View Full Version : Boat Ramp Idiot # 96723

25-06-2007, 07:16 PM
So i am coming home from work today across the Houghton hwy and i am greeted by a flat bay. I thought it was meant to be windy, anyway i get home run around throwing rods lures esky etc in the boat 15 mins later boat is ready and i drive for 3 mins to the boat ramp;D ;D . When i get there this bloke is there with his wagon parked in the middle of the ramp and has his canoe pulled up on the sand beside the ramp and two rods out in rod holders planted in the sand>:( >:( .
He turned around and saw me and then proceeds to pack all his gear into his car, but he had to put his canoe on tie it down, and his rods and fishing gear. Anyway 15 mins later i finally launch my boat::) ::) .
Anyway that is my whinge.
P.S. - Got a couple of small squire and straightened out a hook on a 40- 45cm model...
That is the last time i will use a 1/12 1h jighead while chasing snaps.

25-06-2007, 07:39 PM
so unless you yell at them they wont learn, its a common problem, its like being an apprentice, size 10 boot everyday, you soon learn, maybe thats the answer

25-06-2007, 07:49 PM
fishing Margate mate???


25-06-2007, 07:52 PM
Other end mate Queens beach north.

25-06-2007, 07:53 PM
so unless you yell at them they wont learn, its a common problem, its like being an apprentice, size 10 boot everyday, you soon learn, maybe thats the answer

Dunno mate, some of them know full well what they're doing. I had one a while ago, had just finished getting bungs in and tie downs off when clever dick nips past (he had just arrived) backs onto ramp and starts loading rods and esky etc etc. Asked pretty politely if he was going to be long and got a thousand words for my trouble, immediate aggro! I really didn't need a punch up with my 6yo looking on, but lets just say I have a good memory for faces....

25-06-2007, 08:04 PM
Marty, some nice ground out that way, specially once you get away from Scarbie Reef. Been doing a bit of reccy work up there lately, couple of frieght trains I reckon might be cod have got the better of me.
Dont let the boof heads get to you mate, un-fortunately the world is full of inconsiderate/un-careing people.


25-06-2007, 08:08 PM
Queens Beach is a nice ramp as long as you don't have easterly winds!!

Just a short run to some nice patches.


25-06-2007, 08:32 PM
Sounds like a lot of ramps , have been so tempted to grab a couple mates a carton of piss some deck chairs and sit at our boat ramp and watch the monkey's perform, With that circus music playing in the background.

25-06-2007, 08:59 PM
I can't cop inconsiderate people or stand-over merchants (re: bank fishing etiquette, saltwater chat) anyway give 'em a gobfull and let em know you're not gonna cop it sweet...................... I do agree however with Brumby re his youngun looking on................. but it would take me awhile to get over the need to smack him in the face repeatedly......... I hate feeling unsatisfied....

25-06-2007, 09:07 PM
I hate feeling unsatisfied....

That's what the deckie keeps saying ;) ;D

Marty, don't let it get to you mate. Leisure time is hard to come by, I know, and these idiots seem to make it even harder to come by, but it's just par for the course nowadays.

Brumby, good on yer mate. have to admit that I haven't, (on occasion), behaved admirably in front of the kids, when someone has invaded my 'fishing space" (ended up in court once for losing my rag) ::) We just have to cop it sometimes, in order to teach the kids to be cool.


25-06-2007, 09:22 PM
Sounds like a lot of ramps , have been so tempted to grab a couple mates a carton of piss some deck chairs and sit at our boat ramp and watch the monkey's perform, With that circus music playing in the background.
I have done that a few times, minus the beer and the music. I often tell my boys that if you are looking for some cheap entertainment, head down to the boat ramp and watch for a while! ;D It is amazing what things you will see. It does not matter where in the world you are, boatramps are all the same.

