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Gangies or single hook?
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Thread: Gangies or single hook?

  1. #1

    Gangies or single hook?

    When floating out a pillie unweighted when fishing for macs etc, should i use a set of gangies or a single hook and what size?

  2. #2

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    I do this every time I fish.
    Gamagatsu Gangsters, a flight of 3 hooks in 4/0,

    Attach a super small swivel between each hook (careul it doesnt go over the barb.... I use wilson and shogun)

    I have a 50lb mono trace of about 1.5M and a waterbomg on the mainline for flotation.

    For all your MARINE DETAILING needs

  3. #3

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    I use a single hook trough the lips just like livies,and butterfly my pillies to give em more lifelike action.
    At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
    his story ready to tell,
    St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
    Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Tony_N's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Gangies or single hook?


    If I am using pillies (I'd rather use livies), I prefer multiple hooks to help keep the pillie pinned. If floatlining I usually cast, and it is too easy to have the bait tear off with just one hook. Besides if you pin them through the back they hang in a very unconvincing way. Though I do like George's idea especially if you pinned them through the hard part on the nose rather than through the lips. Multiple hooks can be a bit bulky and will put a shy mackerel off.

    I usually use a set of 3 ganged 4/0 tru-turn hooks held together with #6 Shogun rolling swivels. I use 20- 30cms of 44lb single strand wire and 2 metres of at least 40 lb flurocarbon shock leader Sometimes use 2 4/0 octopus pattern hooks - top hook sliding snelled to the 30 cms wire, same leader


  5. #5

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    3 x 4/0 hooks for me, with a wire trace back to 20lb mono.

    i have never used the swivels between hooks Dave.

    What's the advantage there mate?


  6. #6

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin_Mike
    i have never used the swivels between hooks Dave.
    as a big fish turns the pressure on the hook below can open or crack the eye - its less of a problems in galv traditional hooks like 7766's and the like because they aren't as brittle

  7. #7

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    Thanks Mate, I will give it a go on the weekend


  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Tony_N's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    The swivels give lots more flexibility to the hooks. As Chris says, they stop any leverage of one hook against another - but they also allow for much easier pinning of the hooks in the bait and allow the bait to move more fluidly than if there were no swivels. Makes the bait less rigid on the hooks.


  9. #9

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackened
    I do this every time I fish.
    Gamagatsu Gangsters, a flight of 3 hooks in 4/0,

    Attach a super small swivel between each hook (careul it doesnt go over the barb.... I use wilson and shogun)

    I have a 50lb mono trace of about 1.5M and a waterbomg on the mainline for flotation.


    Dave, I've got some gamakatsu gangsters and am a great fan of their hooks but I haven't tried the gangs yet. They seem a bit soft and springy if you pull on the barb. The eyes also close easily inferring that they are very soft. hHve you had any straighten on you?


  10. #10

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    Mike, what the boys said above.

    Kev, I haven't even come close to straightening the hooks. I run 50lb mono back to a swivel, then 20lb platypus mono to a 6500 baitrunner on an 8kg rod.

    Give them a go, you won't be dissapointed.

    For all your MARINE DETAILING needs

  11. #11

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    Forget the gangies IMO.
    For floating pillies I use a 1/0 Mustad Penetrator snelled above a 6/0 Mustad Penetrator rigged on 50lb Platy Platinum.
    First feed the big hook through the eye and affix at the appropraite length from the top hook, ie no tension on the trace when both hooks in place.
    Rig the 1/0 through the bridge of the nose, holds mouth shut and ensures bait moves in a natural manner, pays to attend to detail here as the top hook takes all the tension.
    For spotties, same hooks on single strand stainless wire, the 1/0 is 'whipped' onto the wire with fine mono, tight but with enough slip to allow the hook to be fitted to the size of the pilly.
    Having said that, far prefer live bait for macks, floaters mainly for snapper, bonito, small yellowfin, mack tuna and northern bluefin.

  12. #12

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    If you're joining the hooks with super small swivels, how do you get them on...i.e: over the barb or eye?


  13. #13

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin_Mike
    If you're joining the hooks with super small swivels, how do you get them on...i.e: over the barb or eye?


    Over the eye. You must make sure that the barb doesnt pass through the swivel.


  14. #14

    Re: Gangies or single hook?

    Mike, what kev said. You thread the swivel through the eye prior to closing it when you make up your gangs.

    For all your MARINE DETAILING needs

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