Just a short note to give Ausfish members the heads up on buying S.P from the states. I'm not sure if AQIS have some new guidelines or been given a tip off on this one.
I love bass fishing and I love making my own bits to catch them with. I often find lures or jigs in the states that I can't get from my local tackle shop or by mail order in Australia. I recently purchased some jigs and skirts online from a store in the states. While looking at their range I found some 7 inch berkly gulp jerkshad which looked good for snapper. Not having seen these in Oz I grabbed a couple of packs.
Heres the thing....I now have in my hot little hands a letter from AQIS stating.......
"Your mail did not meet Australian quaranteen requirements", they contain other biologicals and are being help pending further investigation.
After sapeaking with Dagmar, yes thats his name and yes he was very difficult to understand... he also knows bugger all about fishing. It seems I have to produce a manufacturers MSD for the products before they can release them, of get an import permit!
The real problem is that there are 2 packets of Gulps in the package and given their claims and the liquid in the packets I can understand they would be a concern to AQIS. However upon opening the package Dagmar finds that only 1 item has any discription of whats contained in the lures. So until I can provce whats in my envisin jigs and Bass stalkers they are all being held.
The long and the short of it is I really want my toys but it seems that the process will take all the gloss off the whole show. The order cost me $100 Au and although not a heap of money it still stings a little given that I have 2 dozen packets of gulps in my tackle box (all of which were purchased locally).