25-06-2007, 09:43 PM
it does make you wonder sometimes,,,, and most of the time it makes you think what they would do if they knew who you were,,, ie a mate or a mate of a mate

spinnaker sound ramp was chaos last trip out,,, when we ventured back in,,, boats everywhere trying to get in to find a spot to beach and wait there turn in loading up and going home,,,

the bottleneck was an elderly chap,,, loading a 15 footer by himself,,, and having all sorts of drama,,, whilst the ramp was cordened off by the cleaner high pressure cleaning all the moss and crap of it,,,, scenario,,, 4 boat ramp,,, one access lane open,,, and a bloke under pressure knowing that people were waiting and no bastard helping,,,

we come along,,, sight problem,,, and beach tinny on the ramp and help load boat,,, in the process i noticed his main problem was trying to keep the boat centered whilst pulling it on the trailer,,,(tide kept catching it and drew it out),, i offered a piece of advise of tying a rope to the stern,,, and running up to the opposite bow point for any future trips,, and this problem will dissappear when trying to load by himself,,,, all is well,,, lots of thanks and his away,,,

at least 6-7 boaties stood around,, and done absolutely nothing but mumble and whinge under there breaths on how long he was taking,,,

my reward,,,,,,,,,,,, i blocked the ramp,,,, no waiting to load the tinny,,, the bloke who was doing the high pressure cleaning advised he was caught out and couldn't drop all the gear when he pulled up,,,, but gave my little tinny a quick wash down and sent me on me way,,,,,,,,


25-06-2007, 10:00 PM
Boat Ramps... don't get me started!!! I'll never end!

Our 'latest' incident was about a fortnight ago, when we were just about to reverse down the Ramp and put the Boat in the water. We were first to the Ramp, and we had just momentarily stopped to do up the bungs, take off the straps etc... when some fella in his 'City Landcruiser' (which has probably never seen dirt before!!!) towing a 'Team Stacer' trailer stops side on to us and yells out 'Hey... you launching or what!' in a very impatient manner. Somehow, I and fellow mates re-strained ourselves and did our business at our normal pace, and we were done. We got in our boat, and just lulled around the area for some minutes, and we watched how slow he was in loading his Cabin Stacer Boat (which, shouldn't be on Tinaroo in the first place!). Much to our amusement, there were 2 or 3 blokes waiting to load their vessels onto trailers and take off, and boy did they give it to this bloke! Good on them too!

Plenty more where that came from!


25-06-2007, 10:01 PM

25-06-2007, 10:45 PM

The Snaps will need a HW ( thicker) hook or you will be straightened with anything less.

As for the ramps, Yep, almost every time there's a line up there's one stuffing around.. But the best I ever saw wasn't at a ramp, it was at a servo immediately after getting off the barge after Fraser Island, and everyone wanted the air hose to re inflate the tyres after running them low on Fraser.

One guy decided to be smart and approached the air and water from the other end, driving right in, while the long lineup watched in amazement. The owner of the fourby two in front of me didn't ask any questions, walked right up to the offender who had his window wound down didn't he. POW!! Right in the kisser!!

I don't support violence, but it was one heck of a sight to see, and the only time I felt good about seeing someone cop a flogging. Fortunately it didn't go further, someone got the message and kept driving. A wise choice not to get out of the car!!


25-06-2007, 10:52 PM
We're all capable of stuffing up. Sometimes I pray for a quiet ramp where no-one can see me struggling.

We all have our cross to bear and I recommend that we take a deep breath and ask ourselves if the bloke holding us up is simply a ###### or someone who isn't as skilled as most.

It's nice to be nice and it's hard to be forgiving, but it doesn't take much to pause and reflect............there....... but for the grace of God.


25-06-2007, 11:06 PM
Scalem that is absolutely awesom. Well im a week away from getting out of the Army and havent found work yet (Got a month of leave up my belt tho;)). Maybe in my spare time i could go round SEQ boat ramps putting up signs that say "Dont back your boat unless its ready to go into the water". No ill quickly do up the bungs or it'll only take a sec to undo the straps. Sorry Tinaroo but the guy that is at this stage is the "first one there IMO" Only left to do is Back it down unhook the winch launch the boat its that easy. Then I can stand there with a baseball bat saying "oi ######## read the sign" Once the etiquite is known onto the next ramp I go. If only they had that as a choice for work for the Dole ;)

Ok I'm ranting now hope someone got a laugh out of this post

Cheers Chris

25-06-2007, 11:13 PM
One last thing. Kingtin totally agree with you there the old bloke that was by himself deserved a hand. Totally different to what im talking about above. If someone has done the right thing to be considerate of others but needs a second hand I'd be quite happy to lend a hand.

Cheers Chris

26-06-2007, 12:22 AM
Unfortunately, with the increasing number of boats and no corresponding increase in facillities, ramp congestion will only get worse.

More emphasis should be put on ramp 'etiquette' in the course to get boating licences.


