Oi, George!
i see one of the movers and shakers is useing your custom rods in the BREAM Series this year !
(i knew i wasn't the only one. hehehehe)
was reading a QFM last night and your rods were mentioned as being used by one of the Boaters who has already got into the Final.
now i suppose this means i'll have to wait longer for my new rods you being a noted Rod builder an all...
for those who do not know,
Big George builds some of the finest custom rods in Aussie,thay are fished by a lot of Barra men up the north,(and a lot down south as well).
not only Barra/Tropical rods but a full range of Rods for all applactions/styles/fishing,basicly anything you want
George keeps quite about his skills but has a big following amongst the sportsfishing crew.
there are a few of us here on Ausfish that already use his great product/service.
nice to have an accomplished rod craftsman on the board,once again George it's good to see you getting in print for your great work.
(and yes i pay full noise for his rodsHappily ! )