Maybe you could attach the stinger to the main hook with a good quality swivel which will enable it to swing freely from the rear end of your slicks.
Hey roo, if you wanted the treble to swing it would be fairly easy to haywire twist a bit of single strand wire between the front hook and the eye of the treble. You could still insert via the same anatomical orifice.
just noticed keepits post - not a bad idea You'd probly need a split ring to join the swivel to the treble
Last edited by Tony_N; 17-01-2007 at 02:18 PM.
I reckon the wire would be better, but do you need it to swing around??? maybe better to be semi locked in position
I reckon it'd be better swinging. Most hardbodied lures have swinging trebles rather than fixed hooks (could be just manufacturers convenience though I s'pose) - and also I'd like to see it a bit further back on the lure. I had some Javallons that kept getting the area behind the hook nipped off. If it swung it could be further back without affecting the action of the tail.
I should be fishing