Took the kids out in Tweed River today for a fun day on the water and a picnic. Now - four kids under seven in a 16 footer is not exactly conducive to focussed fishingTo make matters worse - our usual beside the road worm seller was out today so we were left with the option of frozen bait from the servo - the bait of last resort.
So I rigged up some of those soft plastic grubs that have been sitting neglected in the tackle box for the last couple of months. Surprise surprise - first cast bagged a small flatty about 30 cm - my first soft plastic catch! We had stopped the boat to put sunscreen on the kids and I threw the plastic over the side when we were drifting. A little while later while the kids were swimming off the back I threw in again and scored a very nice 32 cm whiting! Now, I have never caught a whiting on any sort of lure before so that was a very pleasant surprise.
We probably only had about 30 minutes of disjointed fishing, so to get the bites through the middle of the day was very encouraging. Now we have options for the river when outside is looking sus.So - where do I read more about softies and the tweed?