Hey guys, I was out on the weekend, fishing for the usual estuary species when all of a sudden the tailor came on strong. We weren't really prepared for this, and as such we just chucked slugs, lures anything we could find on whatever outfits we were using and threw them at the schools, and picked up fish after fish (75% were undersize, but still good fun). Anyway initially I was using my plastics outfit, which is just a small silstar reel / rod loaded with 6lb fireline.
Things were going well on it, and due to most of the fish being reasonably small, this outfit was handling things fine. Until I noticed after maybe an hour of chucking slugs at the fish, that I had a knot in my braid maybe 15m from the slug. What would this be caused from and how can I stop it from happening again ? Is it more appropriate when you doing excessive spinning in short periods, to use mono ?
My other question is, I've never paid a whole heap of attention to the casting weights rated on rods, but after reading through some other posts on this board, I think I might. If a rod says 5-20g does that mean that anything heavier then 20g may cause the tip of the rod to snap or something ?
Thanks for the help guys, just want to be a bit more prepared next time something like the aforementioned events happen, cheers.