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Thread: The Weekend at Cleveland

  1. #16

    Re: The Weekend at Cleveland


    make sure the bloody thing's stable - see my post under Murphy's Law........
    took me a while, a swim and a lost rod or 2 to work out the stability thing.
    eventually got my 3 year old son to grab my line and go for a run - he's built like a brick sh%^&thouse, so I figured if he couldn't pull everything over I was pretty safe.

  2. #17

    Re: The Weekend at Cleveland

    oh by the way ..dont knock the taste of salted pillies till you try em
    unless they have spent a year in a plastic bucket with a lid on and crammed at the back of the garage eh Joe? lol
    cheers jack
    p.s joe I reckon that berley we took along to sand pumping jetty must have scared the crap out of the fish nevermind attract em

  3. #18
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: The Weekend at Cleveland

    onya jack...
    unless they have spent a year in a plastic bucket with a lid on and crammed at the back of the garage eh Joe?
    lets get the facts right first eh... what I tipped into the oceon was 3 yrs old bottom of the man I wouldnt eat that if you paid me ROFLMAO. Was some good stuff tho eh...

  4. #19

    Re: The Weekend at Cleveland

    you ever heard of pipes that run sewage from the factories into the sea?
    what I tipped into the oceon was 3 yrs old bottom of the bucket

    Was some good stuff tho eh...

    cheers jack

  5. #20
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: The Weekend at Cleveland

    Geez onya jack that was all good natural stuff i.e pilchards n the juice .. waaaaaaaaaa

  6. #21

    Re: The Weekend at Cleveland

    mate, whatever was in that bucket was not natural

    nah I know what ya mean all natural.
    By the way got an idea put some pilchards in a bucket forget about them (your good at that evidently) and then remember them in a couple of years and sell em as antiques
    cheers jack

  7. #22

    Re: The Weekend at Cleveland

    Hi all
    way down here in tassie when the snotty trevally (wahoo) are running at Stanley you cant buy chicken in town because its all being used for bait, been the best bait for as long as i can remember been using it for 30 years. also use it sometimes for flatties, mullet, sweep, depends on how you slice it i think and put on the hook, it can be made look like a lot of ntural food.

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