Gday all
headed up friday afternoon and took a guy from my work up in his 5 mtr savage to give him the DI experience. Had a quick fish in close only find the sharks in good numbers and eating any fish that was half decent. Saturday was dead flat and fished around the 8-16 mile region picking up pearlies, Jobfish, sweetlip, moses perch, parrot and maori cod. Fished some good reef on dark and picked up some good snapper and moses perch. bagged out on snapper and pearlies so went trolling sunday morning for macks but could only manage a couple of long tails. Headed to spot in close to make up the parrot numbers and they soon came aboard in good numbers and also hussar, pearlies(which went back) nannygai (scarlet sea perch) and also Amberjack.
It was time to head back in with the esky over flowing but i would try around the bay area towards Rainbow beach for some spotties but could only manage some good sized mac tuna which were coming aboard thick and fast so we called it quits and headed home. Bloody great weather and fishing unreal. My hands look like they have been through a mincer but thats how you know you have had a top weekend [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]sorry good fish pics have been kept for articles
Cheers Greg