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Thread: Re-spooling

  1. #1


    Hi all,

    Wanting to remove all the line off my current reels and then put some new stuff on. (spinning reels). Whats the easiest way that you guys have found to do it? Any help would be great, as i havent done it before.


  2. #2

    Re: Re-spooling

    you can strip the old line by hand or rig up some sort of tube to stick in your drill which will do it much faster. Make sure you cut your old line up into little pieces so it doesn't become a health hazard to wildlife/birds at the dump.

    Soak the new spool in water for 15 minutes prior to use and make sure you tie it onto the spool with a good knot. Get a mate to hold the new spool with a stick through the middle and light pressure on either side. If you have to do it by yourself, you need to stick some sort of fixed spindle through the spool. A long nail can work. Wind it on at a moderate speed keeping light tension on the line.


    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  3. #3

    Re: Re-spooling

    the best method to remove old line is to find an older style hande caster (the ones with a sort of centre 3 spoke thing with a small hole in the centre) then get a half inch bolt, stick it trough the hole, put a nut on it to hold the spool tight, stick it in a drill and away you go, you can strip off a reel in a jiffy, I have a really big one (spool that is) and use it for several reel loads of line before I cut it off and put it in the bin, not too sure if you can understand what I have written as it is hard to describe things in text only.

  4. #4

    Re: Re-spooling

    Personally I hate waste.
    Usually the line at the bottom of your reel may never have even seen daylight and although twisty, is still in good condition.

    I convert most of my older reel line into handlines for use on the boat when you just need that extra line out...
    So to that end I buy a few handline spools and transfer the line to them by hand.


  5. #5

    Re: Re-spooling

    As all have said, drill with some pipe tubing. Discard responsibly.
    But remember not to drill it off against the drag, drill it off without putting any pressure on the drag by taking it off like it is casting out.
    You say fish, I say yes please.

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