Yesterday 2 mates and i went rock fishing for the 2nd time targetting kingies, jewies etc. The first time we got snapped off my something big and managed some decent bream and trevally.
We went again yesterday and instead of fishing the bottom we used balloons as floats and about 3-4feet of line below wth a pilly on gang hooks. We managed to get at least 30 happy moments on 4/0 gang hooks, and when the kingies were lucky to get the bait before the happys they were only lttle kingies. We also used some squid and got a small snapper and more bloody happy moments.
Is there another method i should try ? Different bait ? or a way to stop those pesky happy moments taking the bait everytime and to be able to attract the bigger fish ?
I know live bait is the way but its a 5.2 km walk to the spot each way, and a bit hectic with a bucket full of live bait plus i don't know how to catch big livies (pike, mullet etc.)