Fished the shipping channel beacons saturday morning with peter and mr ausfish, mainly the 4 beacons and scored a few schoolies and a couple of spotties.
Change of tide and the macks disappeared, so bottom fished the neilson withno luck, then it was trolling the edges of the shipping channel, with peter scoring the only hookup, on mann +30 would you believe a bloody great grinner
Headed back to the 4's and only scored 1 more, before heading back to whyte is in a 25kt gusting 30kt n/easterly.
Then it was over to phill to tow the sportfish up to hervey bay. saturday arvo.
Sunday left urangan at 4am and ran into a stiff 20n/easterly all the way to roonies, chase a few boils, but could find a spottie, then we did some drifting over some nice looking reef structure, scoring 1 undersize red and phills catch of the reef adventure a 1.5m tiger shark, which he played with for awhile before busting him off.
started heading back to harbour, when we saw another boil, and this is when the mayhem started, bloody spotties everywhere and i mean everywhere thousands of them, swimming around the bottom, we couldnt believe it, within 1 hour we had bagged our quota of 20 for the four of us.
and could have boated a 100 .
Cragie had the best fishing fun of his life scoring his first spottied and loosing a few slug to boot, but it was one mayhem hour with spottied coming or the side of rebait as fast as we could dong them and throw on ice.
Rebait look like someone had been murdered on board withg blood everywhere.
the rest of the boys will have there say, so heres some pics of the weekend.
schoolie from moreton bay