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Thread: Causeway Lake 04/03/02

  1. #1

    Causeway Lake 04/03/02

    Went fishing midday... Had about 30 - 40 knot winds. (thank god the rain kept away).

    Was very quiet. in the 4 hours i was there (11am - - 3pm)

    1 barra was hooked onto. it was well over 1m in length... but due to the guy not having enough line on his rod the fish spat the hook as the drag got turned tighter.
    2 cod were caught both around the 1.5kg mark.. i caught one of them.

  2. #2

    Re: Causeway Lake 04/03/02

    Onya Jason, I've fishied that lake in my travells and netted a couple of good flathead. Seen Barra taken in the overflow area. I've also seen monster stingrays in the lake caught at the entrance to the causeway.

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  3. #3

    Re: Causeway Lake 04/03/02

    yup.. i've seen the stingrays... it actually jumped out 5 m from the barra today. had me confused as to what he had hooked up.

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