Left the river at 5am, 2 on board anew
southwind 640. seas 1m, wind 12kts
tide outgoing, headed to the wreck
near the coffee pots to collect some
livies, not many around. Then off to
the 10m contour between the 2 card'l
east side mud, anchored up wind of a
deep hole we know. Few boats about
especially close to mud inshore. gear
2 x shimano tr200g on 7'6" shimano
signatures. loaded with 20lb whiplash
and 17lb vanish leaders. Bait fresh
squid,humble pillies and dead livies,
left the drain plug open, and couldnt
revive them when we got there.
Started berleying with pellets, to get
a trail going.last of the outgoing.
Set a couple of floaters with 4ball,
squid and butterflied the dead livies.
After tide turned started burley with
cubed squid/pilly(10min gaps).
Frst strike 1hr after tide turned, to
anxious and missed. Some small squire released.(wind picking up)
not long after first good strike and
boated a 65cm squire. So set a third
line. Berled a bit heavier. Half way
thru a Bundy and coke and myshimano
buckled and the reel screamed, let it
run lifted the rod and set the gear,
hookup line still peeling, tighten drag
a touch and started the fight, good
fish on the end, abt 14 min later, the
biggest Snapper i've caught in the bay
or offshore was beening gaffed and
brough aboard, then Geoff shimano
did the same and abt the same time
later we had a identical twin on board.
1st 6.7kg 2nd 6.9kg. both congrats
each other, one on squid one on
reset the line again (wind up around
15kts + pushing incoming tide) geting
choppy. (noticed when we had strikes
there were a lot of bait fish coming
thru) . Few more hits but no hook ups
Said 3 decent fish was good enough
so headed to s/e cnr mud for a try
at some bream.. landed few small
ones, so headed home like lot of boat
entered the river abt 2.00pm and home.
(the old saying fishing wind/tide same
driection worked for us)