were caused directly or indirectly by boaties.

At no point did he mention the pollution due to stormwater runoff or the chemicals that are leaching into the bay causing cancerous growths on turtles. Nor did he say that most of the plastics found in the bay are as a result of the constant amount of rubbish flushed out to sea every time it rains. This type of misinformation gives the public the wrong picture of people using the bay. As it was previously stated, most boaties are zealous conservationists as we all know what will happen if we don't look after the Bay.

19-12-2007, 02:30 PM
Just a thought.

Is it a possibility that we could get some sort of “advert” in all the relevant local rags to debunk all the usual turtle/dugong/etc horror stories that seem to appear at regular intervals lately? - and state the real facts regarding the status of the bay – ie the sustainability of fishing etc, and point out the imminent threat of pollution/degradation from air port expansion/ foreshore development, etc.

I would have thought that the Fishing Party etc would be heavily envolved in this, I know down here when we went through it Robert Smith who was our local Fishing party candidate was out there with all guns blazing as were the local Ecofishers groups with ads, radio coverage etc.


19-12-2007, 03:52 PM
At no point did he mention the pollution due to stormwater runoff or the chemicals that are leaching into the bay causing cancerous growths on turtles. Nor did he say that most of the plastics found in the bay are as a result of the constant amount of rubbish flushed out to sea every time it rains. This type of misinformation gives the public the wrong picture of people using the bay. As it was previously stated, most boaties are zealous conservationists as we all know what will happen if we don't look after the Bay.

The reason he doesn't mention polution etc is because the only way to stop the polution is to pick brisbane up and move it somewhere else. Thats not a vote winner in anyones book. No one mentions these things because that mr and mrs Joe average would have to admit that they are part of the problem.

19-12-2007, 04:12 PM
Dont know if it's been mentioned but there is a write up in the northern times about the rally and green zones, see if this link works (page 5, half of a page)
Cheers TT

Chris Ryan
19-12-2007, 05:32 PM
There was also a Letter to the Editor published yesterday in the C/Mail.

03-01-2008, 09:06 PM
I love a good political fight, I am certainly in on the Brissie River deal and I will see if I can get some interest from our boat club, have we poached any of the boat clubs?
The final draft is an absolute nonsense

Chris Ryan
04-01-2008, 05:42 AM
Not yet Brew, but details on the River deal are coming v.soon.

04-01-2008, 09:35 AM
Is it possible to get premade logo's or phrases ( which we can pay for ourselves.). I went to the last rally and there were a few cars + boats which only had an A4 page on them ( including mine).