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Thread: reel needed for t curve

  1. #1

    reel needed for t curve

    just bought t curve 2-5 kg 7ft rod need sugestions on what reel to suit.?????????

  2. #2

    Re: reel needed for t curve

    what r ya chasin and what price are you lookin at bowie

  3. #3

    Re: reel needed for t curve

    7ft 2-5kg I would suggest a reel in the 2500 range. match that size to which ever reel you have budgeted for.

  4. #4

    Re: reel needed for t curve

    daiwa td sol

    cant beat em for the price dont care what anyone says

    10 tiimes better than any stradic and a mate has a stella 2500 that i dont think measures up and it was $400 more and no spare spool.

    cheers matt

  5. #5

    Re: reel needed for t curve

    I agree with matthill 80, a mate off mine has that combo a 2-5 kg t-curve with 2500 daiwa sol. I also have the same reel on a different rod and cant say a bad thing about it. It is small, light weight, has a six kilo drag and will handle most things you put it up against in the bay.

    <")>< <")>< <")><

  6. #6

    Re: reel needed for t curve

    I agree with you matt, that the 2500 SOL is a great reel. But I dont agree it is nicer than the stella. The 2500 stella size only has a drag of 2.5kg, but the 3000/4000 stella has a drag of 20lb!!! I know I have all of them!

    you got to admit that the stellas are still smoother..... but a lot pricier, especially without a spare spool (cost around $130 USD)

    if your price range is around $300, thenthe Daiwa SOL is the way to go, if you have a few more bucks to spare, then I'd go the stella 3000 or 4000 for sure!! (or even a daiwa certate)

    my two cents anyway.....


  7. #7

    Re: reel needed for t curve

    Go the sole. Another happy owner here




  8. #8

    Re: reel needed for t curve

    yeah have the certate 3500hd custom and think it is one of the best reel i have ever owned love it heaps but $650 and the wife starts asking questions lol

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