First go at using live pike, and I put a 4/0 hook thru the back, about half way between the head and dorsal, and about 1/4 to 1/2 inch below the spine.Pike was about 6 in long. I knew I had to miss the spine, but he still went dead as soon as I put the hook in. Hmmm, now livie is a 'deady'. Next one I rigged thru the lips, from the bottom , up out thru the top, and hes dead before hes deployed too. Did another thru the lower lip only, he survives for 15 mins, then I check the bait (wrong move) and hes swam off the hook when deployed for a second time. Using 30lb braid, with 80lb trace, and a running sinker.
Whats up? How should I rig a pike so I dont kill him?
Thanks guys,