Today, some members of Ausfish ( Phill, Brian, Brett, Phil, Peter and Simon ), went for the visit to the Southern Fisheries Research Centre at Deception Bay.
Terry Healy from QFS was also in attendance with Dave Bateman from Sunfish and John Chrome.
Dr Wayne Sumpton and Dr John Kirkwood were our hosts.
We were given a small presentation on the make-up of the centre and how it runs and what it does. Taken on a guided tour and had an informal chat and afternoon tea.
Insight was gained through question and answers on subjects ranging from financing to Tailor growth rates, from objectives to earbones ?
Well, one thing of note is that after all the years of research on Snapper, why some have bumps and others don't is THE $64,000 Question.
It came across that the folks that work there are "into ' fishing and their work relating to fishing. Wayne Sumpton has the best job in Qld, that's a fact.
The centre covers a very broad spectrum of research in varied areas, including Turtle Excluder Nets for Trawlers, Freshwater studies, fish habitat, crab species, etc.
The case for Snapper research has been monitored with a tagging program having been undertaken in the past years.
At this stage, the input from the recreational fisherman is minimal, but Sunfish has been conducting phone surveys and various Gov dept's having been seen at boat ramps doing a kreel count.
So, if anyone has any questions regarding Snapper, particularly in Moreton Bay, please feel free to post the question and it will be refered to the right Department. If a type or number of questions are of a similar nature, the SFC will take on board these, and investigate further.
I feel everyone else who attended, should post their thoughts and what they gleaned from the afternoon.
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