Quote Originally Posted by kingtin
Newby mate, small world!

What age are you? You lived just one street away from where my grandmother lived. They had a boarding house which they converted to a chippy at 63 Buchanan St and were a well known family in the area (The Dickinsons)

I was raised in Blackpool Orphanage on Talbot Rd and when I used to run away, I'd spend a lot of my time in that area around caunce st and peter st and another street that I forget the name of. There was a family called the Alpins who were "tatters" and I used to run their donkeys for them on the beach. I went to Devonshire Rd school as most kids from that area did. It burned down only last year.

The hippodrome cinema was just round the corner from you and we used to go to the Saturday morning matinee there. Just as the cinema came out so did the Synagogue situated underneath. Most of the kids used to spend the rest of the morning throwing stuff at the Orthodox Jewry trying to knock off their big top hats as they left...........Jeeeeez, we were naughty back then, peashooters were in vogue as were catapults


\Bloody small world kev. I dont remember too much. Was only 7 when we left. My old man lives with us and I will show him this post in the morning and see what he remembers. He is 72 and probably wont remember his name...lol.... I will send ya a pvt message mate.