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The Wife thinks were all MAD
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Thread: The Wife thinks were all MAD

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Was just reading some of the reports here today and was chuckling to myself.The wife asked what i was laughing at so I read her some of the reports.
    She said All fisherman are mad. ???
    I dont understand it, reports of losing gear, boats floating away, camping in the rain and the wind blowing like buggery, rolling cars to get to the favourite spot.
    Why do we do it ?????

    cause we bloody can I said . She still doesn't get it. Must be a man thing I said....

    cheers to all

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Hi All Me thinks all woman think the same! As mine darling wife agrees with your wife . Do they all think the same?
    Now how of you Brave Fishman would be insane enough to hold a survey on this point . Lol Lol
    Harry .
    P.S not me me chicken lol lol

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    One word Pockets........................JEALOUSY!!!!!!!!

  4. #4

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    And if anyone tells them that fishing and camping is fun may they be tarred and feathered for being so stupid.Don't let our secret out fellas.

  5. #5

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Hi All
    Well I don't have that problem. My good wife is a hardcore full on fishing nut. She can cast a fly left and right handed, uses a baitcaster lelft and right handed. She is always rummaging through the tackle box sharpening trebles, changing split rings etc. She can reverse a trailer till the cows come home and is a very competent skipper. I have got used to being outfished in every aspect of our great sport
    I sympathise with you blokes, but have never been in strife for being over the top when it comes to going fishing.

  6. #6

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Are you really really sure she's a women dazza? lol.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Addict
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    Sep 2001

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    I don't know I think the women are right at times..there have been many occasions I have thought to myself "WHAT AM I DOING OUT HERE" rain, strong winds, boat up on its side, bogged vehicle..and yet when i reminisce i can laugh...but at times my life was on the line and it was damn scary..not so silly these days.

  8. #8

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    100% Grunta,
    Mate I'm not complaining. She was the one who pushed me to get a new 4 stroke a while back, had to have power trim and tilt and electric start (she had the shits with lifting the old one up and down and having to pull start it) Who am I to argue

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Yeah Pockets,

    Mine's the same - she can't understand why I grumble if she wants me to get up early on the weekend to do stuff with her, but it's okay for me to get up at 3:00 a.m. to go fishing....... or it's okay for me to fish all night, but she should get up if the kids have a nightmare.

    Then there's the time I came home after midnight all scratched, bleeding and half drowned from diving across the concrete and sliding into the drink to save my rod (which was attached to something HUGE). But if she asked me to get up on the roof to clean the gutters out, I tell her it's too bloody dangerous......

    I just don't see why they can't understand us ????

  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    I should start a poll here whatever happened to the SNAG..sensitive new age guys should thank your lucky stars you have a woman that puts up with your you have warm food on the table..someone to caress you..etc..etc..when you come home from a trip. try being married to a woman that wont eat fish because the hook or net hurts them..i am single now but would give my left leg for a woman that likes thankfull for what and who you have..because you are surely blessed..take some time off and show the ladies how much you love them...BET YOU DON'T SHOW THEM THIS POST

  11. #11

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Hi all
    Sorry Jaybee show the wife this page the other day and she was surprized that I had not replyed as yet well Pockets you no my wife and like the rest she states that the nut house has room for more people or fisherman. 8)
    what with the fact that we spend time out on the boats in the middle of winter when there is a nice warm bed and loving wife there who some times states don't forget your jumper again ??? or do you want me to move your side of the bed to the boat and then when it is raining cats and dogs getting blown aroud the place we fisherman feel at home anyway cause we can cop the same strom at home on a crystal clear night but hay that is half the fun of fishing and you can rest asure when she reads this the storm will be over my place that will be another good reason to go fishing but then the best part is I'll come home to that nice warm bed that make's you apprecicate what is waiting for you at home hot meals, showers and loving arms i must be one of the lucky ones my wife loves fishing to but not the cold nights

  12. #12

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Hi Guys,

    Part of me thinks I'm insane for responding to this post - but anyway you sparked me into signing up - I would like to say that not all women think your mad, as a matter of fact some guys would too! It's actually some 'people' who would think you are mad - I can say that from personal experience - and it is not based on gender! I blame social conditioning for the fact that some women are excluded from all the fun stuff you have been discussing.

    I am at my best doing all that - my ideal day is waking at the crack of dawn (yes, in winter too!) and doing some form of fishing. It is more often than not combined with camping and beer.

    So please don't put all women in the same category of thinking you are mad because some of us are just as mad as you are!

    See you out there!

  13. #13

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    >Gees fellas I told you not to let our secret out, now we'll have to stay at home and do the wife thing while THEY go out and have all the fun.
    What ever happened to wife.
    I ...ironing
    F ...บบบบบบบ
    E ...etc

  14. #14
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Good onya lindy..ya mans a lucky guy to have a woman that will sit around a fire and drink a beer with him as well as fish..should be more women like you. But like I said in a previous post..I have often wondered "What am I doing out here"

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: The Wife thinks were all MAD

    Sheez Jaybee, Its a wondering you have a wife the amount of time you spend on your puter When do you find time to wet a line mate
    mine asks me everytime i walk in the door "ain't you going fishing", Always wondered why that same car keeps driving down our street.

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