26-06-2007, 06:55 AM
How many lanes is this ramp??

I'd be commenting on his inability to back a car and his inability to judge lanes and would you like me to park it properly for him....and give comments like....gees I'd love to see your shed...the door must be 12m wide or how do you park at the supermarket?? or gees, how do you launch that if there isn't a 20 foot wide boat ramp?? or some comments like that.
Basically annoy him so he buggers off quickly to get away from me. :)
I saw a bloke down Cabbage tree one day with a canoe. He had a little trolley made (it was just 2 pump up 6 or 8" tyres on plastic rims and a simple cradle) so he could do everything he needs to do in the carpark and then wheel the canoe down to the water and then he just carried the trolley back up and locked it in the boot....absolutely brilliant :)

26-06-2007, 09:09 AM
On sunday arvo i returned to the ramp, I went and got my car & trailer to retreive my boat but when i went to reverse down the ramp their was a guy on one side tying his jet ski down, puting his light boaed on, taking his wet suit off ect ect, on the other side was a lady squating in the middle of my path taking photos of the sun set, she was determine not to move for about 5 mins untilll I started reversing down , when i was about 1-2 metres off her she give me a filthy look and moved. I'm not impatient and every one has their rights buit come on a bit of respect could go both ways..

26-06-2007, 10:01 AM
is this sort thing mainly on pub hol & weekends? cause i haven,t seen it happen in years(i work 95% of the time on weekends & pub hols)being fisherpersons we all have a little patience.

26-06-2007, 10:16 AM
this is the first time its happened to me, but i always prep my boat to for launching in the car park not on the ramp and the same when retrieving, so i dont hog the ramp.

26-06-2007, 11:17 AM
How many lanes is this ramp??

I saw a bloke down Cabbage tree one day with a canoe. He had a little trolley made (it was just 2 pump up 6 or 8" tyres on plastic rims and a simple cradle) so he could do everything he needs to do in the carpark and then wheel the canoe down to the water and then he just carried the trolley back up and locked it in the boot....absolutely brilliant :)

I have one of these canoe trolleys and i launch near fingal boat ramp (2 lanes) and while i peacefully wheel my canoe down to the water, I watch in disgust at the impatience and agro brewing on the ramp. On one occasion I left the trolley behind and there was no one on the ramp so i thought bugger it, Ill reverse down and load up at the waters edge. This was when the agro started, two boats turned up and wanted to retrieve and people were like wtf a canoe blocking the ramp for 3 mins, come on, hurry up. Needless to say I have a short fuse and lost it completely..... they waited their turn, i was a bit embarrassed when I later saw kids aboard. I still managed to launch quicker than the 1st boat could retrieve anyway.

At the end of day, I agree with Kingtin, that we all need to remember the times when we were on our own, having trouble, or just out for a relaxing time with no stress. Everyone needs to take a chill pill when within 200m of a ramp.

Probably, half of my launches with the full boar 5.5m involve some sort of drama at the ramp and i have to agree it isn't getting any better with ramp rage. I know people that sold their boat and bought a canoe due to ramp rage anxiety.

26-06-2007, 11:35 AM
Last trip to the sleepy little village of Maaroom, usually listed as a village or destination on maps, saw influx of southerners in the caravan park, good stuff. Ramp was never busy and usually isnt but every car vic registered did the same thing, drove the 200 m from the park, reversed down the ramp then began taking off straps bungs etc. etc. must be bred into them. Doesnt matter if the ramps busy or not, wether your the first there or not get the bloody thing ready before you venture near the ramp. Thats my 2 cents worth.

26-06-2007, 01:11 PM
Oh I forgot, afew weeks ago I returned to the ramp in the boat at about 11pm and here was a 4wd parked on the ramp diadonally, they were all set up fishing with their caamp chairs and eskys, they didnt look to impressed when they relised they would have to move and did so without a word, but commen sence would of made things easier as there was about 5 cars with empty boat trailers so it was obvious poeple would need the ramp for its real purpose.

26-06-2007, 01:49 PM
Yep that one always gets me too, what are they thinking. What about all those with bad handbrakes, chock the wheels with rocks or 1/2 besser bricks then drive off and leave the brick sitting on the ramp?

26-06-2007, 02:22 PM
I once watched an elderly guy bring his boat in, way too fast at a ramp, a fibreglass hull too, not a tinny, and as I had my boat on & in the area designated for setting up, I raced down to try and help him because he was going to hit the concrete for sure.

