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Thread: Lindy's First Blackfish

  1. #1

    Lindy's First Blackfish

    In the broadwater this morning in a sheltered spot off the main channel north of the mouth of the coomera river, Lindy scored this 41cm Blackfish on a worm

    I wasn't expecting much today, the water was very muddy and even in a sheltered spot the wind was an issue. I had just thrown a couple of lines in and was just ignoring them, reading the paper with a cup of tea in hand, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet on a Sunday morning. I looked over to see Lindy get a bite and then she was on - It swam strongly but not fast and I picked it for a ray but once it got to the surface we could see it was a nice fish and a bit more excitement added to the day! After a couple of tense moments we had it safely in the net and Lindy has caught her first Blackfish!

    A couple of undersize bream and a crab were the only other hook ups for the day


  2. #2

    Re: Lindy's First Blackfish

    Hey SteveCan

    Excellent fish. It really pays to specialise..!

    I was wondering if you had another pic with Lindư actually in it with the fish.

    If so, I'd be more than happy to publish it next month in BNB Fishing, along with an expanded version of your report. Let me know what you and Lindy think. Many thanks. Ron Collins.

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