howdy guys
well out of the 2259 members on here bit disapointing to see 7 people turn up! But luckily they were the cheerful bunch alright. Me and brent got there early about 5:00am and had a fish around wello. I caught a 29cm Bream and a legal sandcrab. Went back and had a few drinks and had something to eat. Learned some new stuff (I have to say this or the blokes would shoot me) and had an overall great time as im sure all the rest did. I reckon we should have another meet n greet sometime even if its not near water at all just a big gathering of ausfishers, anyone who can make it and could put it up early, so people could get time off work. Well I must say these M n G are a huge success in my books just have to get a few more blokes to come.
cheers jack