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Thread: High Speed Reels

  1. #16

    Re: High Speed Reels

    crafty they are the goods as far as buying speed and distance in a spinning reel , if you are looking for speed and distance in over heads you cant go past Avet with the Salitis 50 H not to far behind only the drag still needs some work ,Leigh

  2. #17

    Re: High Speed Reels

    Yeah Leigh, one day soon I will be getting one of those avets. I have a 40H for boat work and light casting duties, but am definitely eyeing off an avet. How do the 2 speed avets go for casting? and do you mount them high up on the rod or low down?


  3. #18

    Re: High Speed Reels

    up high and the two speed is well worth having when you need real pulling power with strength

  4. #19

    Re: High Speed Reels


    I spent a bit of time on the net and put the following together.

    TSS4 48/-/-/-/-
    Stella 10000 47/65/15/31/1029
    Torium 46/20/-/23/289
    Tyronus 45/33/4/36/269
    TSM4 44/11/-/20/199
    Sustain 6000/8000 42/24/6/-/429
    Stradic 6000/8000 42/24/4/-/299
    Stella 6000 42/44/15/-/-
    Stella 80000 40/44/15/-/965
    Spheros 12000 39/20/4/-/219
    Spheros 8000 35/20/3/-/-
    TLD 25 32/17/-/-/-
    TLD 15 30/15/-/-/-

    Saltiga Z8000GT 50.4/-/14/28/1139
    Emblem 48/-/6/24/269
    Saltist 50TH 47/-/4/25/289
    Sealine SH50?? 44/-/4/20/189
    Saltiga 50 36/-/6/25/729

    I only want to try jigging without spending too much, and I will probalby only get out a few times a year anyway.

    I tend to favour overheads (although threadlines are more versitile), and from what I have read speed is important. On these criteria, incredibly, the Diawa Sealine may be the best - 44in retrieve, overhead and $189. Lever drag too! Will it last though. Next would be the Saltist or Torium.

    For threadlines, the daiwa Emblem seems the best mix of speed, cost and BBs.

    So is the Sealine or Emblem strong enough even for an ocassional jigger. Probably will start with 50lb braid.


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