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SP snapper reel
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Thread: SP snapper reel

  1. #1

    SP snapper reel

    Wat reel would be suitable for using sps to target snapper.

    Daiwa Tierra
    Daiwa Exceler
    Shimano Symetre

    I will be putting the reel on a 3-6 kg rod

  2. #2

    Re: SP snapper reel

    all of those reels will work for u, my pick is the tierra from the1s uve listed. however, id be looking at spending fraction more and going to the diawa SOL 3000, if that hasnt got enough line capacity for u, go to the caldia kix

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: SP snapper reel

    iI use shimano sedona 2500 for 3 and 4 kg line comes with 2 spools on a 7 ft raider rod and for heavier shimano sedona 4000 both great reals and have the same features as symetre reels at about $100 cheaper I run the 4000 on a 7ft 6 shimano steve starling squidgie rod have not lost a fish on these reels yet touch wood great reels
    live to fish work to live

  4. #4

    Re: SP snapper reel

    g,day scottstar
    worth throwing the penn affinity 4000 into the mix as well for around $150 they have an ultra smooth drag and are capable of stopping some big fish . i've been using mine on snapper and tuna in the bay on a 3-5kg pinn point for a while now and it's still performing good as new. sundown marine will look after you re the price as well being an ausfisher .
    cheers swano

  5. #5

    Re: SP snapper reel

    I'm using the Penn Affinity 4000 as well. Very nice solid feel to it and smooth as


  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Roo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: SP snapper reel

    I've got the Symetre 4000,2500 and 750. You can guess i supose that i've been happy with them. they have a few extra features than the sedona such as metal body and 6.0:1 retreive rate and super slow occilation system, but thats not to say the sedona wouldn't be an excellent reel for the bay snapper on SP. I would have to agree with swano and horse tho' . the penn affinity is a sweet reel, and really tough construction. I have a 6000 and 8000 size penn applause which are similar to the affinity and i would rate them highly (in the smaller sizes) for this kind of fishing too.

    Cheers, roo.

  7. #7

    Re: SP snapper reel

    i have been looking at these for the same application.I prefer Diawas & have decided on the tierra. Is a $100 dearer than the Exceler, both have same features except, the Tierra has a washable drag system, air bail & 5 year warranty, Exceler only has 1 year warranty.
    if you decide on the Tierra check campbells protackle, they are way cheaper than i could find in Brisbane, the Excelers are the same $129 @capt blighs,

    here is test on smaller model scrubs up pretty well..

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member StevenM's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: SP snapper reel

    Go the Tierra

    Hey that report is worth the read as well




  9. #9

    Re: SP snapper reel

    all depends how much you want to spend and how long you want it to last. In my view, the Shimano Stradics are one the best value for money reels on the market.


  10. #10

    Re: SP snapper reel

    shimano stradic 4000 plus ian miller snapper raider AWESOME! however there have been times when I wished I had the 6000 on. having to jam your thumb down on the spool because some unexpected monster (not a snapper) has headed for the horizon. Oh and by the way I am a daiwa man believe it or not. However for the money this setup is almost unbeatable. I use it to flick 40-60 gram raiders at spotties when they are around also. However for most other applications I prefer my daiwas

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