I have an alvey 2:1 ratio reel. Its fast, crank it hard and you will cauterise your guide finger.
Its a very versatile reel IMO,,, its one drawback is its a bit heavy.I recommend it , what other geared reel can you rinse off in the surf???.
G'day everyone my question is simple ,are they any good for spinning ?Main target is tailor and tuna in the surf !i found my 6000bcv too slow at times or even a 2:1 ratio reels? Please no tss4 and similar responses .
At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
his story ready to tell,
St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'
I have an alvey 2:1 ratio reel. Its fast, crank it hard and you will cauterise your guide finger.
Its a very versatile reel IMO,,, its one drawback is its a bit heavy.I recommend it , what other geared reel can you rinse off in the surf???.
Thanks for that Rando .
At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
his story ready to tell,
St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'
I think the "RR" is more for geting your unbaited hook in faster but I haven't used one so don't know just how awkward/hard to wind they would be for spining,I have given up on wearing out my old centre pin model so I'll have to pass it on to the young fella when this happens I will definately be geting the "RR" model.
I used to spin with my Alvey 650 Surf Champions for years. Always caught Tailor, Tuna & Trevally with them off the rocks in SEQ & northern NSW. Used it to spin for big australian salmon down at Cactus SA & Esperence & Albany WA.
Havn't used them in the surf for quite a while since moving to central queensland, but I'll never get rid of them, i've had one for over 25 years & it's still going strong.