launched at about 4.30am with the forecast light variable winds replaced by a 15-20 knot NE. Sloppy outside, with several boats coming back in as we were heading out. Went down to Caloundra to fish for mackerel. Trolled lures on 6 kg outfits for an hour, then baits. Damon33 had a hit on a rigged bonito which failed to bite through but classic mackerel shape to the bite marks. I also had hits on my pilchards which failed to hook up. There were some schools of mixed mack and longtail tuna around, but we didn't bother chasing them. We trolled lures on 6 gk and 4 kg outfits again all the way back to Mooloolaba into the slop, and pulled out at 10 am. Oh well, next time!