Hi All.

I was at the Pin from Monday through Sunday last week - based at the Slipping Sands. Weather was pretty good, apart from Monday afternoon when it blew very hard and got quite cold.

Fishing was tough - not a lot about but I did get some very nice whiting. Best was 38cm and smallest was 32cm. All came from around Squire Is and the bait was worms. A few bream about but hard to find.

Plenty of chopper tailor around but not feeding in schools. They were hungry though as I got a few on worms!

Flathead were about but also difficult to find. Best landed was 70cm which was released. One of the guys had a larger one at the side of the boat but it did the headshake just as it was being netted and swam off.

Lots of crabs around too - but mostly undersize or females. I was fishing a few times near the yellow marker at the eastern end of Crusoe and consistently fed the crabs there. I got one nice Sandy into the boat and a huge muddy about 3 metres from the boat but it finally let go - damn! Must try a pot or dilly there next time.

All in all a good time. Back there in about 3 weeks so I hope the crabbing will be better.