Ultimately I probably only slowed it down a notch, and almost did some injury to my shoulder, but I thought, he's an old bloke, lend him a hand... Anyway, his son leaps out of the boat and gives me an earful, why are you touching our boat he says ?

I politely told him his dad was approaching too fast, to which he replied his dad was an excellent boatie and had been driving for 25 + years (?)
Anyway, I pointed to the damage from the impact with the concrete and walked off.. what can you do ?

26-06-2007, 04:13 PM
The only things you should actually do ON the ramp is to undo winch and safety chain, or winch in and put the safety chain on, everything else should be done before or after.

26-06-2007, 04:41 PM
I love this topic. Always puts a smile on my face. How about the guy who drives up to the area where u tie down ur boat, and he parks right next to sign when there are no boats in gront , then when u come up u got to go around him. thats when u reverses up. But thank god for idiots otherwise i couldnt have a laugh


26-06-2007, 04:59 PM
I pulled up to the ramp in me boat a few weeks back and there was this bloke and his wife trying to get his boat on the trailer with not a lot of success. I asked what the problem was, and he said broken winch, so I offered to help.
I unhitched the trailer off me 4b and put the reciver tounge and ball on the attachment on me bull bar. Mean while he took off his trailer and hooked it to the front of me bullbar. Nosed his trailer down to the ramp and used me elec 4x4 winch to winch on his boat and then reversed up the ramp and attached it to his car. hooked up my trailer to the rear of mine again and went got the boat out and was thanked once again for helping out.
The story was, while winching the boat on it sliped off the roller and weged itself and he then broke the winch. His trailer was not designed to drive on and he had tried this without success. When we had loaded it I looked and all his rollers were out of alignment so I told him how to fix the problem. I then told him how to fix his winch witout buying a new one which he was about to do. He had only jus brought the boat and was new to boating so with a litle advice from me he is now the wiser.

28-06-2007, 02:14 AM
I like to take the view that people generally at boat ramps aren't acting maliciously, and if they are doing something silly like blocking the ramp its because they don't know any better or were unaware of what they were doing. After all, I think most boaties especially on weekends aren't regulars. If someone is blocking the ramp, taking a lot of time rigging or loading/unloading, I find if you offer them a friendly smile and offer a hand they usually get out of the way pretty quick. Getting agro with something will usually get a negative response, which is quite natural, not really what you want and doesn't usually speed things up anyway.

I know when I first started I was a bit slow loading/unloading and getting the motor started. It would have been nice if someone offered to help rather than give death stares. After all, boating/fishing is for relaxation rather than a high stress, competitive extension of our working lives.

Far side
28-06-2007, 07:57 AM
Your right joeT

I find the best thing to do when people are on the ramp mucking around.

"Do you need a hand mate" works a treat it breaks the ice
Once you start talking to people you can sus out pretty well wether they are newbys and then offer some advise about ramp protocol.

When I was a newby people did this to me and it helped a lot

9 out of 10 get a good responce
yelling and screaming gets you nowhere

28-06-2007, 08:42 AM
Could not agree more joet

28-06-2007, 01:50 PM
I see this all the time on Lake Illawarra, one time there was a group of asian men trying to put the boat in, I thought it must have been funniest home videos, I eventually ended up reversing the ute in for them and then they forgot to tilt the motor or didnt know how to do it, we helped them again, they were very thank ful.

Another time an old bloke trying to load his large very old tinnie was blowing around something shoking, I got wet (something I dont normally have to do) but we helped.

Not many people will help down at the lake, but at Port Kembla ramp, there are always many helping hands, my young deckie (13yrs) normally pulls the boat around the other side of the dock so others can launch or retrieve, while I park and quite often I get back the boats turned and started ready to jump in because there are community minded people who help each other.

Its also good sence I want to get the boat in or out as soon as I can, so I will always help someone in trouble or is inexperianced, I remember when I needed help and at port kembla it was there.

another ramp down here is at Bellambi and people stand around to watch the show or just stuff about blocking the ramp for no particular reason.

GO Port Kembla.

If you are an idiot who like to cause trouble you should remember that your car and trailer are unattended when your on the water and someone may have a bit of payback onit.

I dont condone it but ...............

28-06-2007, 07:49 PM
1975fflh Thats fine but that lake smells like a rotten egg! and has done for many years!.