This is the deal.
A car/boat rally is being held in Brisbane on Saturday 15th December 2007.
A muster point will be located near Eagle Farm and then proceed to Brisbane City.
Others will be joining us from Nth Coast and Sth Coast.
There will be a flyer posted on this thread very soon and it will be in PDF form so you can download it and turn it into your own poster for your vehicles.
Further info will be added during the week.
For now, muster at 10am, start at 11am.
The aim of this is:-
to bring attention to the plight of the recreational fishers of Moreton Bay.
The Politics of preferences in exchange for person gain
The EPA's own inablilty to accept scientific data to manage the bay
and really to let the public and members of parliament know that we will not take these absurd proposals lying down.
Plans are underway to have high profile people attend and have as much media coverage as possible.
This is a great opportunity to show the strength and resolve of the recreational Fisher Folk of Moreton Bay.
This is a "MUST " attend event. Please return to this thread on a daily basis for updates and detailed information.
Cheers Phill