No. 1. Whippy poles = bad for lures. Think the guys up north don't mind a bit of flex to give a bit of action to their baits and they are also fishing dropbacks so it is not as critical. Probably saves the deckies putting the big baits back into the teak pegs all the time for each wave and the build up of water pressure on the heavy lines and leaders. Down here and with lures especially we want a crisp hookset. For lures the Pakulaphiles suggest higher rigger angles. Doing that keeps more of your leader out of the water. Can also keep things like your snap swivels out of the water etc. Keeping your leader out is suppossed to make your lure swim harder (i.e. cycle side to side and cycle as in breathing every 5 seconds or so). A heavy leader or especially and old leader or one that has already had a fish on it and is chaffed takes away from the presentation of the lure. There are some good videos of it on the Pakula Between the Lines CD. Well worth a look for new guys to the game. You will see what I mean when you look at the vid.