Here's a story from my glorious childhood. . . . . it shows how bad service can really stick to a stores reputation.
In my teens I had a brand new and, at the time, quite expensive 2 piece rod and reel combo bought for me for Christmas from Mossops (where I bought all my stuff back then) Within a few months I accidentally stepped on the rod just above the reel and broke the rod
So we called up the shop and they said to bring in the whole rod, they would send it away to be repaired [smiley=builder2.gif] [smiley=builder2.gif] and they would call when it comes back in (so far so good)
Time passes and no call. I hassle my Mum to call the shop and they say "sorry their mistake it has yet to be sent away" (OK you can accept that someome stuck it in the wrong spot)
More time passes, we call again, Ahhhh not long now, a few days at the most. And so it goes on and on, always just a few days at the most.
So many calls (at our cost) and quite a lot of time, I wonder if I am ever going to see that rod again
So I keep hassling my Mum to keep calling and finally . . . . . yes, it has been sitting there for ages and the guy says he was wondering if we were ever going to call and pick it up >(you what?)
So my Mum picks it up on her way home from work. She gets home and since I have two hands, and only one is full of rod I ask her where the other half is? She says, that's all they gave her [smiley=bomb.gif]
You can guess the rest, Mossops deny having the other half and since it has already been picked up and paid for they don't want to know or do diddly to help a kid with half a rod.
Well since that was well and truly over 18 years ago. I have NEVER stepped foot inside a Mossops again, plus I also steer everyone I know, meet, talk to away from them. 18 years of lost sales is a long time and a lot of money, plus I can't count the amount of people who would also have been steered away, not only from me direclty but via word of mouth, I would say thousands!
So bad service sure does stick for a long long time. They would have to do some darn good deals for me to step foot inside again and stop bagging them out to others, like an insanely good deal!