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Thread: Shimano Cruxis

  1. #1

    Shimano Cruxis

    Hey, just after some help for my brother, he has a bantam curado that he wants to load with 15kg braid for impoundment barra, however he is a little worried that the reel will be no good as the drag pressure is very limited? He is thinking of getting a cruxis intead and keeping the curado for bass. Will the cruxis handle the barra or would the bantam curado do the trick, or are neither of them a good option?

    cheers mat

  2. #2

    Re: Shimano Cruxis

  3. #3

    Re: Shimano Cruxis

    the curado may not do the trick as to the amount of line it may hold and the size of the drag washers in the smaller reel. The cruix is the lowest in the shimano range that i would go, the citica is a far better reel for the bit extra dollars. Id be getting jack erskine drag washers in whatever reel i was planning to use as well. Otherwise hed be better served going up to a calcutta or diawa luna or another (larger) curado

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