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Thread: 2002 King of the Pin results

  1. #1

    2002 King of the Pin results

    2002 King of the Pin results
    (All weights are gutted and gilled fish)

    Bream - T Filipovic – 1.764kg / runner up J Davies 1.636.
    Whiting – S Kleinschmidt 536g / runner up A Fishel 526g.
    Flathead (must be under 60cm) - D Hirning 1.338kg / runner up J Bartlet 1.272kg
    Jew - Brad Bernard 14.7kg / Runner up Nugget 14.1kg
    Tailor - R Watt 922g / runner up E Seal 600g

    Bream – K Hammel 892kg
    Whiting – J Pullinger 446kg
    Flathead – B Monger 1.010kg
    Jew – T Enchmann 2.350kg
    Tailor B Smith 1.662kg (bigger than the seniors!)

  2. #2

    Re: 2002 King of the Pin results

    Congrats on the Jew win mate.
    I spent three days at the Pin trying to ctach one a couple of weeks back and failed miserably.
    Don't give away too much but what's your technique. Are you a sandworm jew fisherman or a flesh bait.
    Just wondering

  3. #3

    Re: 2002 King of the Pin results

    Hi Bugman - I have to give the credit to some lessons I had from fellow Bush 'N Beach contributor Tye Porter.
    Tye has been live baiting the surf in northern NSW for quite a while and his success is phenomenal.
    I've tried the technique unsuccessfully in the past but Tye showed me the secrets and more importantly what I was doing wrong (using too small a mullet).
    I'm hoping his next article in BNB will go into detail on the techniques.
    I'm yet to see anyone in Qld doing it - and my first efforts last weekend during the King of the Pin comp were amazing - 6 jew to 16.5 kg - all caught within four hours of each other.

    Cheers for now.

    Dave ><>

  4. #4

    Re: 2002 King of the Pin results

    Bl*%#dy Hell Dave, when my good mate Brad Bernard sees this report with his name mispelt, he'll be cranky. That was a big effort for Brad, and He says he done quiet well in the Flathead area as well.

    He also has to thank you for your June BnB report on the Pin area. He's been donging large bream down there thanks to you.

    Buy the way, Brads in the Tyre game, so should the need arise, give me a tingle here and we''ll assist.
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #5

    Re: 2002 King of the Pin results

    Hi Phil - As I wasn't on the KOTP committee this year, my only source of results was the "on stage blackboard" which typically spells names wrong and quite often only has initials.
    I had a chat to Brad at the weigh-in and he seemed like a great bloke – freely giving details of his great catch.
    My apologies to Brad and I will fix up the spelling of his name straight away.

    Dave ><>

  6. #6

    Re: 2002 King of the Pin results

    Here's a pic of Brads winning Jewie.
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

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