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Thread: light jigging

  1. #1

    light jigging

    i have a 15kg jig stick with a stradic 4000 and was going to put 30lb finns on it.will that be to light or ok.

  2. #2

    Re: light jigging

    hey mate
    sounds like it is ok, if you go much heavier you wont get much on


  3. #3

    Re: light jigging

    Are we talking deepwater jigging for Kings etc or Snapper etc on soft plastics?

  4. #4

    Re: light jigging

    What ever i can pull out of the water without breaking anything.Thanks for the replys guys.What is everyone else useing.


  5. #5

    Re: light jigging

    If chaseing Kings and AJ's in deep water with metal jigs I think your gear is going to come up short quite a bit,if you target Snapper and Pearlies with those big plastics in deep water you'll be laughing.I use a Saltiga Z40 with 80lbs braid and 150lbs leader on a T curve and drop 300 to 500 gram jigs in 60 to 100 metres of water,I still get blown away regularly.I think it will be prety hard to specificly target small fish if your after Kings etc, all the places I fish throw a mix of sizes up.

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