gday all
Well since the weather man has stuffed it up again and we sit at home while theres barely a breeze i thought i would have a quick fish down at a little spot Xvery close to cleveland point off the banks. Got down there just before dark and berlyed up for a half hour and caught 5 bream the biggest 35cm and 1 tailor that went 38cm. Bait was mullet Gut and Mullet strips.Found the fish would bite the gut and soon leave the bait but the mullet was the trick. all fish where caught at the top of the tide in a half hour time period before the tide really turned and the moon started shinning. After that not a touch. A little less moon and the fishing would have been good. But i got a quick fishing fix for the weekend but it just isnt the same as pulling in reds and pearlies
Cheers Greg