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Best Baitcaster Reel Today?
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Thread: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

  1. #1

    Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    I have been a Abu man all my fishing life (36 years) and have always been a loyal supporter of Abassadeur Baitacaster Reels - I still have an Abu 2500c that I got when I was 12 (28 yrs ago) and it works great to this day and has accounted for gizillions of fish in its life - from barra to murray cod incl several over 30lb. To me it represents the old school Abu.

    In the last decade I have bought several larger Abassadeurs - 6000s, 5600c and Procasts and all have failed me in some ways (admittidly they do a lot of millage - but I do look after them) - main issues have been failure of anti-reverse, lack of enagagement after casting and bearings going wonky plus, plus.

    I have finally weakened and bought a Calcutta 400B which I'm yet to get wet (work & winter are bastards) - but I've got some Northern Qld field work coming on - so any day soon.. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

    Question is what does everyone reakon is the best baitcasters these days? In terms of (1) money no question or (2) value for money? (3) Larger baitcaster (~10kg= work) or (4) smaller (3-4 kg work)? - Look forward to responses,

    Regards and tight lines - Jim

    'Stick to fishing instead of fighting' - JC

  2. #2

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Money no question/Larger baitcaster: Daiwa CVX300A
    Value for money: Abu5600c4
    Small baitcaster: hmm can't decide maybe Curado200

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Being the tightarse that I am (I dont get to go out fishing anywhere near as much as you guys), value for money is one of my biggest issues, and that has to go with the ABU reels.

    I picked up my ABU 6500C4 last year for $99 (NIB), and with the 5600C4s (and 6500C3s) on sale at the moment (also for $99), looks like I'm going to have to invest in another new outfit tomorrow.

    Most decent tackle stores should have spare parts, if not upgrades available, so replacing wonky parts isnt a big deal.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    When you look at value for money the life of the reel must be considered. I would say Abu reels last and last and last...

    It might be because they are the only reels that we have for so many years as they were what everybody got long time ago.
    The other newer reels still need time to prove themselves.

    On the other side some years ago Abu did move the production (at least of some reels) to Asia (Taiwan, Bangladesh) but I can not say if that made any difference, I have some reels made in Asia and can't complain.
    As a matter of fact a lot of other big name reels are made in the same places.

    Another thing that happend was that Abu was taken over by Pure Fishing the same company that owns quite a few other brands.

    Abu reels are not as fancy or modern as many other newer reels are but this is not always a bad thing.

    On the other side if money is no issue Daiwa baitcasters are very nice, I got me a Daiwa Millionare CVZ 203 and it is a beautifull thing, very smooth, works great and in my opinion was worth the money.

    And another recent find: I noticed that Abu makes now the Big Game 7000 with a lever drag.

  5. #5

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    In 1980 I bought an ABU 5500 and an ABU 7000. I used them both for about 20 years and sold them. They were still both as tight as a drum and working perfectly. The 7000`s then were all metal, even the cog that drove the levelwind was alloy. I paid about $120 for it then, so they are quite good value now at around $140.
    The only ABU I own now is a 6500 c3 ct mag elite distance reel which I enjoy using in the surf.
    I dont think you will be dissapointed with your Calcutta.
    I recently bought a Calcutta 700 and it is quickly becoming my favourite reel.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
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    Jun 2004

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Shimano Calcutta! I have a 50 and a 250, reckon thet are great! Also have a couple of ABU's 6000c3 and 7000. Give the ABU's to my mates when we go fishing.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    May 2004

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Started off learning with an old shimano mag force ,almost gave up in frustration until a mate lent me an abu 2500c for three casts- got homew ,tossed the shimano in the bin and went out and bought a 3500c ,then later a 5000 sprint then later still a 7000 and a 4600elite.So i guess you could call me an abu nut,although I am considering a calcutta or similar to sample something else
    cheers jon

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jeremy87's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Millionaires are a great reel to cast with. I have used the old school abu 2500c and would have to say if it aint broke don't fix it, I do however find that you need a much more educated thumb when casting lighter weights than modern reels. A cvx is all you need in a baitcaster and more. Any of the abu's like the pro rockets or the penn jack erskine special are good value for $ aswell as several shimano reels.

  9. #9

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Thanks for all the feed back guys - seems tyhere are some similar experiences there. Must admit in earlier days I had always considered Daiwas a bit tinny - but they must of come a way since I last looked - I'll have to check out some of the top shelf models referred to - but I'm not in the market for a while now...although I do need a medium size one between the calcutta and my 2500C to replace the 5600....have to square it up with the accountant...maybe well targeted birthday present!

    Regards - Jim
    'Stick to fishing instead of fighting' - JC

  10. #10

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    You might want to look at the shimano 4500b .they dont look slick but built to last a long time they still sell them after 20 years. smooth as.

  11. #11

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    You might want to look at the shimano 4500b .they dont look slick but built to last a long time they still sell them after 20 years. smooth as.perfect snapper reel

  12. #12

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Daiwa CVZ 203 fits all the above. unless ya need more line capacity then 2nd reel would be CVZ 253 or 300. CVX,s are great allso and a bit lighter.

    Cheers Les

    "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

  13. #13
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Daiwa CVZ are a great reel.

    I love my Calcuttas (cal 50 and cal 250 both with upgraded wiffle spools) but they have taken a backseat the last few years to the Chronarch SF, especially the Cal 50. It is just that much nicer again. I'm sure there are nicer reels out there (top of the line Daiwa baitcaster and Calais but they are just a little too overengineered/expensive for my liking).

    Chronarch SF or CVZ (if I wanted a round reel).

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?


    My first ever baitcast reel was a Daiwa Millionaire MH6 back in about 1978. I followed that up with a series of Abu's including 1500, 2500, 5000, 6000, 5600 and numerous 4600C3 and C4 models. I must say that in almost 30 years of baitcast fishing, I have never been let down by an Abu. In fact I used a 2500 spooled with 8kg braid as my main barra reel for many years. The bearings are a bit noisy but it still works fine.

    The biggest improvement in baitcast reels over the past couple of years is in the drags. All of the latest from Shimano, Daiwa and Abu have drags capable of handling up to 5kg and are incredibly small and light weight.

    Another key issue is how they fit your hand. Before buying a reel, I would suggest that you try all of the latest models (both high and low profile) on your favourite rod to see how they feel. I have big hands so I like the round profile reels. I have just got hold of an Abu 3600 Morrum Ultra Mag to be my main barra reel and spooled it with 9kg Fireline. It is unbelievable to use.

    Value for money however, you cannot do better than the Abu 4600 for braid or a 5600 for mono.

    Kind regards... David

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Best Baitcaster Reel Today?

    Thats a easy one ..Dawia Millionaire CVZ 203 Best thing since sliced bread...l too started my fishing life with a `ABU ...but you just cant go past the Millionaire series....If l had the dollars l would get the new Dawia Millionaire Bluebacker about $600 .......but the old girl would kill me
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