I was just reading an interesting thread where Bushbasher and Tony were discussing drag ratings of certain reels and also line ratings of rods. I guess I`m a little curious as to how a manufacturer comes up with figures for their product. Thinking more in terms of rods, I`m wondering is the line rating that in which a rod might break when pushed outside the line weight boundaries....(ie. a rod rated at say 4 to 8kg would break when attempting to lift a 10kg weight)....or is it a guide to what weight the rod will perform at it`s best....or as bushbasher put it..."where the curve of the rod under load is in it's "sweet spot". ??? I guess if the first is the case then why have the bottom end of the rating.....surely only the "max" weight would be the important figure? And in the second case just how far would it be safe to go outside the boundary before you risk breakage? Would be really interested to hear peoples opinions on the subject. Cheers!