PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Knots for braid? - Page 2
For lure casting (bream, bass, flathead) I used Harros knoted dogs and the conection he recommend to a double in the braid. I use a spiders hitch to make the double in the braid (bionic braid)
For bait fishing & casting slugs, I join the leader to the braid using an improved albright. The leader is also long enought to have several turns on the reel so the leader takes all the casting strain.
Never had any problems using the spiders hitch in the braid.
Hi all,
Well when I had my reels I used a binimi twist (40 turns) to a braid leader knot. Always worked well and never let me down except when cast at high speed through a surf rod. I suspect it shattered the knot when the guides hit it at high speed. It can also be used as a wind on mono leader so you can have a couple of meters of heavier mono for trace and can cut on the day for changing rigs and save the braid. Regards Scott
Ok OK.... so now I've gone away and done some practice.... but I cant tell - maybe I'm stupid... the difference between a double uni knot ( and the uni to uni ( can someone please explain the difference - going spinning tommorrow and dont want to throw away and more lures.
The double uni knot is the one that you will find anywhere with a google search.
When I was talking about a uni to uni I meant that I was tying one line with a uni knot to another line like I might tie it to a hook or swivel and then tying the second line to the first like IT was a hook or a swivel. This meant that there was just one thread of braid across the mono in the centre of the knot which would be cut on just about every cast. The double uni knot generates several wraps of the braid around the mono and vice-versa the mono around the braid so that there is not the single thread of mono transverse to the single thread of braid.
The two links that you have listed are both the correct double uni knot.
So hard to write this after a couple of sherbets - but hope it is clear. J.Hope I haven't confused the issue too much.
OK Tony I'm with you now..... Yes thats the exact knot that has failed on me several times..... I'll try using more twists in the knot to get more braid across the knot - more surface area should lead to less cutting - hopefully! I was using 5 loops or twists - will try doubling that and see how I go. I am currently trying to join 20lb spiderwire stealth (teflon impregnated spectra braid - its different to normal spiderwire actual braid not tubular fibres) to a mono leader of 40lbs .55mm diametre.
The 6lb stealth tied to 12lb vanish flourocarbon leader has also given me troubles - but that was without the double - will try the double - more wrapps and see how we go. any further suggestions are welcome - will superglue make any difference?
Just one further thoiught. Make sure that you lubricate the knot with spit before pulling it tight. Not sure about the superglue - it just could make the knot stronger and less likely to cut itself. Certainly tidies up any loose ends.
Thanks for that Tony..... Very happy to report that I went spinning off the seaway (landbased) yesterday - used the doubled uni and used at least 10 wraps instead of the usual 4-5 used lots of spit to lubricate and no knot failures even when big GT hit - going the other way at a million miles an hour - while spinning flat strap...... felt like my raider was hit by a train - didnt get to land the fish - eventually got him stuck on a rock and then smashed by a massive wave - broke the 40lb leader.. drenched us....... but no knot failures. Thanks for your help and persistence.
my favourite, and most often used joiner is the bimini-bristol combination
the only knot i use on gear (jigs, hooks and swivels) is the palomar. thats it.
note: to lock the bimini, lock one leg of the loop, then wrap both legs together and lock, then wrap the first leg alone and lock it.
this is the finish that all the staff at Anglers Warehouse use, they told me that is the only finish they use, and they have never lost a line or fish from faulty knot. heres their site..
note: at step 3 going into step 4, hold the tag (to stop it pulling back and unwinding) and pull the main line. being sure to moisten as it closes to about an inch in length, the resulting knot will be a tiny "spring" shaped coil wrapping the end of the binini loop
the bionic bind requires a uniform tightening of the knot, the bristol knot never fails, just wet it and pull it tight, no need to ensure the loops are aligned or anything else. its automatic, kinda like a good uni knot, if pulled gently till tight, it will be perfect. in fact if you watch how the knot is created, it is a uni knot made in reverse, same twists with the line lock.
there is also a knot in geof wilsons books that is similar to the bristol knot, but it requires 6-8 even loops up the bimini looped line, then same 6-8 even loops back down the outside of the still perfect first loops made, trying to keep the loops evenly spaced. this is equivalent of a manually tied bimini twist. imagine tying a bimini 70 times evenly, then doing it back down the outside, one hickup and the whole knot is crap. what makes the bimini so easy to tie is that your using the tension of the twisted line to do the work, just be stead with hand and get those outer wraps neat next to each other.
a bristol knot can be tied with your eyes closed, im serious !!!
tie it once and see just how easy it is.
good luck, and be careful the fireline doesnt slice your fingers
Re the bristol knot - I used to try a similar knot using the double to wrapp the leader then pulling the double and leader up fast - same result as the bristol tho.... but the single strand of the braid double still cut the mono leader... any thoughts?
To alll those of you who are recomending these you beaut knots.
when your out fishing you need something thats quick to tie, and works.
the guy that's tieing the spider hitch , thats a great knot if your not pushing your tackle limits. but your halveing your breaking strain.
put it to the test.
see how quick you can tie these knots in a rocking boat with the wind blowing.
you need to look at quick , simple and does the job !
for a lot of esturary fishimng i use 4lb braid - no double- and i tie an albright knot on up to 20lb mono from 4lb and the only thing that changes in the knot is the number of raps of the main line you do.
and the reliability i have is pretty good.
i fished the Flathead classic last year with 4lb and 8lb - on 2 different rods .
8lb Baitcaster to 10lb leader.
cast it for 2days with no knot failure and im still useing the same rig now.
same leader with the same knot, i haven't retied anything on the reel yet and its still holding. im going bass fishing with it at maroon sunday.
i have a fishing buddy that for 4lb braid he does a double double to the main. thats 4 strands to the leader in a 30 twist bimini. to 12 or 15 lb leader.
the time taken to tie this is with pratice 4+ minites but i can tie a albright in probably 1 minite. ( wind and a rocky boat)
he still gets busted up on snags just like me, we still catch the same size fish.
the same guy wastes a lot of line by throwing away the last 5-10 metres after each trip.
most braids break well above there breaking strain anyway. so as long as your getting the line break of the line your on a winner.
most of my braid is up to 4 years old. no probs so far.
i do have new stuff but thats cos im allways looking for the ulimate line.
i think XDS is by far the finest ive found so far. but my next purchase will be the new BLUE PE braid. and when i can find some the new Platypus 2 LB braid.
i'm not saying be slack on knots but most inshore stuff is not Game fishing standard.
choose your knots accordingly.
Chasing Barra on the other hand i do go to extremes. useing plaited guderbrod hollow leaders from 30 twist bimini's and crap like that, but thats extreme conditions you don't want to get busted off on 30-40-50 lb main..
like a said just use knots to suit the fishing your doing and keep it simple.
finer the line more raps thats the only key for line to leader .
Cheers Cloud 9