i fished barwon banks last saturday night and again last night both for top results. the snapper were thick in numbers and size, my personal taley was 19 with 5 over 6kilos the largest 7.2kilo. fellow anglers on board returned simular results including young mick (14yrs) who showed most of us up! we arrived home this morning with our bag limit of 20 snapper and 20 pearlys so all our friends and nieghbours will be feasting tonight.we did encounter alot of yellow tail kingings as well as our backs can comferm today. the fish bit consistantly with the bigger ones chewing at 7pm and again around 11.saw no other boats but did encounter humpbacks one of which i hooked up on, im sure i turned him before i lost 300 mtrs of line.conditions were windy but comfortable and the current running north i fished the 100mtr contour for anyone interested , c-ya foxy.( ps il post some photos later today)