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Thread: Fins or platypus super braid

  1. #16

    Re: Fins or platypus super braid

    I have the finns in 10 and 50lb. great stuff.
    Also have the Millenium hotfiber II in 20lb. also great stuff.
    Rapala titainium braid in 4,6 & 8lb. great gear again. realy supplea and strong.

    I had a spool of rapala (Squidgy) titanium braid on a baitcaster that was woeful. snapped while casting several times for no apparent reason. binned it and put the 10lb finns on....great now.

    never treid the platypus but will be giving the 2lb a go soon enough.

    cheers, roo.

  2. #17

    Re: Fins or platypus super braid

    have 50lb fins and its been great to me, never used the other stuff so I can't comment on that

  3. #18

    Re: Fins or platypus super braid

    Thanks for all your help guys

  4. #19

    Re: Fins or platypus super braid

    Hi Maxy,
    Fins is one of the braids I haven't used therefore I can't comment on it.But I have nothing but praise for the stuff from Platypus,It has been fautless.Currently using 8lb on a baitcaster for Bassin.

    As a bonus,You'll be puttin ya money back in the pockets of Australians.

    Regards hardb8

  5. #20

    Re: Fins or platypus super braid

    Havent used finns yet but the platypus is excellant. I use 2lb -50lb All good gear.The 2lb is awesome bream gear with the sustain and loomis.

  6. #21

    Re: Fins or platypus super braid

    Quote Originally Posted by rocket439
    go the australian made product.......platypus!
    Got to agree there.
    60 lbs on 20 lb superbraid

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